

The warm morning sun was shining on my skin, erasing the coolness of the dew that had fallen on me. The ground beneath me was hard and several jagged rocks were digging into my back. I knew that I should have been feeling some amount of pain from it, but I was only feeling a slight pressure. I couldn?t feel much of anything except the heat from the morning sun and the sore scratchy feeling in my throat. My head was foggy, almost like I had been drugged. I wasn?t sure why the scratching was turning into an awful burning sensation.

I felt intensely thirsty, like I had been walking in the desert for days. All of my thoughts were bouncing around in my head. They were all distorted pictures about what had happened. Erratic flashes of his face, his smile, and the old, broken down bench that we sat on swirled violently in my memory. All of it, moving too fast for me to understand at the moment. The only part that was clear was that I had been attacked by the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen.

I was not sure why he attacked me. Nothing came to mind that would have given him a reason. All I remembered was talking to him and being as polite as possible. The reality that I didn?t know him should have made me more cautious of going away from the party alone with him. The thought that he would hurt me hadn?t crossed my mind at all. Now I know that it should have. I wish that it had. Worst of all, my attacker had been so mesmerizing; he had my attention from the very second I had laid my eyes on him.

Why had he left me here alive? I had seen his face clearly and I am certain that I would be able to recognize him if I saw him again. There was no way I would forget that face. He had been so striking, just looking at him had made my heart race. I can remember my breath trapped in my chest the first time his eyes met mine. The interest that I had in him must have clouded my judgment. Now, I wish I had been more careful. I wish I had been less trusting.

Out of all the questions I had, all I wanted to know was why hadn?t he killed me? The idea of attacking a person and them leaving them alive to tell the story makes no sense. It was either that he wanted to get caught or he simply didn?t care. Either way, I was at the mercy of what he had done.

Before I could gather my thoughts enough to figure out how I had ended up here the anger hit me. If I had wronged him, or in some way I had deserved this it would have been different. But I hadn?t. How could I have deserved this? Honestly, I don?t think that I have ever done anything bad to anyone.

Up until now I had never been in a physical fight or any disagreement that resulted in violence. I have never been a violent person. In school I had not belonged to any particular clique . The majority of my peers liked me. The nerds, musicians, gothic kids, and the jocks and cheerleaders were all welcoming of me. Even the most popular students never had a problem with me. My picture was placed in the yearbook beside “Best All-Around” category. My mother had always told me that attitude is everything and that I should always treat people the way that I would want them to treat me. Her words have always been present in my mind.

As I thought of my mother the tears began to roll. I had always been what other people describe as the perfect child. No matter what the issue, I had never disrespected either of my parents and I had always done what I was told. My mother has told me several times that I am a blessing to her. The first time I made the decision to disobey her had proved to be as horrible as I had always thought it would be.

As I thought of my mother the tears began to roll. I had always been what other people describe as the perfect child. No matter what the issue, I had never disrespected either of my parents and I had always done what I was told. My mother has told me several times that I am a blessing to her. The first time I made the decision to disobey her had proved to be as horrible as I had always thought it would be.

I had gone to the party against her will. She had been strongly against it, but I could not understand why she had said that parties are dangerous. After sitting down and hearing her explain issues about drugs, alcohol and sex I still couldn?t understand. Maybe it was because I was naïve about the wrong that could happen in the world.

The party that I had attended was my very first one. All my friends from school were there. Our school year had recently ended and this was the post-graduation party. I had been there for an hour or so before he caught my eye. My attraction to him was immediate. So much so that I couldn?t keep myself from watching his every move.

He had an ease about him. His movements were like he was floating above the floor. The room no longer felt crowded and his presence was the only thing that had my attention. Nothing else seemed to matter to me. I had been so caught up in watching him that I hadn?t noticed that someone was calling my name.

I broke out of my stupor to respond, but my words came out slow and had a degree of disorientation in them that the girl next to me noticed. “Are you okay?”

I realized the concern in her voice and looked at her immediately. Trying to shake off my stunned state of mind I replied to her. “Yes. I?m sorry. I must have been lost in thought.” My excuse was so absurd that we both begun to laugh. We talked for a few minutes. Both of us had taken an English class together and she had came up to me to say hello. I didn?t know her that well, but she was friendly enough. Our conversation was short and by the time she had walked away I realized I had lost sight of the mysterious guy who had captivated me so deeply moments before. I frantically searched the room for him, but he wasn?t there. I had expected him to be surrounded by a massive group of girls that would be desperate for his attention, but that wasn?t the case. He had disappeared.

Before I could stop myself I had started walking around the room trying to search for him. I thought this might help me accidently bump into him if he hadn?t already decided to leave.

I had looked everywhere, but there was no sign of him. That was my luck. I had always been the last one to speak up and the first one to allow someone else to sweep in and take an opportunity. In my mind I was beating myself up over the fact that I had been too scared to walk over to him and start a conversation. How hard could it have been?

The party had instantly become boring and I didn?t want to stay there any longer. Deciding that I was going to go home, I started making my way around the room saying my good-byes. With him gone there wasn?t a good reason for me to stay any longer that I had already stayed. Not to mention, I was starting to fell regretful about going against my mother and coming to the party after all. Maybe if I hurry I can get back home before she gets off from work. Then tonight will be a secret. What she doesn?t know won?t hurt either of us.

I had opened the door to leave, but someone was standing right outside it. The guy was almost blocking my exit. I muttered a feeble attempt at an “Excuse me” and tried to go around him. I felt my back brush against him as I passed. Electricity flowed through my skin with such power that I shuddered.

“I?m sorry. I didn?t mean to be in your way.” The guy said. His voice sounded like a melody that only an angel could sing. I turned around to tell him that it was fine and that he wasn?t in my way, but as soon as I seen his face my breath once again was caught in my chest and there was no way that I could speak a word.

It was him. I was now face to face with the guy that had me reeling head-over-heals moments before.

His face had been only inches away and his pale blue eyes burned into mine. I had a strong feeling that there was something off about him. There was something wrong with him, unnatural, and extremely dangerous. I hadn?t noticed that we were completely alone. Everyone else was inside enjoying the party. Who cared, I was just stoked that he had chosen me instead of some other girl. I wanted to be the one he wanted to talk to. I wanted him to be as intrigued by me as I was by him.

He must have seen that I was speechless because he started trying to make small talk. I found myself hanging on every word that he spoke. It only took a short time for me to loosen up and be more comfortable around him. I am a nervous type person to begin with, especially around guys.

I hadn?t ever had a boyfriend before. From time to time I had several crushes, but nothing that developed into anything more than that. This made me feel more out of my element than anything else could have.

We had walked away from the party before I had realized it.. No one else was around and that had made me more uneasy than I was before. But I was determined to make the best of the chance that I had to make a good impression. Everything inside me wanted him to be mine, but I knew that I was getting ahead of myself.

He was my age, around eighteen, but something had told me that he was older. That had been the first alarm to go off in my head, one that I had ignored. I wish that I hadn?t.

Now I hated that decision more than any other I had ever made. I had been so stupid. I knew better than to be alone with someone I didn?t know. There just was something about him. Something that had made me feel at ease in his presence. He should have killed me for being such a bleary eyed idiot.

I could easily remember him in my head. The blackness of his hair glistened in the moonlight and his skin reminded me of a white silk dress that my mother had. It was so pale and seemed lifeless, but beautiful at the same time. His breath had been so intoxicating to me and I remembered that when he spoke I was unable to move. That was the second alarm that went off and once again I ignored it just like I had the first one.

And look where that got me: Left, alone, to die in some field. I wanted to call out for help, but it wasn?t like there was anyone close enough to hear me. I might as well save my breath, I thought.

Flashes of what had happened replayed in my mind. He had led me to a bench that was surrounded by trees. Other than the faint glow of the moon, there had been a single lamp. A soft glow radiated from it giving us enough light to be able to see each other and the small circle of grass where the bench had been placed. Occasionally, my eyes would struggle to focus and I found myself concentrating more on being able to see my surroundings than the stranger that I had wandered into the woods with.

“Do you live close to here?” He asked. I passed the question off as small talk. Maybe he was as nervous as I was.

I can still remember wringing my hands as I stood in front of him. They were cold and shaky and as the cool breeze blew against my skin I wished that I had grabbed a jacket before leaving home. Fall had quietly moved in replacing summer. The nights had grown cooler and darkness fell sooner than I wanted. “Yes. I live pretty close.” I tried to gather my words before speaking again. “Do you?” My question came out more as a squeak than what my voice would normally sound like. Heat burned my face and I knew that I was blushing. This was not going the way that I wanted it to go at all.

For a second our eyes met. The darkness of them left me questioning if he had been wearing contacts because that deep black color was not natural. As a matter of fact everything about him seemed to be dark. Everything except his skin. Suddenly a flicker of red shown in his eyes. I gasped.

“Is something wrong?” He asked, but his voice sounded mocking. For some reason he sounded like he knew that something was bothering me. My mind was overreacting, I told myself silently, but I couldn?t shake to eerie feeling that was growing inside me.

Shoving my hands in the pockets of my jeans, I kicked a stray branch that I had been trying not to step on. I am sure that I could have talked to him more, but something was telling me to get away. This time I didn?t ignore it. But I wasn?t going to be rude about it. My mother had taught me better than that. So I kept my manners and began my exit speech. Thousands of reasons surfaced that I could have told him. Even more excuses came to mind, but being polite was the best way. If I knew then what I know now, I would have ran away from him as fast as I could.

“I?m sorry…uh.” I paused. “I don?t even know your name.” I laughed. He smiled again and I could feel the uneasy feeling that I had before slipping away.

“It?s Aden.”

Aden. I repeated it over and over to myself. It wasn?t a very common name. Come to think of it, I don?t think that I have ever met anyone that was named Aden. My brain had been stunned yet again. Pulling myself from the trance that being around him caused, I reluctantly spoke. “Aden, I really should be getting back.”

He seemed to be disappointed when he heard that I wanted to leave. “By the way, my name is Laynie.” I said as I turned to walk back to the party.

“Wait!” I heard him call from behind me, but I didn?t stop. I didn?t want to go back. The thought of it sent chills up my spine. The power of intuition is an unmistakable thing. I walked faster.

“Laynie! Will I see you again?” His voice was muffled with distance.

That made me turn to look back at him. When I did he was standing so close to me that my face brushed against his shirt as I turned. How could he have gotten so close to me? Surely, my ears were not playing tricks on me. When I heard him shouting to me I could have sworn that he was still back at the bench.

Aden placed his hands on my arms. The chill that came from his touch was one that I had only felt once before. It startled me and clouded memories of my father being in a casket came to mind. That was the touch that only death could have. It was something that I don?t think I will ever forget.

He smiled at me. There was a certain degree of evil that shown from deep within his eyes and right then I knew that I was in more trouble than I had thought before. He moved one of his hands to my face. Not one part of my body was working correctly. My arms and legs were rigid, unmoving from fear. My mouth formed an “O” and I couldn?t force myself to scream for help. He moved a stray hair from my face and I couldn?t protest his touch. His breath was intoxicating, sending me deeper into this trance.

“I had wanted to do this differently, but the way that you are acting…” He looked off into the distance and shook his head. He seemed disturbed that his plan wasn?t going to happen the way that he had wanted. “I guess I will have to do it here.”

My mind begun to spiral out of control. What was he talking about? He wanted to do what differently? Was he planning to hurt me? Without warning, my fear turned into adrenaline. I broke free from Aden and ran hard in the first direction that I could. The trees whirled by. Each of them looked like the others before. A sickening laughter ignited behind me and the sound of it frightened me enough that I was pushing my legs to the point of tripping.

Ahead was a cobblestone walkway. I didn?t remember seeing it on the way down here. I had gone the wrong way. Now I am lost in the woods, trailed by something beautifully dangerous that wanted to do something awful to me. My legs wouldn?t stop even though they were getting tired. I had to run. I had to find safety.

Out in the woods laid a pile of brush. The mound was large enough for me to hide in and since I didn?t have any other ideas, I ran to it. Broken twigs and branches scratched my arms as I pulled them to the side. Time was not a friend to me now. I could hear Aden singing. He wasn?t close enough for me to be able to make out the words, but he was too close for comfort.

The hole that I had arranged was just big enough that I could lay down inside and cover myself with branches. Each branch was placed carefully in order for me to be completely hidden. Hopefully, he wouldn?t be able to find me and would give up the search. All I needed was daylight to come. The light would make it easier for me to escape Aden.

He had gotten close enough that I could hear him clearly. I had been so cautious in placing the brushwood over me that I hadn?t been thinking about making holes that I could see out of. My attacker is close and I can?t see him. So much for being intelligent, I thought to myself.

His annoyance was clear even though I couldn?t see him. His feet kicked around and the snorts of anger were distinct. He cursed and mumbled and I could hear him walking around the outside of my makeshift sanctuary. My breath was shallow but I attempted to calm myself more. If he was able to hear me I would surely be discovered. Seeing me was not going to be easy. He would have to uncover me first. I closed my eyes and begun to say silent prayers. Out of all the things that I had lost, I had never lost my faith. The belief that there is a higher power comforted me in this terrible moment. If nothing else, I still have that and I was going to hold onto it tightly.

Twigs snapped under his feet as he circled the brush pile. After a few rounds I listened as his steps became more distant and faint. It seemed as if he was giving up his search for me in this area. No matter what, I knew that I had to remain still. There could still be a chance that he would come back.

Tears spilled from my eyes and fell from my face to the wood next to me. The barely audible drip had been just enough to make me drowsy. As I closed my eyes I heard a noise beside me. It wasn?t alarming enough to force my eyes open. I welcomed sleep. My body needed it. Since I was too afraid to uncover myself, I let sleep place a darkened veil over me.

Almost asleep, I was alerted of a presence. The sudden awareness that I was no longer alone jolted me from my slumber. Movement was all around me. It almost sounded like there were more than one person that had stumbled into the place that I had hid. Air started to blow through the spaces between each branch. Scraping sounds filled the area around me. The noise from it was so loud that I could think. That was when I heard it. It was him. He was calling out my name again.

“Laynie. Come out here. I know you are here.” I could hear him laughing. “I can smell you.”

A scream stuck in my throat and I was glad that I had sealed my mouth with my hand. The mound of wood began to shake and his laughter grew. A feeling came over me that was beyond fear. It was nothing short of pure terror and I could hardly control my body?s response. My brain wanted to take over, but I refused to allow it.

A loud rustling began above my head. The branches were being moved and there was no way that I was going to get away from him. This place had looked so promising before, but I know now that it was a mistake. I should have kept running.

Everything started happening so quickly and I didn?t even have time to react. It just played out in front of me like I wasn?t there. I wish that I hadn?t have been. His cold hand smashed through the wood covering above me. Not even a second passed until my arm was being jerked upward. He pulled me out of the brush and then to him. His strength was inhuman, swift, but still gentle enough that my arm wasn?t pulled from the socket. His anger with me was still evident.

“Why did you hide from me!” He yelled. His grip loosened enough to allow me to wiggle, but the pain from my arms stopped me. When he pulled me out the branches had torn into my skin. Blood seeped from the cuts and as soon as the rusty smell entered my nose I felt faint. Struggling to regain my control failed and I was unsteady. I was unable to defend myself against him.

He placed one hand on my head, moving it to the side and leaving my neck exposed. All I could do was cry. Gathering enough strength to look up at him, I tried to make one more plea. His eyes met mine and when he smiled I could see something in his mouth that wasn?t supposed to be there. His teeth were long and pointed on either side and I was certain that his had to be some sick joke, but it wasn?t. Aden moved his mouth to my neck and bit. My breath left me. As soon as I could catch enough wind to speak the only thing that I could say was, “Please… Don?t.” My cries had turned into snubs and consciousness was fading fast. How could this be? This isn?t real. It cant be. This is only a nightmare and as soon as I wake up everything will be fine.

My body went limp and he lowered me to the ground. That same coldness that I had felt from him and my father was making its way up my body. The last thing that I saw was Aden lifting his mouth from me and the red drips that came from his lips. He had drank my blood. As he exhaled it sounded like he has been waiting for a long time to do what he had done. I had fell into the darkness; lingering in between life and death.

Surprisingly, I hadn?t died.

I was wishing to myself that I was near a hospital, but I knew better. No way he would have left me anywhere near any significant population. He wasn?t that stupid. And it wasn?t like I could get up off the ground anyway. My entire body hurt and the fire in my throat intensified with every passing second. It felt as if some invisible rope was forcing me to stay on the ground. After a short while of struggling I managed to move my hand to one of the pockets in my jeans. There it was… my lifeline. I fumbled around for a second or two until I could actually get my hand inside the pocket. My cell phone was still in there. I was a bundle of nerves and I dropped the phone as soon as I pulled it out of the pocket.

“Great going.” I said aloud. I had never been great under pressure and right now, I was testing my limits.

I fumbled around with my hand, trying to locate the phone. At least my attacker had been gracious enough to leave me on my back, but whatever was holding me down was powerful and I did not like the idea of not being able to see what was keeping me stuck to the ground. The most vital thing right now was that I had to find help.

I flipped my cell phone open and tried to dial 9-1-1, but my phone would not dial out. It had never done this before. I knew that it was not a billing issue. My mother always paid all of the bills on time. Maybe it was just that I was not getting a clear enough signal to use the damn thing.

I dropped my hand back down to my stomach. I was feeling defeated, and then the phone rang. I quickly raised the phone to my ear, not paying any attention to who the caller was. I did not care. All I knew was that my phone had caught just enough signal to let a call through and I was not about to waste the opportunity to get help.

“Hello?” I asked with panic in my voice. I had hoped to be talking to someone that would be able to help me.

“Hello, beautiful.” A voice said on the other end. I knew right away, it was him. The man who had left me here. He had caused all of this. Every terrible thing that had happened to me was because of him. His voice was not something I was going to forget any time soon. It was etched in my mind perfectly. Fear filled me and I tried to close the phone, but my body was not responding to what I wanted it to do. My hand stayed with the phone against my ear. I wanted to scream. I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle the life right out of the beautifully disastrous creature that had attacked me. I want to repay all the harm that he had done to me. For him to hurt would please me in ways that I can?t explain.

“Are you feeling better?” he asked.

How did he think I was feeling? I mean, hell, he had bitten me and left me here to die.

“I know that you may not understand what is happening to you, or why, but I can teach you how to live now.” The line went silent. Are you hearing me?”

I did not dare answer him.

“Fine, maybe you would like to spend another three days in that field?” he asked, but I could tell that he was serious.

“No… I want to go home.”

I waited for him to answer me. It seemed like his pause had been for him to be able to think about what I had said. Hate filled me as I talked to him. I knew that I had to keep talking to him if I was going to find my way out of this place and back to my home. If I could get home, my mother will help me and make sure that I am safe.

“Okay, I will come to you and take you home.”

“No! I don?t ever want to see your face again. I don?t know why you are doing this to me! Why me? What did I do to you?” The rage in my voice was undeniable and I knew that he was not going to be very forgiving of that.

“Have it your way.” He laughed at me and the line went dead. I wondered what he had found so funny. He had to be extremely sick and twisted to do something like this to another person. And to be able to laugh about? Terrifying!

I tried to move once more. This time I found that the entity that had been holding me down was gone. I was free. Now, all I had to do was find out where I was and how to get out of there. I looked around me and all I saw was an empty field and woods surrounding it in every direction. My stomach turned hard this time and I felt weak. Had I really been out here for three days?

I remembered the rocks that I had been laying on and I moved the dead leaves around until I found them again. They were gravel. That meant I was near a road. That would sure make everything a little easier for me, but something inside me was saying that nothing was going to be easy for me, ever again. Nothing about my surroundings looked the least bit familiar.

As I looked at the trees again, I noticed that the leaves had turned the colors of autumn, more so than they had been three days ago. The reds, yellows, and browns mixed, creating a picture like scene around me. The grass was a blend of blades that had died and blades that were still very much alive.

A noise in the distance startled me and I jumped. I looked in the direction of the sound to find a couple of deer grazing on the grass. My stomach turned again. This time it was a brutal protest against my hunger. I suddenly found myself running in the animal?s direction. My legs moved with more speed than I had ever known them to have and I realized my mouth was watering at the sight of the innocent creatures ahead of me.

I was almost on top of them before they knew that I had been anywhere around. My instincts took over and I charged the larger of the two of them. I wrestled it to the ground and something inside of me was screaming to stop, but it was too late. My body was running on pure instinct, but it wasn?t human instincts. It was animal-like in nature, but more vicious. I had taken a bite out of the side of the deer?s neck and began to drink the blood that was spilling out of the wound. The blazing pain in my throat had begun to disappear, but the sickening feeling I had about what I was doing was worse than anything I had thought possible. Nothing mattered more to me at this moment than the warm delicious liquid that was soothing my entire body and I was horrified because of it.

What was I doing? And why didn?t it feel strange?

The deer had bleed dry way before I wanted it to. I looked around trying to find the other one, but it had already fled. I suppose the one that I had already drained would have to be enough for now.

I felt sick. It was not a nauseated feeling. It was more like being severely depressed. I hated what I had just done. I hated it with a passion. Some deep part of me was telling me I was evil.

All the good had been erased from me and I was now this awful thing. The only word that I could think of to describe it was, “ABOMINATION.”

I sat on the ground, staring at the precious animal that I had killed. A heaviness settled deep in my heart because of what I had done. I guess killing it was better than killing a person, but I had still taken a life and I was not pleased with my actions. Although, my throat actually felt good now, nothing could ease the fear I was having over what I had become.

What had I become? The answer was clear, but unbelievable. Vampires aren?t real. They are made up stories. That was what I had been told as a child but now I know that the stories were lies. Vampires do exist and I am one now. I broke down. This guy had taken my life and torn it to shreds, leaving me to never be able to pick up the pieces and move on. Not only had he taken my life, he had given me another one that was not worth living. Vowing to the deer that I had just slain, I would get my revenge against this man for what he had done.

My phone rang and I knew the person calling me was not someone I wanted to talk to. Looking at the phone, I saw the unknown number that had called me only a short time ago. Hate continued to burn inside me. He had taken my life from me and I will never again be normal.

It was strange, as if Aden knew what was wrong with me. Every time that I was having a problem, whether it be physical in nature or emotional; my phone would ring.

The usual everyday tasks that I had done before today would never be the same. I was not going to be able to function the same way that I had. I knew deep down that I was always going to want blood and lots of it. I had seen all the movies and books about Vampires and I wondered if my life was going to be like that. One thing is for sure, the sun was not causing me to burst into flames. It didn?t hurt at all. So there is one myth that isn?t true I told myself. I was trying to find some sign of hope. Something that would help me make it through this. I am going to need all the help that I can get.

I ignored the call until my phone stopped ringing. Then the text messages started.

I think he actually sent Hello three times. Then the fourth time the message was more impatient. You need to talk to me.

Did he not remember what he had done to me? I mean, really, what was I supposed to do, just have a conversation with him as if nothing had happened? I don?t think so. I remembered the marks that had been put on my body because him. When I looked over my body to see if there was going to be a need for medical treatment I was stupefied. Not only were the marks gone, I couldn?t find a mark on my body. I had healed completely. That was a myth that was true. Self-healing is definitely a plus.

I was proud of my sudden courage and I decided that I was well enough to try to find my way out of here. I hope that there was a road around here somewhere, or a house, at least. Maybe the people that lived there would let me use their phone. That is, if it was even possible to have phone service this far out. I walked with a steady pace, trying not to stop unless I had to. I wanted to find someone that would help me. I wanted to go home more than anything else. I thought about my mother and how she was probably sick with worry about my unexplained absence. I wasn?t sure how I was going to explain what happened to me, or where I had been. There was no explanation that I could give her that wouldn?t make her think that I am a lunatic. None of that really mattered now. All that mattered was getting there and seeing her face. I had to know that she knew that I was safe now. Even if it meant that I had changed.

My thoughts wandered as I walked. I tried to go back over everything that had happened. Everything seemed to be moving so fast that I could only catch onto a few bits of the memories at a time. I needed to be able to know exactly what happened. I needed to know the reason that I was going to hunt him down and kill him and it had to be the right one. I knew what the reason was already, but I denied the thought.

I knew what he had done to me. It was the most horrifying moment of my life. He had changed me, but I was still not sure what I was. I guess some things are better left in the dark.

I walked for a long time until I came to an old gravel road. It had been freshly repaired, but it was the big kind, not the type in someone?s driveway. Walking over it had caused me to slip and not be as sure of my footing as I was in the field. That wasn?t a big deal. I was just glad to see something different.

The blood was making its way through my system and I could feel it making a difference in how I was moving. My legs weren?t as numb as they had been a few moments ago and the tingling had left my arms. I felt stronger, more sensitive to everything around me. Every one of my senses had grown in intensity and I knew that I could use them to my advantage. I could use them to find my way home again.

My eyes could see longer distances now and I could smell each animal that was in the area near me and some that weren?t so close. The scent of their blood made me thirsty again. I began to notice that I could hear even the slightest movement that they were making, right down to each beat of their hearts.

Even though, I had just completely drained a full grown buck. I was still thirsty for more. I needed the energy and the strength that the warm liquid gave me. The need to attack was terrifying, but at the same time I wanted to do it. It was beginning to feel like my natural instincts.

I had a pulling sensation in my mind. It was as if I was being led by some invisible force. My sense of direction was never very good, but I felt now that I knew where I was going even though I didn?t have a clue. I decided that the best way for me to get through this was going to be by staying calm and being attentive to everything that happens. I need the details.

I pictured my mother in the kitchen baking her famous cookies. The apple apron that she always wears was tied securely around her and it was covered with flour and food coloring. She always managed to keep a smile on her face. I suppose that she was more concerned with what everyone would think about her and if she looked happy, she could evade the on- going condolences that everyone offered.

They were because of my father?s recent death. He was driving down the highway when he fell asleep. He had not known that he was veering off into oncoming traffic. A semi headed in the other direction collided with him. It had been the worst accident that our town had ever seen.

Both the driver of the semi and my father were killed instantly.

That was the most horrifying day of my life. I hated that he died, but I was thankful that he didn?t have to suffer. That would have been the worst. The thought of either of them having to lay there in such distress was sickening, to say the least.

Everyone kept telling us that he was in a better place and today I was much more certain of that than I had ever been. Heaven has to be better than this. A place without evil existed was where I wanted to be right now. I would hate to cause my mother any more hurt than she was already going through, but it seemed that I wasn?t going to be able to live the right kind of life. I knew the urges inside me would only grow worse until I finally did something that I would not be able to take back. It was only a matter of time before that happened.

My phone rang again and I looked at the message that had come through. “Feeling better?” the message read. How could he possibly know how I was feeling? Maybe it was just a really good guess, unless he was somewhere close to me. He had to be watching me from somewhere that I could not see him.

I immediately began searching the area around me. I had not noticed that I had walked so far. The field was far behind me and I could not see the fall leaves of the trees that surrounded it. I was walking on nothing but dirt. Everything looked so empty, except for the new saplings that had been planted in the place of the trees that had been taken. There was no possible way that he could be hiding. There just wasn?t anything left to hide behind.

I stopped when I came to a huge rock off to the side of the machinery tracks. I needed to think.

Are you not going to answer me?” Another message came through.

He wasn?t going to stop until I answered him, so I took a deep breath and typed my reply. Why should I? You tried to kill me!

I sat there, listening to the animals around me and waited to see what his response to my message would be. And it didn?t take him long at all to answer back.

I understand why you are angry. I didn?t try to kill you, I did kill you.

He was right. I hadn?t given much thought to it until now, but he had killed me and if I was correct about what I was, then I had awakened dead.

I would like to speak to you in person. I want to try to help you adjust to your new life.

The fact was I needed help understanding what I had turned into and he was the only one who could assist me with that. I fumbled with the phone, fighting the overpowering urge to vomit, and typed the only word that I could think of. Where?

The burning feeling returned in my throat and I wanted more blood. That much I was sure of. I couldn?t deny it and I knew that it would only become more painful the longer I tried to ignore it.

I seemed to know an awful lot about my current self.

The pain was something that I wanted to avoid, so I placed my phone on the rock beside me and concentrated on finding a heartbeat.

Finding another source to drink from had been harder than I thought. The time that it took was more time than I had expected and the burning had now turned into an itchy dry feeling. I knew that it would only be a matter of minutes before the pain set in. That was when I heard it.

The beat was off in a strange way. The animal was probably sleeping, but I could tell that it was strong and very well fed. In fact, the animal had recently eaten. The smell of the blood was faint, but I was soon off the rock and on my way in the direction that I needed to go.

I walked with swift movements and it felt as if I was flying at one point. I needed to feed and fast. My limbs felt like they weren?t as powerful as they had been after my first feeding andI wanted to be strong again. I needed to be if I was going to meet him.

The scent was suddenly more distinguishable. I inhaled once more and caught the delicious scent again. My body moved in a way that was astounding and it was like I was being forced by my thirst to move. Soon, I was right on top of the animal. Looking at the huge cat was made me tremble with anxiety and pleasure at the same time. Mountain lions sure smelled appetizing. Before the animal was alerted of my presence, I tackled it.

The cat put up an enormous fight, but I soon found that I liked the struggle just as much as the taste of the blood. There was no doubt in my mind that I was a predator, an excellent one at that. The feeling of the kill was intense, but the sorrow for the creature wasn?t far behind. I couldn?t hide from that.

This was how I was going to have to be in order to survive and I did not need to be regretful about the kill. Not if I want to live, or, I guess I should say, exist.

After I was finished draining my prey, I began walking back in the direction of the rock that I had been sitting on. I was not thrilled with the idea of checking to see if he had replied back to my question. Maybe I didn?t need him like I thought I did. I was beginning to think that it was possible for me to be able to live out in the woods. I would be able to avoid killing a person then. But, what about my mother?

Thinking of her made me shake off the idea of staying away. She needs me. I am all that she has left now with my father gone. Would she be able to accept what I am? Or would she make me leave and pretend that I had ran away? I just won?t tell her about what happened and then everything would be fine. Lying to myself seemed like a good thing to do at the moment.

I was back at the rock in no time at all, but I sensed that I wasn?t alone. There was something else there and I was certain that it wasn?t an animal because I couldn?t hear the beating of a heart or smell blood anywhere. The presence seemed empty and cold.

Moving closer to the rock, I saw a man standing beside it. He had his back to me and looked like he was holding my phone. Standing as still as I could, I watched him. My eyes focused in on the back of his head and I recognized the black hair instantly. It was Aden. He had come to meet me here. But how did he know where I was? He must have been following me the entire time.

“I know you are there.” he said as he turned to face me. I was frozen with fear. I couldn?t move at all. And believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to run away from him as fast as I could, but it was impossible.

He walked up to me like nothing had ever happened and I was unable to flee. I wanted to, but something held me there. I was more frightened in this very moment than I had ever remembered being. What could I do? Nothing.

“I see that you have fed again.” He was good at knowing when I had taken blood. I guess he could sense the power it gave me. Maybe he really had been watching me all this time. I wasn?t sure about either of my ideas on the matter.

I didn?t say anything back to him. I couldn?t. I was both fearful and intrigued by him. He had the knowledge that I needed to survive and I knew that he could kill me at any time that he wanted to.

The thought of him killing me made me feel even worse. In my mind I had already attacked him in several different ways. As I eased my rage I kept telling myself that this was not the right time for me to try to kill the only person that could help me understand how to live.

“I have no plans to harm you.” Aden saying that eased the tension that I was feeling. Although I was now this unnatural being,

I wasn?t quite ready to die. Not like I had thought that I was earlier. I want to see my mother one last time before I died.

He took my hand and led me back to the rock. “Please, sit” he said as he took his place on one side. I cautiously sat down beside him, expecting anything to happen at any moment.

I took a quick moment to really look at him. Now that he looked calm and wasn?t on top of me trying to kill me, he looked, well, good. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight and I soon found that I couldn?t break eye contact with him.

“What am I?” I asked before I realized I had said anything.

“You are a vampire.”

Instantly disgusted with the word, I wanted to hit him.

“How are we out in the sunlight then?” I asked.

He laughed as he made his reply. “We are Day Walkers.”

He explained that we were a different breed of vampires. We can walk in the sun, eat and drink regular food, but we did still need to have a regular diet of blood to survive. I found all this to be more interesting than I had expected.

He looked up at me just as I was trying to look away. His eyes held mine and at that moment I felt the fire again.

“Why am I so thirsty?”

“It?s because you are feeding on animal blood and not human blood,” explained Aden. “Human blood stays in our system longer.”

I hated the thought of that. It was wrong to feed from a human. Or, that was what I thought.

“What happens if I don?t take human blood?”

He waited for a moment before he replied, all the while smiling as he looked at me.

“If you do not drink human blood you will die.”

“I can?t.” I said sharply.

I had hoped for any answer but this. I think I shouldn?t get my expectations about my new life mixed up with a fairy tale. It was certainly going to be more than that.

We talked for a long time, I was desperate to understand what kind of life I was going to lead. Was it going to be torture? I shivered at the thought of having to feed on humans. That part I don?t think is ever going to become normal.

It was almost night and we hadn?t noticed.


“Yes, Laynie?”

“I need to feed again. I am in pain.”

My declaration seemed to rattle him. He was pale and I had a feeling that he needed to feed as well.

“I don?t sense anything out here that would sustain us both.”

I scanned the area and found that he was right. The only animal was a tiny rabbit. That was only going to make our thirst worse.

“Come. I have a place nearby. The fridge is full of human blood” he said and before I knew it, he had put my phone in his pocket and snatched my hand.

We were moving at such speed that I was certain we were flying. I loved the feeling it gave me. So much power was in this new body and I could do anything I wanted to.

We came upon a small house at the base of the mountain. The area that surrounded it was sure to keep away any unwanted visitors. The trees were thick and made the house look darker than normal, but I liked the way it looked. Aden had taken great care of it and I could tell that he wanted it to look nice. Why, I have no idea. It wasn?t like anyone was going to want to come out here.

A small rose garden, filled with different shades of blooms, was off to each side of the walkway. I felt the need to stop and gaze at them. Even the intense thirst couldn?t keep me from it. I had always loved to look at flowers and these were in such wonderful condition that I had to take the time to appreciate them.

Aden pulled gently on my hand and I could tell that he was in great need of blood, so, I didn?t linger at the gardens any longer.

For some reason, I didn?t want him to be in pain. I guess it was because I had felt that pain before and it was not a pleasant experience. I don?t think I would wish that upon anyone. Not that I don?t think that he deserves it because he does.

I remembered what he had told me about bloodlust. If I waited too long to feed, then my body would take over and force me to take blood. When that happened, there would be no stopping me from attacking and it I wouldn?t really care about who I attacked. Aden said that vampires had been known to attack other vampires in the process.

I didn?t want to attack anyone. Not even Aden. Right now I need him. Even though, I don?t want to be around him. I just want to be able to live peacefully, but I was sure that in order to have the life that I wanted, I was going to have to do it alone. I couldn?t involve anyone else in what was my nature now. Just imagine what my mother would think if I came home one night covered in blood.

I could sense the fogginess entering my mind. I knew now that it was only going to be a matter of minutes before I was in pure bloodlust. Aden had warned me about this.

He had asked me to wait in the living room until he had the blood prepared. It was his intention for me to control myself around the juicy red liquid that I was craving now.

Better yet, I was starving. “Aden?” I called from the sofa.

“Coming!” I heard him shout from the kitchen.

I hope that he hurries because I don?t know how much longer I am going to be able to wait.

“Calm down, Laynie.”

But it was too late. I could feel the rage building up inside me and I knew that there was not a single thing that I could do about it. I could smell the blood and I was up off the sofa in an instant. I moved with stealth and precision as I made my way to the entrance of the kitchen.

When I turned the corner in the direction that I smelled the blood, there Aden stood. He was poised to attack. That caught me off guard. He wasn?t going to attack me. He was going to have to defend himself from me.

“Laynie, you better stay back!” he screamed at me, but I didn?t care. All I could think about was getting to the blood on the counter behind him. Aden knew that too.

But it was too late. My fingers tore at him. Most of my reaction was from my hunger, but my hate for him and what he done was showing.

Aden had somehow restrained me.

He turned to grab the oversized coffee mug, then put it on the counter in front of me, and smiled. “Drink this, Laynie!”

I immediately took the mug and turned it up, taking all the precious liquid inside and leaving not a single drop behind. I could feel the panic from the bloodlust leaving me and I was face to face with Aden. How could I have been so stupid? I could have killed him and whoever else might have been in the area. Not that killing him wouldn?t have pleased me. I was sure to make myself feed on a regular basis from here on out. I couldn?t risk getting out of control like this again.

I stood there looking at Aden. I wanted to apologize for almost attacking him, but I was so ashamed of myself that I thought I would be better off to just keep my mouth shut. Every emotion that I knew of had suddenly found extreme expression in me. My anger was quick to turn into rage and I noticed that my sadness turned into desolation in no time. There was just so much that I needed to learn.

But there was the matter of the emotion that I was feeling right now. I had never felt this. It was a burning like my thirst, but it was in the rest of my body. Maybe it was the human blood that I had just drunk.

Soon, my mind wasn?t clouded and the need to feed was still there, but I had managed to tuck it safely away. I wanted to drink more and obviously Aden knew that I was going to because he had turned his attention away from me and began to prepare another mug. It soothed me to know that I was going to be offered blood again.

He took the mug and handed it to me. I took it without hesitation and thanked him. This time I didn?t drink nearly as fast as I had the previous cup. Savoring the taste was working wonders for me and I was glad that I didn?t have to take it directly from the source. When I was finished, I took the mug to the sink and washed it and placed it in the dish drainer.

“Are you feeling better now?” Aden asked.

“Yeah… Look, I?m sorry about before. I wasn?t sure what was happening and when I finally realized it, well, it was too late.” The words were bitter in my mouth. I resented apologizing to him.

He nodded and smiled at me, knowing that I may not be completely sincere in my apology. I felt more at ease with him. Being comfortable around him was a good thing. There is a lot that I need to learn from him.

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