Crush, Crush

It's been 10 years since Alison Wilkins first felt the sting of love, a fact she's harshly reminded of as she attends the wedding of her dear friends Mikey and Clarissa, finding that a familiar face amongst the wedding party is causing her more agony than she imagined it would.

Alison struggles to let the feeling go, and finds that old flame of hers was never really snuffed out, regardless of the years that had passed.

Crush, crush.
Trigger warnings (highlight to view):

-talk of/use of drugs and alcohol
-self-harm/abuse/neglect of one's self
-possible sex scenes, depending on the courage of the author...

Note: you probably could read this without reading the prequel first but honestly, it's a good back-story and I think adds to the characters very much if you read both.