‹ Prequel: Blood Magic
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Solar Flair

Chapter Four Jasper’s Plea

Chapter Four
Jasper’s Plea
Jasper P.O.V.

It had been a month since we arrived at the new house, it was the weekend which meant thankfully we were out of school. I was making my way down the long hallway hearing voices downstairs. As I entered the den I saw Amanda and Sam talking. Sam had come to consult Carlisle on the effects of Krissi’s intuition. I guess Carlisle was trying to prepare himself for the kind of Vampire Krissi would become. I continued on down the hall finding my way to where Krissi was. She looked so intense when she was training.

Her movements were fast and determined. I’d never encountered anyone like her before. She was enchanting like a magic spell born with a beating heart.
I walked outside setting my book aside. As I approached her she remained focused and didn’t look away from what she was doing. I slumped back into a tree crossing my arms watching her.

“You need to be aware of your surroundings”.
I smirked at her causing her to jump, Krissi looked back at me kind of shocked to see me standing there. I knew she hadn’t heard me approach. It was cold outside her breath fogging in front of her lips. All she was wearing was a black tank top and a pair of yoga shorts. I walked over to her.
“And you’re going to catch cold out here dressed like that”.
I continued. Krissi diverted her gaze.
“I’m bracing myself, staying focused during extreme conditions”.
She said wiping the sweat from her forehead. I wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.

“The heat will be harder to deal with then the cold”.
I said knowingly. She despised the cold that was true, but she couldn’t function during extreme heat either. Krissi sighed to herself never taking her eyes away from mine.
“Right, I forgot, you know everything there is to know about me. My condolences”.
She half laughed diverting her eyes. I smirked at her.
“I like knowing about you, you’re interesting”.
I said. Krissi laughed shaking her head.
“Ok, you’re obviously starving because you’re out of your mind if you think I’m interesting”.
Krissi said. We walked back inside together and paused again seeing Amanda and Sam talking still. Krissi smirked to herself.
“Someone’s crushing on the wolf”.
She said knowingly.

I snickered to myself.
“Should be an interesting romance to watch unfold”.
I said. Krissi laughed to herself as we headed for the kitchen. Rosalie smirked seeing us walk into the kitchen together.
“Time to feed your human?”
She teased in a playful tone. I snickered to myself grabbing the frying pan from Krissi’s hands. She was focused and beautiful but she was a complete disaster in the kitchen. She looked up at me as I took the pan from her.
“You nearly burned the place down last time”.
I reminded her cause Edward to laugh. Krissi sighed in defeat. I knew she didn’t like being a burden to others. But she wasn’t a burden, I liked taking care of her.

“I’ll just go get a shower then”.
Krissi said making her way upstairs. I got to work making what I knew she was craving. Bella smirked as she watched me cooking.
“You like her”.
Bella said with a grin. I smirked to myself keeping my eyes on what I was doing.
“Of course I do”.
I retorted hoping that would be enough, but Bella was smarter then I gave her credit for.
“No, I mean you REALLY like her, as in more than a friend”.
Bella said, I didn’t respond and I knew I didn’t need to. Bella had her answers already. I didn’t think that moving on with life after Alice left would be so easy.

I should be locked away in my room, or off killing humans again. Something drastic and dramatic. Something that would equal the pain in my heart. But there was nothing there. All I wanted to do was care for Krissi and protect her. The smell of strawberry shampoo filled the room and Bella inhaled deeply smiling at the smell.
“I love that smell”.
She grinned as Krissi entered the room drying her waves of blood hair with a towel. I looked back at her seeing the way the light reflected in her green eyes. She smiled at me. Bella grinned again looking between us.

“Don’t burn the food there Jasper”.
Bella snickered on her way out of the room. I turned back to what I was doing. I plated the food and set it on the table for her. She smiled at me in thanks as she cracked open the ice tea she got for herself from the fridge.
“You sure you’ll be ok?”
I asked noticing she had a demonology book open next to her plate. Krissi nodded.
“I need to be aware of all possibilities. I don’t want to be caught off guard again”.
She admitted and I felt the pain Dean had caused her again as if it was my own. Part of me wanted to hunt Dean down myself and make him pay for what he caused her.

“I know you’re scared, and you don’t know what’s coming next, Dorian is still out there and it’s obvious he was hired by the Volturi, but I’m here to keep you safe and I know it’s asking a lot for you to trust someone after what happened with Dean. But you can trust me Krissi”.
I assured her. Krissi looked at me and I could see the nervousness in her eyes. She shook her head lightly looking down at the book she was going through.

A soft sigh left her lips.
“I let my guard down once Jasper. And I don’t know if I want to do that again. Once I change, I’m gunna go into hiding. Keep all of you safe, if the volturi want me. Then they can come find me. And I’ll face them on my own, I won’t involve anyone else in this. I refuse to be a burden on someone else’s life”.

I placed my hand over hers and I saw the color flood to her cheeks as our eyes locked.
“I don’t want you to do that, I know Carlisle and Esme don’t either. We all want to help you, John and his family are doing all they can to find Dorian and bring him down. It’s going to be ok, and I know it’s going to take time to trust us. But you can trust us”.

I explained. Krissi smiled to herself and for a moment I felt like I was really getting through to her. Her finger tips locked with mine for just a moment, I pushed her hair back from her face feeling more connected to her then I had before.

“Let me protect you”.
I urged her truly not wanting anything bad to happen to her. The thought of something bad happening was horrifying to me. Before she could respond Carlisle cleared his throat looking between us with a slight smirk on his lips. Krissi quickly pulled her hand back from mine and I felt the pang of guilt within her. She was assuming I didn’t want anyone to think there was something more between us. Mostly because of Alice but also because she didn’t believe she was worthy of me.

“Can I talk to you in the other room”?
Carlisle said looking to Krissi. She hopped down from the stool closing her book and tucking it under her arm following Carlisle from the room. I watched as she walked away wondering what could be going on now. Part of me wanted to follow them. But I knew whatever was going on, I’d feel through her emotions.
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