Song of the Desert


Prithvi stood near the Dargah at Ajmer, an eerie feeling that he was being watched made him look up at Taragarh and feel drawn towards the beautiful window with delicate carvings of scallops and tiny chattris. He felt everything go still as though he was standing within the hall behind the window, watching a beautiful princess sitting in front of him of the floor, in complete despair; hair open with tears falling from her kohl lined eyes, dropping onto her open palm that held a single piece of earring made in gold.

It tore his heart out. There was nothing in that room, only dried leaves blown by the wind covered the entire floor. It appeared to have been abandoned many moons ago, and yet the princess waited with just hope in her heart. She seemed to have been waiting for all eternity. She was waiting for the love of her life whom she had lost in a devastating battle. She was waiting for him

He was her love and he stood behind her in his regal attire, sword in one hand. She seemed unaware of his presence, she could not see him nor feel him, he had been dead now for a very long time. He had been waiting for so long to be with her, only to be torn away by a war that he had never wanted. He had only wanted her – his love and his life. And here she was, just a shadow beyond his calling, a mirage he couldn‟t touch.

Prithvi blinked and felt a tremor shake him to his very core. What had he just seen? Was it a memory from the past or a glimpse of the future?

He could clearly see the beautiful filigree work in red sandstone staring down at him as if giving him a clue.

Yes, he had seen the past as though it was happening to him right then.

Prithvi vowed he would find her again in this life, the girl he had loved ages ago, the girl who never seemed to leave his memories – the past or the present. He would make her his own.

He closed his eyes and was surprised by the tears that flowed. They calmed him as if washing away centuries of pain.

Yes she was here and now in the present – he would find her ...