‹ Prequel: Bleeding Love
Sequel: Internal Flood

Keep Bleeding Love

Crazy train

If you don't want to read it, just go passed and it will say when the scene is over.

(Warning, Last Warning! Rape scene, very detailed! Montana has a very descriptive imagination!)

“Oh, Alex,” I whispered, smiling as he rubbed my back. “That was great…”

“I know,” he laughed triumphantly.

"Someone's knocking on the door," I said softly as he kissed my lips again.

"I'll get it."

“Okay,” I watched him get up, slide on boxers, and walk over to the door.

“Hey, Alex!” I heard Zacky’s excited voice. “Ella here?”

“Uh, yeah, but-“ Alex began, Zack pushing him out of the way as he ran into the bedroom.

“Ella! Oh, Ella!” He grinned widely. “I broke up with Gena! We can finally be together! And have that family you wanted!”

“Oh, Zacky, I-“

“El,” His smiled faded as he saw my nude body beneath the sheet, then looked over to an almost naked Alex. “You fucked him…”

“Zacky, I’m sorry,” I sat up and held the blanket over me. “You were dating Gena, or so I thought, at the time. Alex found me and comforted me after I found out, and one thing lead to another.”

“I’m sorry, man,” Alex grunted and scratched the back of his head. “I didn’t know.”

“Well,” He looked around as I stood up. “I want Ella, but you want Ella.”

“And I don’t know who I want,” I whispered, Zacky looking over to Alex and cracking a small smile. “Zacky, what are you-“

“Alex,” He chuckled. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I might be,” Alex nodded from behind me, Zacky slipping off his shirt and walking forward. Every step he took towards me, I took back and eventually bumped into Alex.

“Please, not like this, guys,” My eyes teared up as I felt Alex drop his boxers and grab my shoulders tight. “It doesn’t have to be this way…”

“Ella,” Zacky kicked his pants across the room and walked up to me, stroking my cheek softly. “I love you.”

“If you did, you wouldn’t do this,” I choked on tears as he pulled the sheet that was covering me down to my ankles. “I love you guys, please don’t…”

“We love you, too, Ella,” Alex whispered in my ear.


“Ready?” Zack dropped his boxers and grabbed my hips tight, digging his nails into the skin.

“Yeah,” Alex nodded as they both thrust into me as I let out a long, heavy sob.

“Guys!” I cried. “Stop!”

“We love you, El,” Zack began sucking on my neck, Alex rubbing my back.

“You wouldn’t hurt me if you really loved me,” I laid my head on his shoulder and cried in pain. They began trusting again, every hit making me gasp desperately for air. I could hear Alex laugh lowly as Zack ripped my skin away and moaned.

“El,” Alex said softly and grunted. “C’mon.”

“It hurts,” I whimpered, pressed against them both. I bit Zack’s shoulder as he chuckled, then spit out to small amount of blood I drew.

“Ella,” He smirked and pulled me into a forced kiss as I wept. My body racked with sobs as they plunged harder. I closed my eyes and let out short, painful breaths against Zack’s neck. Wrapping my arms around Zacky, I dug my face into his neck and moaned. “You okay?”

“No…” I shook my head as he kissed my ear as Alex kissed the back of my neck. I felt them both spill into me and pant heavily, pulling out. I stood, shaking, and held my head as I fell back.

“Whoa,” Alex caught me and sat me on my bed. I grabbed a pillow and sobbed heavily Zacky kneeled between my legs, Alex crawling behind me. He rubbed my back and sides as Zacky began massaging my thighs. “I love you, Ella.”

“I love you, El,” Zacky agreed as I continued screaming into the pillow. I shook my head frantically, Alex biting my neck and laughing. Zack smirked and shoved his fingers into me, flexing and pushing them in and out.

“No,” I dropped the pillow and leaned my head back, looking up at Alex, who kissed me softly. “Why…”

“It’s okay, Ella,” Alex cooed, Zacky forcing his fingers deeper as I moaned. I shot my head back up and ran my fingers through Zack’s hair, pulling hard and sobbing. He looked up and reached out his other hand, wiping away a tear.

“I love you, Ella,” He pulled his fingers from me and pulled me off the bed. Alex slid to the edge, Zacky turning me around and forcing my head into Alex’s lap. Zack wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed himself against me.

“Guys,” I cried, Alex pushing my head down and his hardened member into my mouth. I choked and sobbed, bobbing up and down slightly.

“El,” Alex leaned his head back and moaned. Zack pushed my head all the way down as my tears fell. I ran my tongue over the top, Alex pulled my head up and off him.

“Please,” I coughed, shaking with sobs. “Stop…”

“Almost done,” Alex stood up, bringing me up with him as Zacky stood behind me. “Now.”

“No!” I screamed as they trusted into me once more.

“I love you, El,” Zacky whispered in my ear, making me bawl.

“Fuck you,” I reached my arms up and moaned as they pushed into me once more. Alex ran his fingers through my hair as Zack worked my sides roughly. They spilled in me yet again and pulled out, all three of us dropping on the bed from exhaustion.

“I love you, Ella,” Zacky kissed me softly. “So much.”

“I love you, too, Ella,” Alex nodded.

“Get the fuck out of my house,” I was close to screaming as I cried. “Please go…”

“But, El-“

“Get… Out…” I choked on my tears as they nodded and retreated out of the house.

End Rape Scene, everything passed this is okay.

"So the blue china or the white?" I asked Matt as I held up two papers that I had printed off.

"White—" he stopped when the phone rang, I handed him the papers and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I said slowly.

"Cordelia I need you," Ella cried hysterically.

"Ella?" I whispered lowly as I sat down. "Honey what's wrong? Ella?"

"Alex and Zacky," she whispered.

"What about them? Are they hurt? Ella what happened?"

"They raped me."

I dropped the phone, it hitting the tile floor with a loud crack. The pressure of the phone crushed the floor underneath it as Matt scrambled to put it to his ear.

“What happened, Ella?!” He screamed as his jaw dropped. “W-What?”

"Matt," I whispered as the feeling of faintness began to creep inwards. "I can't breathe!"

"Ella I'll be there as soon as I can, Cordy's about to pass out," Matt moved the phone to his shoulder as he reached over and held me up. "I'll kill them, I will Ella I'll be there soon."

“Fuck,” I leaned my head back and took deep breaths. After a few moments of dizzy spells, I was feeling a bit more normal and stood up.

“We need to go, now,” Matt grunted and grabbed the car keys.

"Hang on," I bit my lip as I stood up and walked to the closet, grabbing my metal ball bat I smiled and turned back around. "Now lets go."

"Alright, when we get to Ella's—" Matt paused. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not going to Ella's, you are, I'm going to have myself a talk with two cowards," I grabbed my car keys and started for my car. "Tell Ella I'll be there soon."

As soon as I arrived in front of Zacky's house, I grabbed my ball bat and exited my car, throwing it in my other hand as I walked up to Zacky's black Ford Focus. "This is for pretending to love her," I reared back and slammed the ball bat the hardest as I could in the rear window, "This is for deceiving everyone else," the passenger side windows, "This is for pretending to be there for her," the windshield twice with a right and left swing. "And this is for fucking raping her you son of a bitch!" the driver side windows.

"What the hell!" he ran out of the house, I held the bat up and sneered as I walked closer to him and Alex who walk out behind him, they both backed up. "Cordy what's wrong with you!"

"You fucking raped her!"

“Huh, what?” He stuttered, Alex becoming stiff.

“You both raped Ella!” I screamed and held the bat high. “You're lucky I don’t call the cops or bash your fucking brains in!”

“What are you talking about?” Zacky looked away as I snarled.

“After all that’s happened to the poor girl!” My face was red with anger. “She was raped in high school, you fucking saved her from Luke, Zacky! You were her first! She loved you so much! She got pregnant with your kid! You said you still fucking loved her and then you go rape her?!”

"I—" he didn't say anything, so I moved on to Alex and pointed the bat end at him.

"You have three seconds to come up with a reason to why I shouldn't break you're kneecaps for raping my best friend and betraying both of our trust on you."

"I—" he couldn't think of anything, so I turned around and walked to his car, bright new convertible. "Cordelia no!"

"Did Ella say no?" I asked as I swung hard at the windshield, in high school I tried out for the softball team, senior year and got in. "Did she say stop? Did she say she loved you why are you doing this? Did she cry? Well guess what fuckers!"

"Cordelia you fucking lost it!"

"No Zacky, I'm fucking getting revenge," I swung again and hit the back windshield, "Now," I turned around and walked fast towards Zacky, I leaned down and swung up, hitting him in the gut. "She trust you, I trust you, now guess what!"

"Cordelia!" Alex ran at me, but I connected the bat to his stomach, he coughed and hit the ground. I leaned over them both and snarled.

"You ever come near us again, near Ella again, I won't stop myself, I told her once I'd kill for her. I wasn't fucking lying," and with that, I turned around and got in my car.

“Ella,” I whispered as I walked into her apartment, spotting her curled up in Matt’s arms. “Are you okay?”

“No, no,” She sobbed. “It’s happened again. Why me, Cordelia? What did I ever do?”

"I don't know sweetie," I whispered as she pulled away from Matt and pulled me down beside her, hiding her face in my neck. "But ten bucks says I get either arrested or cussed in the next hour."

"What did you do with that bat?" Matt said slowly as he looked over with wide eyed.

"Bat?" Ella looked up innocently, softly saying. "What bat?"

"What kind of charges," Matt said with a heavy sigh.

"Destructing of private property, assault and battery."

“You didn’t have to beat them, Cordy,” El whispered. “They love me, I-I just couldn’t stop them. They wouldn’t listen. Oh God, it was horrible, it hurt so much…”

"I didn't kill them," I grimaced at her pain. "I just gave them a taste of their own medicine, they said stop, I didn't. They said no, I said yes, I hurt them when they said no, now they know what it feels like when you're vulnerable."

"Thanks you," Ella whispered hugging me tighter. "But I don't want you in jail."

"I promised you once I'd kill for you, I'll also go to jail for you sis," I winked.
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