Status: New A7X ~Jimmy is in the story~

Almost Easy


Sipping the latte in hand, I looked casually around the café as my few female friends finally joined me. Mix ups with beverages was something Bridget took very seriously – if she asked for a chai latte, non-fat with no whip that had better be what she got.

“Anyways, as I told Jim if I wanted to screw him in an elevator or on an escalator or on the hood of his car it was going to happen,” snickering with laughter as her normally clear blue eyes flickered black revealing her to those in the know just what she really was.

Hissing, Eve looked around the shop her mouth open, “Bridge you can’t talk like that we are in the norm,”

Flicking her hand Bridget rolled her eyes with a smirk, brushing her dark blond hair casually over her shoulder, “So Annie lives in the norm, I’m sure it’s nothing right, Annie?” drawing everyone’s attention in my direction I offered a half smile and went back to staring at my cup.

If I was completely honest, I would have said yes it was nothing and truthfully it was. But some part of me was hesitant when it came to speaking against Eve. As the mate of an Alpha she excluded power, but she was kind and generous – the mothering type.

Bridget was brass, she relished in the uncomfortable atmosphere. She loved anything tense and she could create that feel with no more than a glance. A gift from her demonic nature, although if you didn’t know her and only happened to walk past her on the street you could believe she was an angel; it was a mistake I had made a few years back when I had first met her.

Reaching across the table, the dainty ivory fingers of Victoria lifted my chin a sweet smile gracing her soft angelic features. She could be a doll was a thought that frequently crossed my mind, the other was how in hell did she end with Brian, Beta in his pack of wolves. But they balanced, created something between them that could not be duplicated.

“Why so quiet today Annie?” bouncing in her seat her multi colored curls following the movement much to her dismay. Batting at the unruly things she scowled. As a Were and the mate of a shifter, she wasn’t exactly what one expected. She was florescent in a sense; she exuded excitement and all of her emotions, she was colorful and passionate, in other words Dawn was the best of everything be it candy or rainbows. If Dawn felt it, she wore it.

“No rea – I ran into Nell, I really don’t understand what Z sees in her. She’s,” looking for the right word to describe her, I was suddenly lost for words.

“Filthy,” snorting at the suggestion Eve looked to Dawn at the word rarely heard.


“Festered with disease,” gripping the table in laughter, Bridget wiggled her brows at us.

“Loathsome and evil,” drinking some more of my latte, I smiled at Vic a women who never had anything bad to say about another. Dawn was another surprise, she was a firm believer in what went around came around.

“All of the above,” secretly, I had liked Zack for years even before my transformation and seeing him with someone so despicable was depressing. “But I will say one thing, I am very glad she knows nothing about us or any part of the truth about this supposed quiet town,”

Raising her glass, Vic smiled “Hear hear,” tapping my cup she moved around the table.
Sunday coffee dates were always great for us ladies – the males would be neck deep in preparing for their weekly meeting and we could just relax.

“So Annie, have you meet Phillip?” at least they were nice until one of the girl’s decided to bring up my lack of a love life. Raising my brow at Eve, I tightened my smile hoping she would catch the displeasure.

Of course life was never that simple.
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MORNING (afternoon or evening) it is 7:45 where I am and the sun is up and bright! so naturally, I couldn't sleep past 7 :( when this happens (and does OFTEN) I will do my best to update. Like I said before Almost Easy is almost entirely written, there are only a few places near the end I am still editing so it won't take long to get through or to post.

This piece is almost completely to show you Annie's friends because there is at least one of the ladies in each piece so I wanted you to get to see just how different they are.

Hope everyone has had a great Easter Weekend so far!