Kill Me I Dare You


I sat with Stenny on the couch in her apartment. We were in out pajamas and eating bowels of chocolate ice cream with skittles. Out mini tribute to Frank if you will.

We sat watching MTV just slurping on our ice cream and watching MADE.

"Hey Stenny?" I asked.


"I think I liked Frank,"

"Of course you did, we all did," She said with a smile.

"No, I think I liked, liked him."

"Ooh," Stenny said drawing out the word.

"I knew it!"

"Huh?" I questioned as she squeeled.

"I knew you two had a fling!"

"Well it wasn't a fling-"

"No but it was chemistry!"

"Theres nothing I can do about it now though," I said glumly.

"Yeah," Stenny said looking down.

"Well on a lighter note, me and Bob has sex," Stenny said casually, putting more ice cream in her mouth.

"You what?!" I shrieked spitting ice cream across the room.

"Yeah...we were making out and you know it just happened his penis-"

"Ugh! I know how it works dip shit! When did this happen?!" I siad disgusted.

"Erm, well you see, while you were a-wall we were in the back seat of my car-and it jsut kind of happened," She said with a small smile.

"O..k so for the record, I am NEVER sitting in your back seat again, and after Frank's funeral? Are you crazy?! You two couldn't of waiter-"

"Hey hey! Frank would've laughed at us, he once told me the best way to end a funeral was in sex!"

"Oh ew"

"So you two are an item now?" I questioned.

"Yeah..I guess."



We both looked at the T.V in a akward silence. She did BOB! BOB! I mean wow, I just, yeah, wow.

An MTV News Brief came up and I listened intently, distracvting my mind from bad images.

"Earlier today, noted killer of My Chemical Romance's Frank Iero was found dead today. He had been released from police custody on bond. It was ruled out as a suicide-"

I wasn't listening anymore, my heart was pounding in my chest. They thought he killed himself. I sighed in relief.

"Wow, that pussy killed himself!" Stenny said glaring at the screen.

"No he didn't," I found myself saying.

"Uh, yeah he did, are you on crack? They just said so-"

"No, Stenny, I killed him, that's why I was a-wall, I shot him in the head!" I said putting my head in my hands.

"Oh my-"

"Don't tell anyone! Oh my god! I just made you an accesory! Stenny I'm sorry!" I was crying now.

Stenny brought me into a hug, she rubbed my back.

"Shh," She cooed holding me.

"It;ll be ok, they think its a suicide, its ok, your safe,"

"Stenny, I killed a man! Then I made it look like a suicide!"

"Shush! It's ok, jsut breathe,"


Stenny slapped me, and I gasped.

"You will be fine, they think he killed himself, get a hold of your self! The selfish bastard deserved what he got! If it wasn't you it would've been a phsyco fan! Your fine! Just, forget about it."

"Ok," I said looking down, wiping my eyes.

"Don't tell the guys,"

"I'm not stupid Stenny."

"I know, just, no one finds out, okay?"


"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear," I said linking my pinky with hers.

What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I tried writting this THREE times! Twice it got killed by my computer. >.<
comments=quick updates.
OH! AND! I'm looking for pictures of our Characters!
So the competitioin is on!
If you have pictures send me the link!