Remembering Sunday He Falls to His Knees

Harley Leanne Anderson... A beautiful name for a beautiful girl right? Well she begs to differ. Harley has never had high confidence or found herself pretty. Her dad made sure she knew the he didn't think she was all that great either. He was abusive, drunk, just flat out mean. He was only abusive when he was drunk though. Harley loves him, even though he's hit her so many times she's lost count. Her mother died ten years before. Her father loses his job, yet again, and she is forced to move to Baltimore, Maryland. Her dad tries to convince her that it will be better than where they were currently living... She isn't persuaded. That is until she meets a boy who may just change her entire outlook on life, and love.

*********************************For the record I changed Harley's age. Instead of her being a junior and 16, she's a senior and she's 17.*************************************


Name - Harley Leanne Anderson
Nicknames - LeeLee, Lee, Leanne, Harley Leanne. She mostly goes by Harley or Lee.
Piercings - Tongue, ears(double on both sides)
Hair - long, brown, very choppy, side sweep bangs
Eyes - green, deep dark green

Name - Alexander William Gaskarth
Nicknames - Alex
Piercings - none
Hair - longish, brown with blonde in it, bangs to one side of his face
Eyes - chocolate brown

Name - Jack Barakat
Nicknames - none
Piercings - none
Hair - brown blonde spots, same style as Alex's
Eyes - dark brown

Name - Zackary Merrick
Nicknames - Zack
Piercings - nose(left side)
Hair - dirty blonde almost brown
Eyes - dark brown
Tattoo - one on his left shoulder, i honestly don't know what it is but it's there.

Name - Rian Dawson
Nicknames - none
Piercings - none(i don't think)
Hair - brown, buzz cut
Eyes - brown

This is an Alex Gaskarth story.

"Don't throw yourself out on another's whim. People change, as do intentions and as a result, consequences. Live for yourself - love those around you, but realize that they've got their own agendas." - Alexander William Gaskarth