Remembering Sunday He Falls to His Knees

Let me light up the sky, light it up for you.


I’m officially eighteen years old! Well, that was last week but still not the point because today is the day that I’m moving out to I don’t know where. My dad will be out of town for three days and he won’t let me move out while he’s home so I have to get my shit out of his house before he gets back. So that’s what I’m doing right now. I’m packing up my room and Alex is coming over to help me.

Knock, knock, knock.

“It’s open!” I yelled down the stairs. I heard the door open and close and someone come up the stairs. I felt arms wrap around me and smiled.

“You really shouldn’t leave the door unlocked Angel. It’s dangerous,” he whispered in my ear. I laughed and turned my head to the side to kiss him.

“Not when I have my boyfriend here,” I smiled and he sat down next to me crossed legged on the floor. “You’re so cute,” I laughed. He looks like a little kid when he does that. He just smiled a big cheesy grin and laid his head on my shoulder.

“Can I ask you something?” he said about five minutes later.

“You just did, but yes,” I retorted, being a smartass is my forte. He laughed a nervous laugh then took a deep breath.

“I was wondering if… y-you would maybe,” he stuttered out.

“Spit it out sweetie.” He took another deep breath and started again.

“Will you move in with me?” I swear to god my heart just stopped… “If you don’t want to its okay I,” I put my hand over his mouth.

“Alex, shut up. Of course I’ll move in with you,” I said with a soft smile. I moved my hand and it was replaced with my lips. He kissed me softly on my lips and I couldn’t help but smile wider.


Now that we have finally packed up all of my belongings and got them to Alex’s apartment it’s time to take everything out. Alex already bought a big dresser and the master bedroom has a walk in closet. It’s such a nice apartment. I half expected a bachelor pad but Alex really pulled through. There’s a couch and a love seat in the living room along with a television and his beloved X-box. I expected that one so I was definitely not at all surprised. There’s one bathroom and one bedroom. The master bedroom is actually pretty big. It’s a really spacious apartment. The living room is open to the kitchen and there’s a door that leads through to the laundry room from the kitchen. All in all, I’m proud of him.

“Do you really like it?” he asked me again. He’s been asking me nonstop since I saw the apartment.

“I told you Alex, I love it,” I told him for the tenth time today. I kissed him on the cheek and sat down on the couch. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap. I had turned the TV on but he turned it off and threw the remote on the floor. “Hey, I was watching that,” I protested but soon enough his lips found mine and I didn’t care about what ever was on the television.

Of course the god damn phone has to ring. The anthem came blaring from Alex’s cell phone that just so happened to be in his pocket. I sighed and pulled away and he scowled at the caller ID.

“What?” he said annoyed into the phone. I mouthed ‘Who is it?’ and learned that it was Rian. I took the phone from Alex and put it on speaker.

“What did you do Alex?” Rian’s voice came from the phone filling the living room.

“Alex did nothing I put you on speaker. Start talking,” I replied curtly.

“Oh, well I know I told you that Annie was going with us on Warped but she just back out because we got in a fight,” he explained. Annie is Rian’s girlfriend, they’ve been together for about six or seven months. She normally sells merch for them at shows and that’s why she was going with them on Warped.

“Ok, so we need a new merch person?” Alex replied.

“Well, I was thinking we could just bring Harley. She can sell merch and then she won’t have to sit at home bored all summer and we won’t have to listen to you bitch,” he said referring to Alex.

“Rian I freaking love you!” I yelled. Alex smiled a huge smile and we both said bye to Rian. After Alex hung up the phone I went kiss him again but he stopped me. I groaned and he laughed.

“Sorry sweetie but we leave in two days and you still have to pack,” he said while putting his forehead on mine. I frowned at him and he laughed again. “What?”

“Ugh, I just unpacked. Now I have to pack some more!” I hate packing. It’s gay.

“I’ll help you I promise. For now let’s get something to eat because I’m starving,” he said while getting up off the couch.

“Ok, what do you want? I’ll fix it.”

“No we’re going out, where do you want to go?” he asked holding out his hand and pulling me up off the couch.

“I don’t know, it doesn’t matter to me,” I told him. Minutes later we were in his car on our way to I don’t know where because he won’t tell me.


We didn’t actually go to a restaurant which is completely ok with me. Instead we went to the store, got chips, and stuff to makes sandwiches, and drinks. Then he drove us to the beach. The beach in Dover. Dover, Delaware is two hours away from Lutherville-Timonium, Maryland. We left city limits and I was like ‘What the hell?’ He just said we were going somewhere I hadn’t been in forever. We pulled up to the beach and I smiled bigger than a kid in a candy store. Alex knows how much I love the beach and I haven’t been since I was little.

“I love watching the sunset,” I said to no one in particular. I have my head on Alex’s shoulder and he has his arms around my waist. It’s the classic sunset scene in those gushy romance movies.

“I love you,” he whispered as we watched the sky turn blue and purple and any other colors you could imagine. It was gorgeous and I loved every second of it.

"I love you too Alex."
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if i get enough people saying they want one then i'll write one.
i'm gonna miss this story:[

with love