Butterfly Kisses

Chapter VI

“Tell me, Kylie,” Derek's voice whispered as I watched through the one way glass. “Do you know Kenna Leighton?”

Kylie smiled. “Of course. I stood up for her in high school when many made fun of her.”

“Can you name the many people?”

“Of course. Nathan Reitwig, Nichole Grizald, Kollin Kissinger, and Abigal Sulder.”

“Do you know why they made fun of Kenna?”

Kylie huffed. “They believed she was imperfect, when they were completely fake.”

Derek stood. “Would you like to tell me about your stalker-like behavior toward Kenna?”

“I just wanted to make sure she was safe,” Kylie said, tears forming in her eyes. She frantically looked around for tissues.

“Kylie, do you know why Kenna's high school bullies were kidnapped? Or, even better, who took them?”

“I-I-I don't,” she stuttered.

Derek walked out of the room, and into ours.

“I think she knows, Derek,” I said. “I want to talk to her.”

“Are you sure, Kenna?” Spencer asked, stepping toward me.

“Yes. It may be our only choice,” I stated. “She knows me.”

I walked out the door, breathing in and out as I went. Slowly, I entered the room to reveal my stalker.

“Kenna!?” Kylie yelled through her tears as she saw me.

“Hi, Kylie,” I stuttered. “It's nice to see you.”

“Kenna, you have to help me,” Kylie demanded. “I swear, I didn't do anything to them!”

“Then who did, Kylie?” I questioned.

“I-I-I don't know if he did anything to them. I just know that he took them, and that he wants you,” she shakily said.

“Who wants me, Kylie?” I started to get angry, my voice raising.

“I-I-I can't tell you. He could kill me!”

“Kylie, you can tell me now, or tell me once we bring the man responsible for this in.”

Kylie hesitated in front of me for a few minutes. I could see her lips twitching to say it, but she wouldn't. The truth felt so obvious.

“It's Christopher, isn't it?” The words came spilling out before I had time to stop them.

Kylie's blue eyes met my green ones. She bit her lip, slowly nodding. She leaned her head forward, and unleashed her liquid lava of tears. I heard everyone hustle out of the other room. I just sat there, staring at her, until Spencer came into the room, relieving me of my duty.

“Kylie,” I softly said, “thank you. Without you, high school would have been so much worse. Tell me, why did he leave all those notes?”

She let out another cry. “He told me I was too perfect to be completely real, and insisted that I was a fake. He would hit me repeatedly to 'damage the reality'. I think he likes to take those that are fake and build them to his perfection. He hit me so much that it damaged my body. He was going to work on building me tonight,” she scoffed.

“Then, why did he leave me this?” I unraveled my note and handed it to her.

“'I want my perfection, beautiful Kenna',” she read aloud. “I'm not sure. Maybe he believes that you aren't perfect, but you never did anything to tamper with your natural beauty. I don't know, Kenna.” She handed me back the note.

Spencer and I turned to walk away, and, as we were, we heard Kylie say, “I hope his cell mate doesn't believe that he is perfect.”

I smirked slightly.