Status: New Co-write

The Rose and the Slipper


Audrey was woken to the sound of her alarm beeping irritably from her mobile phone. Rolling over she gripped the device and silenced it. It was the weekend so Audrey had the day off. Sighing she fell back onto her pillows and allowed her eyes to drift shut again. The red head had almost managed to drift off again before her door was rudely shoved open and Johanna appeared before her.

“Still asleep at this hour,” she tutted walking over to Audrey’s curtains and pulling them open allowing the sunlight to filter in. The red head groaned and buried her face under her pillows. “Audrey get up. Your father is coming home today and I need help getting the house spotless,” at the news that her father was coming home the red head sat bolt upright in her bed a wide smile spreading across her face. It had been several weeks since she had seen her father.

“Really?” she asked watching as Johanna walked around her room. The brunette nodded her head a small smile on her face. Audrey couldn’t help the squeal that broke from her lips as she rolled out of her bed hurrying around her room and grabbing clothes to change into. Audrey decided that she would have a shower after she had done all the jobs. She wanted to look her best for her father.

Johanna walked out of the room silently pulling the door closed as she did so leaving Audrey to hurry about changing into her clothes and straightening her room. Once complete she hurried out and down to the kitchen where her step sisters were all sitting down enjoying their breakfast. Lottie looked up from her food a slight frown spreading across her face at the sight of Audrey.

Audrey and Lottie had never got along ever since she had moved in trying to steal her fathers attention away from her, always trying to take the spotlight and turn it onto herself. However Audreys' father only gave her half of his attention and instead gave the red head his full. It was something Lottie had never been able to get used to.

“Good morning,” she greeted cheerfully, nothing could dim her happiness. Her father was coming home and that was all that mattered. However Daisy and Phoebe hurried over to her and hugged her tightly. For some reason the twins had always shown her kindness, much like their older brother. However it was a different story with the two eldest.

“Morning Audrey,” the chorused smiling up at her. “Look we made you eggs and soldiers,” the twins pulled her toward the kitchen table where a plate sat, Two semi boiled eggs and two pieces of buttered toast that had been cut into strips waited for her.

“Thanks girls, it looks delicious,” the twins giggled giddily before sitting down and continuing with their meal. Audrey began to eat before Lottie began whispering with Fizzy causing them both to giggle as their eyes lingered on the red head.

“If you have something to say why don’t you say it aloud for the rest of us to hear,” Audrey spoke a smile spreading across her face. The red head knew the two were talking about her and by the way their eyes shot to their younger sisters she knew they weren’t able to say it out loud. “What, cat got your tongue?” she continued watching as the two shrunk away from her their eyes returning to their meal. Audrey was never one for confrontation but today she was feeling much more bolder in her actions.

The two sisters looked at her before scoffing and rolling their eyes. Audrey watched as they got to their feet grabbing their plates and walking over to the sink where they dropped them half heartedly not caring if they broke them. Audrey knew it would be her that would be stuck with cleaning the morning dishes. Once she had finished her meal she walked over to the sink and began to wash. The red head couldn’t believe it was twenty-fifteen and they still didn’t have a mechanical dishwasher. Whenever she asked if they would get one Johanna would always come up with a list of things that were more important in her books.

Clothes and shoes don’t count as more important.

Audrey had just finished the dishes when her phone began to ring in her pocket, wiping her hands on a tea towel she looked at the caller ID seeing Louis name an uneasy feeling washed over her as she answered the call.

“Hello,” she was hesitant scared as to what she would hear next.

“You need to get to the Library now! I want out!” his words were low but filled with ferocity. He was mad. This was not good.

“Louis what are you talking about? Why do you want out? What happened?” Audrey shot the questions at her step brother quickly knowing she didn’t really have time to be talking to him considering her father could be home at any moment.

“She’s useless! You should have seen the state of my fucking kitchen this morning!” he was raging. Sighing the red head spoke again.

“Okay I am coming, I’ll be there soon.” with that she hung up, hurrying to her room grabbing clothes before heading to the bathroom that was free, thankfully. Closing the door she locked it having the misfortune of her step sisters walking in on her several times.


Audrey pulled out in front of Louis business, she smiled when she noticed Harry was cleaning the windows while Niall went out of his way to run his fingers across the glass and cause the curly haired male to scowl and shout at him. Audrey knew because she could hear it through the glass as well as the blondes loud laughter. Shaking her head she walked up entering the building, instantly the scent of books, printed words and knowledge hit her causing her to smile widely.

“Audrey!” it was Niall who hurried over to her wrapping his arms around her tightly.

“Hiya Niall,” returned the hug shooting a smile at the curly haired male that was looking at her now. He waved with a silly grin on his face. “Louis in?”

“Out the back trying to calm down. Seems his new friend Jane is driving him bonkers.”

Jane? the confusion must have been obvious on her face. However before Niall got a word in Harry spoke.

“The new girl. Came in with your brother this morning. Long brown hair, pretty…”

“Fit,” Niall finished causing the red head to roll her eyes.

“Niall there is more to a girl then her body,” she pointed out but before the blonde could retaliate she called out a thank you and walked towards the back office where she was certain Louis would be having his morning tea. Opening the door she was right, he sat in his desk chair mug in his hand as his blue eyes stared at the wall.

“Hey Lou,” she smiled closing the door behind her as she entered.

“Get her out of here!” was all he said. The red head sighed as she walked over to him crouching down in front of him.

“Lou… it’s gonna take time. You know who she is… you know where she is from. What did she do this morning that has you so shitty?”

“My kitchen was a mess, she can’t cook. She left crap everywhere…”

“She was just trying to be nice and show her appreciation don’t be such a dick about it.” the males eyes shot up and he was about to fire words at her but Audrey quickly interrupted him. “Give her time, show her patience, help her. All her life she has had others waiting on her it’s going to take her time to adjust and you need to be patient. I will come by as often as I can and check in I promise. However in the mean time maybe you could give her a job here.” the look that the blue eyed male shot at her. “Louis come on. She’s not going to learn if you don’t give her a chance to try. Even if it is just stacking books at least it’s something.”

“And how the fuck do you want me to conceal her identity… hmmm… incase you didn’t notice she is pretty recognisable. Niall and Harry were pretty sure they knew who she was.” Audrey was stumped at this. Maybe a make over? She wasn’t too sure the young heiress would want that though.

“I’ll talk to her…” the red head said. “But not right now.”

“Why not!”

“Stop acting like a child I get enough of that from your sisters I don’t need it from you!” she snapped quickly becoming irritated with Louis attitude. “Dad is coming home today and it has been two months since I saw him last.” that instantly made the male soften.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry Audrey… I…”

“I know, you didn’t know. Tomorrow I promise I will talk to her and find out what we can do. Until then try and be nice to her and remember she is new to this. Also I think Niall has a thing for her better watch that one.” she joked relieved when her step brother cracked a small smile. Straightening up she reached up and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. He sighed but she knew he was smiling.

“I think both of them do.”

“Well you had better watch them. We both know what they’re like,” Louis laughed and Audrey was happy to see him smiling again. “I’ll see you tomorrow Lou,” with that she walked out of the office bidding the two men goodbye before leaving the door tinkling behind her.


Annabelle had been gone the whole night, the police were now on the case of finding her, that still hadn’t eased the worry that clouded the house. Every time a door opened Maria would hold her breath hoping it was her daughter returning, however the look of sadness set across her face when it wasn’t was almost heart breaking. Zayn sat in the evening room with his mother and Mrs Brookefield while the men were off doing something in the study.

“She is a foolish girl, she has never done anything like this before. Oh. What will her father do when she returns…” Zayn listened but he knew all they were really worried about was the agreement between his family and hers. It angered Zayn causing him to be a little happy for young Annabelle and her courage to run away. The raven haired male knew he would never be able to run away from his family. He could never hurt his mother like that.

“I am sure he will be as relieved as you when she returns.”

“But how could she leave at a time like this. A time of utmost importance. The wedding has to be postponed now.”

Good Zayn thought to himself. Zayn had nothing against the young woman but he didn’t love her and he had no desire to marry her. A friendship maybe but that is all. Nothing more, nothing less. The two mothers continued to speak about their riches, Annabelle and the shame she would bring on the family if news broke. Zayn silently got to his feet and walked out of the room not caring how rude he was being.

The male headed toward the kitchen knowing it was the only place he would not be interrupted. Walking in he was surprised to see a couple in a rather intimate embrace. Clearing his throat the two jumped apart.

“Oh Mister Malik,” it was the woman he spoke, she ran her fingers through her dark hair while trying to straighten herself out while the male simply looked down.

“Zayn… please.”

“Zayn,” she corrected herself. The three were swallowed into silence before Zayn broke it.

“And you are?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Giovanna and this is.”

“Charlie,” the male spoke lifting his eyes to look at the male before him. Zayn smiled at both of them in acknowledgement.

“Pleasure to meet you both… if you don’t mind can I sit in here for a while?” a confused look flashed across the brunette’s face but she quickly nodded her head.

“Of course.” Thanking her Zayn took a seat placing his head in his hands As he sat there a thought hit him. Perhaps he could find out the name of the maid he had been speaking to yesterday before the two had been interrupted. “Do either of you happen to know a maid, flaming red hair, kind smile, hypnotic eyes…” he trailed off when he saw them both smile. “You do.”

“Yes we do,” the chorused.

“Please, I spoke to her yesterday but I never got her name. Can you tell me?”

“Her name is Audrey, Audrey McPherson.”

Audrey. The name suited her. Zayn couldn’t help but smile. He finally knew her name. He would be able to address her properly now instead of calling her ‘maid’.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there Esther again. I am so sorry for the wait but it is finally here! The next chapter.

I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to everyone who has read it, subscribed and recommended you are all amazing!

Until next time

Cheers Esther :)