Ashes, Ashes

Chapter 1 : Cinder and Snow

Cinder sat waiting adrenaline was slowly pumping through her veins making her spy instincts sharpen. She was creating a steady thirst to prove herself to Michelle, the commander of this operation and her stepmother, that she was a worthy spy. Even as she was thinking this though doubt was spreading in her mind.
"Calm down" Cinder muttered to herself "everything will be fine" she abruptly stopped talking when she recieved a strange look from the driver of the limo.
Taking a deep breath she attempted to calm her mind, going into a mission nervous and full of adreanline was not a good combination. She would know, the first and only time she had gone on a mission was a year ago. Let's just say it didn't look too good on her when the slightly phsycho, rich old lady she had supposed to have been protecting got wacked in the head with her own stuffed cat this of course had to be during the time when Cinder was in the washroom. Long story short the old lady sued and Cinder got another year of spy training with kids a year younger than her. All she could say in her own defense was that she didn't make the old lady mental.
When Cinder had been offered a second chance to redeem herself she had jumped at it. Despite the fact that the mission was practically impossible. She had a feeling that Michelle had just sent her out on the field to get rid of Cinder's constant bugging for a second chance. A fresh blaze of determination rushed through Cinder at that annoying thought. Taking a deep breath she went through the mission at hand all she had to do was waltz down the red carpet on the outside of the limo before entering the plaza and catching Snowe a legendary assasin, most likely of the female gender, attempting to murder a famous idol.
"Cinder are you ready?" her intercom, artistically hidden in her earing ,crackled to life rudely interrupting her thoughts,
" yeah i guess so" she replied to Michelle, her heart beat slowly speeding up.
"Good, you're stepping out in 3 ... 2... 1 ." Michelle replied without missing a beat. Cinder reflected on the annoying nazily sound, also known as Michelle's voice. Taking a final deep breath Cinder swung out of the plush car and into the blinding limelight of the entertainment world.
" My name is Celeste, rising radio popstar " Cinder ran through her identity for the night and thought of the irony with the fact that she couldn't even sing a single note without sounding like a dying horse. As she waltzed down the red carpet with her 4 inch diamond heels she admired their fake impracticality, for a moment, with the dozens of bulbs flashing around her the heels looked like glass. Soon she reached the doors of the giant dome building which swung open welcoming Cinder for the mission of her life.

The inside of the dome was beautiful, gorgeous crystal decorations combined with the sparkling clothes of the famous created a dizzying affect and lets not even mention the perfume.
But Cinder wasn't here for the scenery she was on a mission looking for the single person in this giant room with the intent to kill. Distracted Cinder ran into a solid object, quickly she looked up to meet gleaming hazel eyes filled with amusement.
Her first instinct was to glare, but quickly realized that unwanted attention would be brought towards this action and instead voted for blushing and looking towards the ground while stammering out an apology.
Her instincts were correct as she looked up between her lashes she saw a incredibly handsome boy whom judjing by his arrogant expression knew he was good looking. You could practically see the ego oozing out of him.
The boy reached his hands out to steady her and flashed a 100 watt smile.
"Careful, wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours" his voice souded like a purring cat waiting to lure a mouse in.
Cinder was getting slightly disgusted and after quickly uttering a thanks she brushed past him.
Hurrying along.
Through the night she was on high alert, but as 11:30 rolled past she questioned the actuality of Snowe making an appearance. By 11:50 she was close to giving up.
"One more round" Cinder decided, "and then I'll figure out a different game plan"
As she walked through the crowds of celebrities she finally saw it, a flash of metal like silver. Cinder with quick turn targeted the petite figure that held the deadly weapon.
Carefully she shadowed the blonde until the girl stopped and with a quick flash, threw the knife.
Cinder's carefully attuned reflexes took ahold and without thinking she ran ,only once a long time ago had she ever run like this, but just as well a life was at risk and she would NOT fail again.
When she was in reach of the knife she swiftly reached out and grabbed it despite the sudden intense pain she looked back.
She was only able to see a cold pair of gray eyes before the world exploded in fire.
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