The Girl Who Pissed Off the Wrong Psychopath

The beginning of the Great Experiment

The baby’s howls echoed through the bitter night air. His breath formed clouds of steam as it condensed. The flimsy blanket wrapped around his torso did little to stop the cold penetrating. Little by little, his tiny body was losing its warmth to the surrounding darkness.

Through the mist, a tall, thin figure came into view. Its white-blond hair stood, curled like a pit of snakes against its head. Its eyes shone as blue as stars. The sound of its footsteps made a dull, rhythmic thud against the frozen ground. In one smooth movement, the figure swooped downwards, scooping the baby up in its cold hands.

In an instant, the child stopped crying. His eyes locked on to those of his captor. Her eyes were so blue, an almost inhuman colour. Her hair was coiled into curls as tight as springs. Her face was pale, her eyebrows raised high. But when she smiled, the world seemed to warm up.

Almost at once, a smile broke across the boy’s face. He was safe now. The Other Mother would keep him safe. Cold comfort, perhaps, for the parents who had just lost their firstborn son. But comfort nevertheless.

Almost gently, she brushed a finger against the boy’s cheek. Her porcelain features were alight with pure joy. As she raised the boy towards her face, his smile grew wider. For a moment, she felt almost human, almost like a first time mother, watching her newborn infant beam back at her. It wasn’t the first time she had taken a life, but this was different. This time, instead of a reanimated corpse, she had a newborn son, and no stretch marks to show for it. This would be the start of a new chapter, a legacy that would last decades. He was to be the first in a Great Experiment, from which he and he alone would come out of un-scarred.

Aside from him, none of the Other Children would survive her. But he was different. The connection she felt with this child might be the closest thing to love she could ever feel. She would never hurt him, because he was Special.