Status: On Going

Zak and the Fan Fiction Writer

Chapter 10

Zak picked Emily up at the airport and drove you back to his house. “Well, this is home” Zak said, as he opened the front door and then stepped aside so Emily could walk in.

“It’s great” Emily said, in awe. She’d never seen a home like his before.

“Thanks” Zak said softly. Just then Billy and Aaron began clearing their throats loudly. “Oh, ahhh, yeah, that’s Aaron, and that’s Billy” Zak said.

“Nice to meet ya” both men responded.

“Nice to meet you too” Emily said.

“Excuse the mess” Zak quickly replied. “We’ve been trying to research a location, to possibly investigate.”

“No problem” Emily answered. “If now’s a bad time, I could…..”

“No” Zak quickly said. “Now’s not a bad time at all.” He gave Billy and Aaron a look which said “shut up” before they could even make a sound. Zak moved a stack of papers off of a chair and set them on the floor. “Have a seat. But I hope you don’t mind if we try and finish up this research.”

“Of course not” Emily said as she sat down.

“We still haven’t found anything that matches between that email and the available information G.” Aaron said.

Zak sighed with frustration. “You guys think the person who sent this email is just playin’ us?”

“Hard to say” Billy answered.

Emily couldn’t help but notice some of the books and papers scattered about. “Are you guys researching Plainfield, Wisconsin?”

“Yeah” Zak answered. He then showed her the email the GAC had gotten.

“I know her” Emily said after seeing who sent the email.

“You do?” All three men said at once.

Emily nodded in response. “Yup, and I can tell you guys for a fact, that what she’s telling you is the truth.”

“Would you mind telling us what you know about it?” Zak asked.

“Well, I know her family was connected to what happened their, in a few ways. But the main way is because her Great Aunt and that Aunt’s daughter were on his list of women to kill.”

“Whoa” Billy remarked.

“Are you serious?” Aaron said.

Emily nodded. “May I” Emily said, gesturing towards the email. Zak quickly handed it to her. Emily read over the email, nodding as she did. “Yeah, this is all true. Ed lived on one side of the street and her Great Aunt & Great Uncle lived on the other side. Her Great Uncle was part of the search party looking for Ed’s Brother, and was the one who found him dead….no fire involved. And he did disappear after telling her Uncle he didn’t like what Eddie was doing.

Her other Great Uncle was part of the search party when one of Ed’s victims Mary Hogan, disappeared. Her Mother can clearly remember this Uncle coming home to what would be this lady’s Great Grandparents farm and saying “it’s the damnedest thing Ma, the tracks just disappear.”.”

Emily nodded some more as she glanced over the email. “This is true too. The kitchen used in the kitchen scene in the original movie Psycho was modeled after her Great Aunt’s kitchen.”

“Which Aunt” Billy asked as he was digging through a pile of notes he’d been making.

“Effie, the one who was on Ed’s list of women to kill.” Emily answered.

“That’s cool” Aaron commented. “About the kitchen in the movie being modeled after her Aunt’s kitchen, not the list part.”