At First Sight.


The dinner they made was really great, and we had an amazing night. They all left early, except for Niall and Harry. Niall had kind of attached himself to Arielle. The two of them had been drinking a little, so Harry stayed so that he could drive him back to Harry's house. He and I had laid out on the rooftop balcony and stargazed after Sansa went to bed. We just laid there and talked all night. We ended up falling asleep out there. And when we woke up, it was from the sunrise.

"Oh God," I said, "Ouch my leg hurts."

"Let's get you inside to take a pill," he said and I nodded.

He helped me get inside. I took a Vicodin and then checked the clock on the stove.

"God it's only 5:30," I said.

"Well, early bird gets the worm right?" Harry said.

"Where the hell is Arielle and Niall?" I asked, looking around.

"Maybe upstairs?" he asked.

"I swear to God if they're naked I'm going to throw a hissy fit."

We walked upstairs and I silently opened her door and peaked in, then immediately closed it.

"Yup, naked," I said.

"Oh lord."

"Well... that was gross to see. Come on, I'll make you some coffee."

"Do you have those fancy flavored coffee creamers?" he asked.

"How American of you to ask, Mr. Styles, and yes, we do," I smiled.

We went back to the kitchen and I made us coffee. After a little while, Harry and I went upstairs and woke up Arielle and Niall so that Niall and Harry could go to Harry's. Harry said he would text me after they had gotten ready for the day. After they left, I went back upstairs and into Arielle's room. She had wrapped herself in the blanket and was laying down still.

"What?" she asked.

"You slept with him?"

"Yeah, we were drunk."

I sighed, "Arielle, it's not like they're going to be around forever here."

"He said that he would come back, he said that he wanted to be with me."

"You were drunk. Just... I'm not saying he wasn't telling the truth. I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up too much."

"Okay," she nodded.

"I'm gonna get ready, you should get up."

"5 more minutes mommy."


I went into my room, showered and got ready. Sansa had gotten up and gotten herself ready while I was doing the same. Then, when Arielle was done, we all went out to breakfast. I had texted Harry telling him that we were going out to breakfast. And shortly after we were seated, all the rest of them were walking into the restaurant.

"Oh my God," Arielle said.

"I did not think they were just going to show up here," I said.

"Yay!" Sansa said with a smile.

They were brought over to our big corner booth and they all started sliding in. Harry sat beside me, while Sansa was on my other side.

"You should've known that we'd show up after you told us where you were going," he said.

"Yeah, I should have. I would've just tweeted about it."

"Cruel," he smirked at me.

We all ordered, and then after breakfast we all went back to Harry's house. We were lounging in the grass in his backyard when Perrie sat up immediately from the place she was lying down and gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"Sansa," she said.

"Yeah?" Sansa smiled.

"Have you ever been to Disneyland?"

"No, Mom said we were going to go soon but we haven't yet."

"Do you want to go tomorrow?"

"Whoa whoa whoa, Disneyland is expensive," I said.

"We're still repaying you for saving Zayn's life," Eleanor said.

"I thought that was repaid with dinner?!"

"I could fall into the pool if you'd like," Zayn said.

"No I would not like."

"Then we're going to Disneyland," Harry smiled.

I glared at him but couldn't help but smile.

My phone started ringing. I picked it up from the grass and answered it.

"Hey uncle Bill," I answered.

"Holy shit it's Bill Gates," Liam muttered.

"Hey honey, I was just calling to check in. Saved a life I see on the internet?"

"Oh yeah, you know me. I save lives left and right but this one, this was important on an economic level. I mean, honestly, could you imagine how much money not only America but the world would lose out on if one of the members of One Direction died? I mean honestly it would be catastrophic. And could you imagine how many people would start buying Apple products if they no longer needed... PC for... Browsing... Google for... photos of Zayn...? I lost it I'm sorry I was trying to make it relate on a personal level but I just couldn't."

"Ticket sales websites that are only supported on Internet Explorer," Arielle said.

"Those don't exist honey," I said.


"Anyways, yes, good job I'm proud of you for saving his life and that valiant attempt to make it personal, I was very entertained. How's the house?"

"The house is lovely, right next to the beach. I mean, honestly it could have been a lot worse if the house was farther away when I saved Zayn, considering I had to get 30 stitches."

"Wait, how did that happen?"

"When I was under the water trying to get to him a wave pushed me towards some coral and I cut my leg calf open, I'm alright though."

"Oh sweetie I really wish you would've called me, I would arranged for you to have a good surgeon do the stitches to guarantee no scarring."

"No, no Bill it's okay. I actually kind of like the idea of having a scar. I'm going to have everyone sign my calf around the scar and then I'm going to have them tattooed to commemorate the day."

He laughed, "Well, whatever floats your boat dear."

"Mom will you braid my hair?" Sansa asked.

I nodded and she moved and sat in front of me. I put Bill on speaker phone so I could do it.

"And have you gotten around to going to the John C Argue swim stadium yet and take a look around?"

"No I haven't uncle, I'm not sure if I want to go and make a big deal out of it."

"Samantha, you used to have Olympic qualifying swim times in all 4 strokes. Your times were better than Michael Phelps' qualifying times and you were only 10."

"Yes, uncle Bill I know that. But then I got into drugs, and then hit that really weird growth spurt and got pregnant and puberty ruins a lot of it all on its own. And then I had Sansa and now well, uncle Bill I'm not nearly as aerodynamic as I used to be. I haven't figured out if it's the boobs, the butt or the fact that I simply have too much hair but no matter which it is, I'm just not as fast anymore."

"Well Sam, you did do a lot of smoking those three years. Your lungs are out of shape."

"No Bill, I didn't do that much smoking. I have severe asthma, there's a difference. My doctor doesn't even recommend that I do that much cardio."

"Oh psh, your doctor is holding you back. I'll have to find you a new one."

"Uncle Bill I will go to the stadium next week alright? I promise you, I will go. I will even, bring the whole crew to take pictures if it makes you happy."

"That would be lovely, thank you."

"Love you Uncle Bill, thanks for always hassling me."

"You know I do it because I love you. Say hi to everyone for me. Especially Harry, what do you think of h-"

"Alright uncle Bill I've got to go, Zayn's about to fall into the pool. Love you bye," I said then hung up.

Everyone was quietly chuckling.

"Hey mom?" Sansa asked.


"Do you think Michael Phelps is hot?"

"I think he looks funny shirtless and he works in an industry where it is far too important to look good half naked to look the way he does," I said.

"What's wrong with his body?" she asked.

"His abs, they're like lopsided and funky looking. Much better to not have abs then to have ones where it looks like you favor a side a little too often."

"You have really strange standards you know that? You come up with the strangest reasons to not find men attractive."

"I do not."

She immediately turned around, her hair falling out of my hands.

"Let's see, let's just say the ones where you don't really have a good chance of marrying them or being with them in any way, shape or form, shall we? Hugh Jackman, he's too old."

"He's 46 and he's too married."

"Johnny Depp, he's too old and seems pretentious."

"Well that explains itself."

"Brad Pitt, you like Angelina Jolie too much."

"I want to Brad, I really, really want to. But what about Angelina? She's like a daughter to me," I said in a fake voice mocking Louis' in Best Song Ever, making them all laugh.

"Anyone with the last name Beckham."

"That is because David Beckham is far above the standards of any woman on the face of the planet besides Posh Spice and all of his sons are 18 or younger. That one is a legality thing."

"Why won't you let yourself fall in love?"

"I don't need to be in love."

"What if I want you to be in love?"

"Then I will find an internet boyfriend who is actually just Arielle pretending to be a cute boy on the internet," I said.

"Well you just spoiled that plan by telling me."

"She's making some pretty good points here," Sophia said.

"I'm struggling," I said.

"We can tell you're beginning to falter," Louis said.

"You know, I'm going to want a step-dad someday. I mean, really, who is going to go with me to daddy-daughter dances and who's going to be there to sit in the living room while he cleans his rifle when a boy comes over to take me on a date?"

"Whoa whoa whoa you are jumping so far in the future I think I can see my grey hair that I'll have."

"I'm being realistic, and you're being ridiculous. Just go on one date, one. With anyone. Come on. anyone who is a member of the male population unless you have some secret you're hiding like that you're a lesbian and I was a product of a very drunken night that you can't remember."

"Well that last part is a little bit true my dear child. But no I am not a lesbian, you are almost 7 years old by now I would've come out to you a thousand times since you were an infant. Anyways, fine. I'll go on a date with someone."

"Alright, who?"

"What I have to pick right now?"


I looked at Perrie who was trying not to laugh.

"Harry," Eleanor said, "She'll go on a date with Harry."

"Yeah," Harry nodded.

I just kind of looked at him for a moment.

"It'll be harmless, and it'll be tomorrow. We'll all go to Disneyland, then we'll have dinner by ourselves, we'll go on a few of the cute kinds of rides together, and then we'll meet up with you guys for the fireworks," Harry said.

"Way to think on your feet, or way to plot ahead of time, either way bravo," I said softly to him.

Sansa smiled bright at me.

"Sansa, can I talk to you alone for a moment?" I asked her.

"Uh oh," she said, standing up as I did.

We walked away from everyone and sat down inside the house.

"What's all this with wanting me to date all of the sudden?" I asked her.

"I just... I see the way that you look at Harry, mom. And I see the way he looks at you. And I saw the way you looked yesterday after Joshua was there and I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

"I want you to be more happy. I want you to be happier than you've ever been in your entire life. And I like Harry, I think he'll be good for you."

I sighed as I looked at her.

"I know that Joshua was right, mom. I know that you can tell if you love someone as soon as you look into their eyes. And you've looked into Harry's eyes. And I know that you know what everyone else can see. There's something there, and I don't want you to be too afraid to go after it."

"Sansa, why are you like a 16 year old in a 6 year old's body?" I asked her.

"Because you never played kids shows for me, I always watched the things you watched. So I didn't learn how to be a kid I learned how to be an adult."

"Well, that's terrifying."

"Trust me, I know. Just, please give this a chance."

"Fine," I said, "I'll give it a chance."

"Thank you. I promise you'll have a good time."

"I know I will."

"Can I go back outside?"


She got up and ran back outside just as Eleanor walked in.

"You're scared to go huh?" she asked as we both stood in the doorway, watching Sansa play with Harry and the others.

"I've never done this before."

"What do you mean by this?"

"I mean I haven't dated anyone since Joshua. And I for sure have never dated someone who's constantly being paid attention to because of fame or anything like that."

"But I mean, you're under the public eye."

"Not that far under it. I'm like, in the far peripheral where you seriously can't see me. If the public eye and I were both cars, I'd be in it's blind spot where you have to physically look over your shoulder just to see me. These boys are the car driving right in front of the public eye and the public eye is riding their ass so hard it really should have bought them dinner first."

Eleanor laughed, "You're funny, Sam. And you're going to be good for Harry, whether anything really comes from it or not. Which is will, because every time we haven't been with you, he hasn't shut up about you. He's in love with you already and he hasn't even had to actually say that for everyone to know."

I watched him running around and playing with Sansa and I sighed.

"Yeah, I am too."