Status: How love kills cancer.

24 Days

Chapter Twelve - Cat + Other Things

I was still excited about last night, But I still had in mind, I still got to ask Alexa if she's lying to me about her tumors.
Later on, Dice texted me saying that he's outside and I have to get out asap because it's urgent.
I ran out to see Dice leaning against his car and waiting for me.
"Morning" He smiled.
"Good morning, What's so urgent?" I asked.
He opened his car door and took out a little black and white kitten and held it in his arms.
"Awwww!" I held it in my arms.
"I got it for Alexa, It was my idea of cheering her up, But you got Dan and Phil and I don't think I can top that" He smiled.
"That's so sweet of you. She loves cats" I smiled at him.
"I should've gotten two cats instead, For the both of you" He faintly smiled.
"Thank you" I smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek, He stared at me and smiled.
"Let's get going" I said.
"Okay" He got in the car.

Dice drove to the hospital as usual and waited outside with the cat because pets weren't allowed in the hospital.

"How are you today?" I asked.
"I'm great!" She smiled.
"Let's go outside shall we?" I asked her.
"There's a little surprise waiting for you" I grinned.
"Another surprise?!" She exclaimed.
I pushed her wheel chair til we were outside.
"Here you go!" Dice placed the cat in her lap.
"Oh my god, It's so cute" She giggled.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked Dice.
"A boy" He replied.
"Thank you so much. It's adorable" She played with the cat.
"What are we going to name it?" Dice asked.
"It's Alexa's cat, She'll name it" I smiled.
"I'm going to name him Maldiex" She giggled.
"What is that?" I laughed.
"It's a mix between the three of us, Alexa, Dice and Mallory" She smiled.
"Maldiex it is, I guess" Dice chuckled.
I couldn't ask her, She seemed happy and different today, I didn't want to ruin that for her, I've decided to ask her tomorrow.

Since Alexa wasn't allowed to keep pets at the hospital, Dice and I had agreed to take Maldiex everyday with us and bring it to the hospital with us.
"Great. Now I have to drive one more person" He said.
Which was the stupidest thing he had ever said among the other stupid things he had said before, Still it was cute as fuck.

It was already late, Time would pass by quickly when I was with Alexa when all that I was trying to gain is more time.
"We'll see you tomorrow" Dice hugged her.
"I love you" I kissed her cheek.
"I love you too, Both of you" She smiled.
We left the hospital and Dice drove to 'our special place' again, And this time he didn't ask.
When he stopped I got out and sat on the car before he does.

"Do you feel cold?" He sat down next to me.
"It's summer" I spoke.
"It gets cold at night" He sighed looking at the dark sky.
"It's not" I faintly said.
We didn't know what to talk about, We just sat there staring at the dark sky, Which was empty, There weren't any stars to be seen tonight.
"Mallory" He sighed.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"We've known each other for a while" He said.
"You mean like a week?" I chuckled.
"Seriously. It feels like months" He spoke.
"It does" I replied.
"Would it make you uncomfortable if I kissed you now?" He asked.
"Hm. It would" I closed my eyes.
"I've never seen you like this" He spoke.
"How?" I said. My eyes still closed.
"It's just, Your skin, It glitters under the moon light" He faintly said.
"Hm" I said feeling a bit sleepy.
"It makes me want to, I mean I just.." He muttered.
And at that very moment I felt his lips on mine, He had kissed me without me noticing which is probably the worst kiss ever but his lips were so soft and some how kind to mine.
"I'm sorry" He spoke after he had kissed me.
I didn't say a word, I just looked at him or rather stared at him for 5 seconds before I kissed him back, This time even more passionate, I'm not going to lie, I didn't feel anything, I didn't think of anything, It was like clarity for the first time ever.
After we'd broke the kiss, I smiled at him faintly then got up and got in to the car.
"It's cold" I mouthed to him while he was still outside.
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