Status: Working on it!! Bare with me!

His Sister

Chapter 4- That Butler, Most Evil

" Phantomhive's bouncer is on his way!!" Azzurro yelled in a slight panic. " Hold the gates! Don't let a single mouse in!! This is an emergency! Don't stand around twiddling your thumbs! Stop him no matter what!" He yelled at the other mafia members who rushed outside to the front gate. " Don't let the bastard set one foot in here!"

As the men were runnning to their posts, they failed to notice, Sebastian had found his way inside. He then brought attention to himself. " I say! What a splendid manor!"

The men turned. " Wha!? Who the hell are you!? How the hell did you get in here!?" One of the men asked as they all pointed their guns to Sebastian and he looked around.

" You seem to be rather busy. Mght you be expecting someone..." Sebastian asked, putting a finger on his chin.

" What business does a butler have here!? What family are you from!?" One man asked, getting impatient.

" Aah, Forgive me for now introducing myself. I..." Sebastian started befor getting a really creepy look on his face, " Work for the Phantomhive family."

With in the next few minutes, all of the men were on the ground with Sebastian standing at the end of the stairs looking at his watch. All the others were groaning. " Do forgive me, but I am rather pressed for time..." Sebastian said. ' Half passed five. I am cutting it quite close.' He thought to himself.

Sebastian walked up the stairs and opened the massive door. As soon as he was in the room, a man from a line of mafia members yelled, " He's here! FIRE!" And bullets flew towards Sebastian.

At the last second, Sebastian dived to the side and the bullets hit the door. He then took the serving tray that he had brought and threw it like a frizbee. It flew through the line of men and cutt off the ends of the guns. ( Me: My god! How sharp is that damn thing!?)

Not a few seconds after, a group of men ran at Sebastian with axes. " Son of a b****" The lead man yelled.

Sebastian grabbed a hat stand and swung it so the end that is normally on the ground hit one of the men in the face. Sebastian then swing it around like a bow-staff and hit every one of the men with the axes. He then put the het stand down and took out his watch. As he opened it, he held out a hand and the serving tray fell into his hand. " 5:34." He muttered to himself as he moved forward.

He came to a door with a gaurd and he quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it at an odd angle. The man soon passed out from the pain. Once again, when Sebastian entered the door, on a balcony a group og men with guns was waiting for him. " There he is!! KILL HIM!" One man yelled and everyone started to fire and the butler.

Sebastian held up the srving tray and the bullets bounced off of it. Sebastian hopped up on the table in the center of the room and grabbed a stack of plates. " He's hopping around like a jack-rabbit!" one of the man yelled. Sebastian then threw the plates in fast presestion of one another, all hitting the men in the heads. A few seconds after, another man with an axe lunged at Sebastian from behind. Moving quickly, Sebastian shot out his foot, kicking then man in the stomach, sending him flying back.

" Get all of the guys in the west wing! We'll turn him into swiss cheese!" One of the men yelled to another, fireing a shot at Sebastian.

The said butler sighed. " Just one mouse after another. I am not making the least bit of progress." He muttered, taking out his watch and looked at it. " 5:38"

The men kept trying to shoot Sebastian, and he had finally had enough. He flung his hands out to his sides and sivler knives and forks came out from his sleaves and he caught them, ones between each finger. He then flug the knives and the men. " What the hell!?" One man yelled as a knife loged itself in his forehead.

Sebastian kept throwing the knives and forks at the mafia men. "Who the hell is this bastart!?" One man asked.

Sebastian then jumped really high so he was above the balcony. " I am the butler of the Phantomhive family. It gose without saying that such minor feats are within my repertoire." Sebastian answered the man before throwing a knife at his head.

Soon enough, all the men were dead and Sebastian was hanging upside down from the light. ( Me: How he hell did he get up there... Wait, I remember now. Moving on!) " Heavens. That was unxpectedly time consuming." Sebastian said as he dropped and landed on his feet, looking at his watch. " 5:43."

Back with Azzurro, The only noise in his office was the clock. ' It's gone all quiet?' He asked himself. Then he heard the click clack of shoes.

The sound got closer to the door and Azzuroo started to shake with his gun in his hand. The door then creeked open slowly. " Pardon my intrusion." Sebastian said, walking in and bowing.

' A butler!?' Azzurro asked hiself. " Ha ha. I'm amazed to think you took out all of those men by yourself." He said. " Well I'll be damned. I was wondering what sort of big man you were, but you are nothing more than a Romeo swanning around in a tailcoat. Well, who are you? An assassin hired by the Phantomhive brats? Or maybe and ex-special forces mercenary? You are not just a butler, yes?"

Sebastian smirked. " Oh, but I am. Just a butler that is."

" Is that so?" Azzurro asked. " In any case, I have no intention of fighting with you, Signore butler." He then grabbed ciel by his hair at the same time as grabbing Samantha's pony-tail to bring then side by side next to the barrel of Azzurro's gun as they were both out cold. "However,I would have you leave the good behind." Sebastian just stood there with a blank look on his face as the twins woke up slowly. " You do not want a hole in your adorable young master and misterss's heads, now do you? If you are a butler as you say, you should know what this situation calls for, yes?"

Sebastian sighed and reached into his coat. " I have what you desire." he then pulled out the game box that the twins had gotten earlier. Just then, a shot ran out and a bullet went through Sebastian's head as a stream of others followed. As the smoke cleared, four or five men could be seen hiding in a picture.

" Did we get him?" One of them asked.

" Ha ha ha! Sorry, Romeo! But this game is mine!" Azzurro laughed. "And after he went to the trouble of coming to get the two of you. How sad for you, Little Phantomhives." He said, poiting the gun at Ciel's neck. "You see, up against the ' Queen's Gaurd dog' and the 'Queens Bloody Lady', I had to have a joker in hand. And once I have killed one of you, the other will be useless and everything will be perfetto. You were both in our way from the very beginning, watching us like the police! Eeh? I'll get rid of you..." He shoved Ciel's head back and put the gun to his chin after he took off the eye patch with the barrel of his gun." Maybe have a little fun with you.. He leered at Samantha who glared back.

" Go to hell, Azzurro." She hissed at him.

But Azzurro continued like she hadn't spoken. " And conquer inghilterra our way! But I must say, the two of you are too pretty to dismember, Little Phantomhives. I bruised you two up a bit, but i should still be able to sell you two in one peice. A bigger price for the pair." The twins just gave him a board look. " Now, now. Dont you be frightened. I will drug you so you do not feel a thing by the time a pervert comes to take you two away..." Azzurro went on, but he was cut off by Samantha.

" Hey." She said, still looking Azzurro dead in the eye. " Play time is over."

" I can't imagine the floor makes for comfortable slumber." Ciel continued, glancing over to Sebastian. " Just how long are you going to feign sleep?"

Sebastian then twitched. " It can't be!!!" Azzurro yelled.

" My goodness," Sebastian said, getting up, his head still tilted back. " The firearms today have improved gratly in trems of power, have they not? Those from a hundered years ago do not even compare." he said, coughing into his hand.

" What are you waiting for!? KILL HIM!!!!!!" Azzurro yelled.

Sebastian smiled and showed the bullets in his hand. " Allow me to return these." He then threw them at the men who shot him and they all were hit and fell down dead. " Alas. What a pity." Sebastian said, holding up a tail coat. " My clothes are full of holes."

" That's because you were playing around, you fool." Ciel said.

" If you didnt want your clothes ruined, they you should have been more careful." Samantha said, shaking her head.

" I was simply following young master's and young mistress's orders to the letter. Your order to act as a butler, that is. Besides, that really is such a good look for both of you. You both look just like caterpillers, it is so hideous and wonderful all at the same time. It befits those as small and weak as the two of you. I thought it would be lovely to take in the view a little longer." Sebastian said moving close as Azzurro yelled at him the stop.

" Who do you think your talking to?" Ciel asked glaring at the butler.

"STOP!" Azzurr yelled and Sebastian came to a halt. " I-I-I'm telling you to stop! Get any closer and I will kill them!" Azzurro pointed the gun at Ciel.

" Then what shall I do?" Sebastian asked, mostly to himself.

" Hurry it up. My arm hurts." Ciel said.

" And I'm hungry." Samantha added.

Azzurro yelled at them to shut up. " But, Young master, Young mistress, you will be killed if I move any closer." Sebastian said.

" Are you going to defy our ' covenant'?" The twins asked in sync.

" I shall do no such thing. Since that day, I have always been young master and young mistress's faithful servant. I shall do what ever my young masters wish. in exchange for the sacrifice and the pleasure that has been offered." Sebastian said. " Now..."

" What the hell are you talking about, you spookies!?" Azzurro asked.

" You two, I do believe I taught you how to beg?" Sebastian asked, leaning his head over to the left a bit.

Ciel then opened his right eye and Samantha managed to pull part of her shirt down so the skin over her heart was showing. They both had the same pintagram tattooed onto there bodies. " We command you! Rescue us!" They screamed.

" I told you to shut up!!!" Azzurro yelled.

Azzurro then fire the gun at Ciel's head, witch should have gone through to Samantha. But there wasn't a scratch on eather of them. "Why are they still alive?" He asked himself.

" Are you looking for something?" Sebastian asked from behind Azzurro, He held the bullet is his fingers. " Permit me to return it to you." He said before dropping it into Azzurro's pocket. He then whispered into Azzurro's ear, " I will be taking my masters back. if you would please remove that filthy arm from their persons." He then twirled his finger and Azzurro's arm bent at an odd angle and he screamed so loud that Samantha's ears were ringing.

Sebastian then picked up the twins. " This game wasn't all that interesting either." Ciel muttered.

" I agree, brother, but the revenge is going to be funny." Samantha smirked, looking like the little demon spawn that Ciel swore that she was.

Sebastian sat the twins on a chair side by side. Azzurro then yelled out, " Wait! You are just a butler, right!? I can't die here like this!!" He then yelled as Sebastian unlocked the chains from around Samantha and Ciel's feet. " I will pay you five- no, ten- times your current wages to be my body gaurd! You can have all the booze and girls you want! So, come to my side!"

As he said this, Sebastian tore the leather straps that held each twin like it was paper. "My apologies, mister Vanel, but I have no interest in man-made rubbish, coin or otherwise. For you see," Sebastian said, turning to look at Azzurro, his eyes glowing red with cat eye slits. " I am a devil of a butler." Azzurro froze. " So as long as the young master and mistress possess the 'mark of the covenant', I am their faithful dog." Sebastian started to walk to Azzurro, pulling the glove off of his left hand. " Two ' sacrifices', one single ' wish' and a ' covenant' all bind me to both of my masters, until the day I claim their souls." Sebastian said, showing his left had that had a pintagram, exactly like the twins' tattoed on it.

" Too bad for you..." Ciel said, lloking board as he crossed his legs and Samantha laid her legs over his.

" But, this game is over." They both said as Sebastian got closer and closer.

The last thing Azzurro heard before blackness was everywere was Samantha's voice saying, " Bye Bye."

Back at the manor, the servents where outside. " Mister Sebastian really is late getting back." Meyrin saidd as Bard tied to carve chopsticks to eat the pie that Sebastian had left, mostly because all of the silver was now in the heads of mafia members.

" He is, right? It'll be dinnertime soon. Ah!" Finny said right as he spotted Sebastian walking up the drive carrying a pair of grumpy twins, one in each arm. " Mister Sebastian, welcome home!" He yelled.

" I have returned." Sebastian said simply.

A few second passed before they were bombarded. " Mister Sebastian, what happened to your clothes!?" Meyrin yelled.

" Young master Ciel, Young mistress Samantha, you're both hurt!" Finny exclaimed as Bard went off about the pie.

" We just tripped outside." Samantha said, tring to get them to shut up.

Finny then said, " That's... like 'up,up, and away'! Looks fun!" He ment about the twins being held.

That comment got Finny two stacks of bumps on his head. Samantha and Ciel hand gotten out of Sebastian's arms. " There's nothing fun about it whatsoever!" They yelled.

" Young masters." Sebastian said, kneeling and getting the twins' attention. " Forgive me. As butler to the Phantomhive family, this is an unpardonable disgrace. I do not know how I should atone for this. I have been unable to prepare dinner this evening."

A few days after, Bard was reading the newspaper. " Ferro company, an Italian trading firm. Someone attacked them, and there were loads of casualties..." He muttered to himself.

Meyrin walked by. " Did something happen in London?" She asked.

" Sure sounds like it." Bard said. " The survivors could only say things like, 'monster' or 'devil', so they all got sent to the hospital."

Finny was scared. " That's scarrrrrry! What could it have been?" He asked.

Bard hit the newspaper. " There were rumours that Ferro was doing terrible things to make money. So his victms' grudges became vengeful spirits." He said as the scare the other two. Then someone clapped. " It's a ghost!" They all yelled.

When they turned, they saw it was just Sebastian. " What are you all doing?" He asked.

" Mister Sebastian..." Finny stared.

Sebastian then picked up the news paper and then said. " If you have the time to fool around, hurry up and get back to work!" The three idiots then ran out of the room. " Really." Sebastian sighed. "What was that fuss all about?" He asked looking at the news paper. He smiled. " Well, well." Then the bell went off. " Oh dear. What could the young master and mistress want now?" He asked, heading for the door.

Right before he got out of the door, he stopped and looked behind him, as if someone was there. He put a finger to his lips and said, "Shh~"