Status: complete, one shot x

Number One Fan

Good things, they quit

John Cena was making final adjustments to his wrestling attire for the night when there were three knocks on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows, walking over to the door, opening he saw John Laurinaitis' frame in front of him. Laurinaitis extended his hand that had an envelope on top of it, “from the boss's daughter” he said. It sent chills down his spine but he concealed it with a confused look. "For?"

"Maybe some HR related things, I don't know." Then the general manager walks out. John closes the door, making sure it was locked and not one would disturb him while he read. He ripped the envelope open, then he unfolded the paper; eager to know what's in it.

I have always been a fan of your art, Mr. Cena.

How your eyes shimmer as you come out from the backstage, admiring the crowd right in front of you; ready to give your all.

How you can carry anyone who comes in your way, no matter how heavy, and with that you have showed your immense strength.

How you look around after a win or even a loss. Sometimes there was despair but you still never forgot to look over your supporters and even mingle right after.

How you've gone through every injury, being even better when you come back.

How amidst your hectic schedule, you still manage to make wishes come true.

Even mine.

How I met you in such a confusing time yet it felt so right.

How you became the support system of a damsel in distress in the form of the "boss's daughter"

How you have helped me gone through the worst nights of my life.

How you’d brighten up my day by just smiling at me.

How you’d anonymously send flowers, to my office, my room, and even ask random people to give it to me. I know it’s exactly from you and it couldn’t be from anyone else.

Because I know that no one can sweep me off my feet like you do.

The roses I have received made me accept every thorn you had, and those in between.

How you turned my darkest days into the brightest.

How you'd do the simplest things to just make me smile.

How we’d spend our "meetings" in the best of places: Paris, London, Berlin, and so on. Before, I only thought of traveling as work but you gave it an entire different meaning.

I just wish you the best, Felix. For the last time please let me call you that. That makes what we have different with the others. And I must say that I am going to miss seeing that wonderful face of yours first thing in the morning, even when it’s only through Facetime.

P.S. You could've told me about the whole Nikki thing before it blasted online, it was a disaster to the entire team.

Sidney Louise McMahon

And that was the last time John have ever heard from her. Ever.