Status: I will try and update as much as I can to keep you interested.

It's Only Five Nights...


I just got out of college and I was looking for a job over the summer to make some quick money to work for my dream job at a military weapons manufacturer in south Utah. Anyways as when I was looking in the news paper on the jobs section I couldn’t help but to notice an ad in the paper with a title of FREDDY FAZBEARS PIZZERIA NOW REOPENED AND BETTER THAN EVER! But below it said NOW HIRING! I had no choice but to call the numbers listed below since neither of the other jobs interested me.

I called the number and the guy that answered sounded kind of surprised that someone actually called their ad number. He said “Great your shift starts at 12:00 o'clock at midnight and will end after you make sure all the animatronics are put up and are in their normal position on stage and foxy stays behind the curtains at pirate cove.After you’ve done this at 6:00 am you may go home.” Who the heck is foxy? The only animals I see on the ad is a stupid bear, chicken, and a bunny. Where’s the fox? And the most important question I guess is, what is Pirate Cove? Why would they want you to stay on a shift at that place anyways? What else happens there?

Tonight at 12:00 is my first night at Freddy FazBears Pizzeria. I got on my computer and went to Google. I looked up Freddy faz.. and as soon as I got that far a search suggestion popped up THE BITE OF 87. I clicked on this link and what I found was truly horrifying. In 1987 it was a normal day at Freddy FazBears Pizza a little girl was standing near, Foxy his name is I think? Well a girl was standing near foxy and decided to climb on the stage he was standing on and a guard on the day shift told her to get off but she didn't listen. And she poked and jabbed at foxy. What happened next was disgusting. Foxy bent over and took a bite out of the frontal lobe of her brain.

How could Freddy Fazbear’s pizza manage stay open after something like this happened. I'm pretty sure the government or the Health Department would have shut them down or something. Its 11:45 and I walk out my door. But a step down the first step and stopped I forgot to lock the door. I turned around and opened the door slightly enough to stick my hand through. I did so and worked my hand around on the lock and twisted it. Then I slammed the door. Going to my car I realized I forgot my phone “FRICK NUGGETS” I yelled to myself.

After the shenanigans I had overcome at my house I got in my car and started to leave my driveway. Second guessing myself over and over “did I lock the door or not?” it took me a while to realize that I did lock it, I quit worrying about it. When I stopped at the red light on Main street I decided to get something to eat because I was kinda hungry. I looked over at the McDonald's across the other side of the road to my left. I pretty much didn't care where I ate at I just wanted something to eat. I pulled in the drive-thou and looked at the menu. “Hmm” a sausage biscuit sounded nice so I ordered it. Thank god for the invention of the drive-thou I don’t have that much time left to waste. Once I got my food, I was pretty much starving at that time so I gobbled the sausage biscuit down, like I haven't eaten in days.
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this is onlt the first chapter. I will try and upload a chapter any free time i have or if I don't forget about this.