Coloured Condoms

Part One: Drunken Introductions

In a classic example of all things rock and roll, the party had all of the following; Drugs, Booze, and Sex. The only thing that was approximately out of place was the boy in the corner. Swigging a bottle of Jack, and looking as though he wanted to sink through the floorboards was a large part of his drunken mystery. The boy was only fifteen, and though he nodded at several of the boys walking through the jam packed house, he didn't seem to know anyone.
Getting claustrophobic, a side effect of downing ¾ of a bottle of Jack, and dizzy, from the smell of the pot, cocaine, and possible traces of ecstasy, he decided to head upstairs. Figuring that there was no way that there was empty room, sounds of snorting and moans could indefinitely be heard through the walls, confirming this point, he just walked down the down the hall. He leaned against the wall, in an empty part of the hall by a door that wasn't emitting noises, to clear his head. His eyes drooped slightly, fake black hair flopping in his eyes, letting the sudden quiet fill his head.
It was only natural he jumped several inches in the air when the door cracked open, flashing a single blue eyeliner-ed eye at him. The eye widened around perfectly curled lashes, and he blinked dumbfounded at it. The door opened more to reveal the face of a girl. She was studying him intently, her eyes traveling the length of his body. He too, stared at her, taking in her innocent features. She was probably his age, with smooth creamy white skin, a sloping nose, and dark lips. Her cheekbones were high, and her brown hair was curly ringlets, with short straight bangs.
Raucous laughter me their ears, as several very high girls and two preppy boys stumbled highly up the stairs. The girl's eyes widened larger, and she squeaked, before beginning to shut the door. Then, upon taking a look at the way the boy shrunk back as well, hesitated, and pulled him in the room too. His eyes widened, and he immediately spotted the bottle of clear Vodka on the table. The room was green, white, and clean, and he finally could take in the girl's apparel. Jeans and a tight blue shirt. He felt he stood out very much in the thin girl's room, and shuffled awkwardly.

"Wha-who are you?" The girl spoke. Her voice was soft, but guarded, and she addressed him in a slur.

"I'm Gerard Wa-ay. Whoore you?" He slurred back gently. She giggled in a high pitched manner, grasping his arm, and yanking him on the bed.

"Cassandra Jhonson." She replied, her slur evident, but clearing. Through a slight haze, Gerard's brain clicked the last name Jhonson with the boy throwing the party.

"Is Er-erick your brother?" He asked. Cassandra nodded forlornly, looking away. Gerard smiled weakly, understanding the tone in her voice.

Erick Jhonson was a notorious bad boy. Drug dealer, JD, alcoholic, and all around scum bag. But, he without sin casts the first stone. Gerard was no drug dealer, although he had dabbled, and he'd never really gotten in any trouble.

"Why are you here?" Cassandra asked. Gerard just shrugged, looking around the room. He wasn't really sure why he was here.

He had been invited a week or so ago. By no means was Gerard a popular kid, but he was cool to hang with. He had a decent head on his shoulders, and was quiet and calm. So, how he ended up in this crazy-ass party was relatively beyond him. He'd been in charge of watching his little brother and his hyper friend the night before, and decided that the party would be a nice cool down reward for that. Boy was he ever wrong.

"Why are you here?" Gerard retorted after a minute of silence. Cassandra drunkenly snorted. She held her alcohol well, Gerard didn't so much.

"I live here." She stated sarcastically. Gerard rolled his eyes.

"I meant, why didn't you just leave?" He restated. Cassandra shrugged nonchalantly.

"I dunno… it's my goddamn house, I shouldn't hafta leave. He don't own me, I'm not a doll." She replied, looking him in the eyes. Gerard nodded; eyes closed, and flopped back on the bed.

"That's not entirely true; I think you're quite a doll!" Gerard joked, pealing with high pitched giggles.

Cassandra stared for a short moment, cocking her head to the side, while her alcohol induced fuzzy brain sorted through the joke. Then, she too laughed, giggling so hard she was shaking, clear tears dripping from her eyes. She collapsed on Gerard's stomach, silencing her giggles, but still shaking with giggles. Gerard placed a hand on her back, and started chuckling again. They calmed themselves down, and Cassandra lifted her head, looking at him. They stared at each other for a moment, and then she leaned forward and sloppily connected their lips.
Gerard kissed back expertly, experience he didn't have oozing forth. Cassandra began breathing heavily, and Gerard rubbed his crotch in circles against hers. She moaned loudly, and began ripping his black button up off, buttons popping, and slid it down his shoulders. He lifted her shirt, and popped her front hook bra off. Rather than remove either item, he wrapped his lips around one nipple, and pulled slightly. Cassandra gasped, and arched her back into his mouth. His hand lowered to her pants, unbuttoning them. She fell back onto the bed, and lifted her hips so he could slide them down. Once they were thrown to the side, she took off her shirt, and shrugged out of her bra. Laying still, head on her pillow, she craned her neck to see Gerard. He was standing at the end of her bed, and with a flick of his wrist snapped off his belt. Cassandra squirmed at the sight of it, and her fingers trailed down her stomach. Gerard kicked off his pants and belt, and crawled up the bed.
He was drunk enough that he was confident, but sober enough he knew what he was doing. Cassandra also noticed the bright red condom he was wearing, and gasped, then moaned lightly. He slapped Cassandra's hand away, and thrust into her immediately. She squirmed more, and grasped his shoulders, thrusting her hips up. Their pace was sloppy, but quite effectively. Cassandra hit her orgasm quickly, causing Gerard to soak the inside of the cherry colored condom with pre-cum. Gerard's orgasm came soon, and he kept thrusting to ride it out. Directly in-between one of Gerard's thrusts he hit her g-spot, and she moaned louder, cumming once more. They both collapsed, and Gerard kissed her crown before falling asleep.