Does He Love Me?

The News And After

Ben's P.O.V

The doctor sighed and looked around at everyone. "Mr. and Mrs. Marie..." He was stalling i could tell.

"Come on. Just tell us the news already." Rachel said with tears starting to roll down her face.

"OK. The good news is that shes going to make it." Everyone let out a cry of relief. "But the bad news is that after we finished the operation..." We all moved closer to the doctor as he cleared his throat. "She in a coma." the relief in everyones eyes seemed to fade away as the doctor said that we could go in and see her now. We all quietly followed the doctor down the hallways of that part of the hospital. He opened the door and let us into a very large room. We let Jessie's mom go in first followed by Craig. Rachel and Jake went next and i followed last after the doctor. I saw a very pale girl asleep on the a bed with a bunch of tubes and machines hooked up to her. she didn't hardly even look like Jessie. Her mom tried not to cry and ran into the hallway. Craig ran after her. Rachel fell back into one of the chairs in her room and began to cry. Jake comforted her. I knelt down next to Jessie's bed and watched as the air tube hooked up her nose blew air in and out of her body. She was so helpless like this.

"How long do you think she'll be like this?' Jake asked.

"Its hard to tell. Days, weeks, months, years, Who knows. Its all up to the people up there now whether or not she makes it out of this." Jessie's parents came back in. "If she doesn't wake up by the time shes supposed to graduate high school we are going to have to pull the plug." Thats 4 years from now. You can do it Jessie! You can pull threw! The doctor left us all alone with Jessie. Her parents didn't stay long. They couldn't bare to see their only child like this. Rachel and Jake finally left about 3 hours after we had first been brought into her room.

"Jessie? If you can hear me, i want you to know that from now on i am going to come and see you everyday after school and on the weekends. I will always love you no matter what. I want you to remember that." I kissed her forehead and left. I called my mom from the payphone in the lobby of the hospital. My mom came and got me. We were both quiet the whole ride home. She had seen what had happened on the news a couple of hours after it happened. She knew i needed my space. My dad hadn't been home since that day he pushed me out of the car. We just went on like nothing had changed. He didn't really contribute to our family so nothing was really different.

The days at school after that incident were the hardest. Everyone was asking where Jessie was and me and Rachel had to explain what had happened. It got harder to tell every time. Me and Rachel started hanging out again because it would be something that Jessie would have wanted from us. We always went to the hospital together and met up with Jake on the way there. It only took about 25 minutes to walk there. We didn't want to drive there because of all the traffic and the stupid gas prices. Jake was the only one of us 3 that could drive but still.

At the hospital we each took turns looking after Jessie to see if she would wake up or not. Sometimes one of us would fall asleep so it was good that the 3 of us was there. Me, Jake, and Rachel all became the best of friends and we went everywhere together. Every time Jake and Rachel would get romantic or they would kiss or even hug, it would remind me of Jessie. when i looked up at the clouds, i saw her smiling face. At school, all i could think of was her. In Social Studies, her seat was always vacant and just to look at it made me realize that this wasn't a dream. No matter how hard i wanted it to be, it was real. And nothing could ever change that.

Rachel's P.O.V

After Jessie was put into a coma, life was so much different. If i heard a funny joke or saw something i knew Jessie would like, i would call her or want to go find her. But then reality set in and i realized that i couldn't. She was my best friend and probably even more than that. Its so hard trying to get over that shes pretty much gone. I mean yeah we all go see her everyday. But its not the same. Everything reminds me of her. Ben is taking this a lot worse than i am. I can tell. He doesn't show how he feels so it just bottles up inside of him. I let mine out every once in awhile so I'm doing a lot better than i was. I hope she wakes up soon. We cant live without her.
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poor Ben, Rachel, and Jake...