The Story Behind My Tail

Chapter One

I made it, finally. It had always been a dream of mine to come to the ocean. Standing on the beach I could taste the salt from the water. Smiling to myself, I slowly took my clothes off leaving my swim suit exposed.

The private beach was empty, the only company I had was a few birds that watched from a far and the harsh wind that blew towards me.

I walked to the waters edge and let the cool water splash over my feet. I felt a rush of anxiety run through my veins as I thought of the creatures that could be waiting for me.

"No." I thought to myself as I shook my head. I came all the way here, I can't back down now. I turned to see my old beat up car sitting on the side of the road waiting for me. "I came all this way, just for this."

I took a step forward, noticing a rock that wasn't to far from the shore. Slowly getting deeper the wind began to slow down, letting the waves welcome my entrance.

"If I could get to that rock, I'm sure I'll be fine." I thought to my self as I propelled myself into the next wave and started to swim. I could feel the excitement build up inside of me as I almost reached the rock. I was swimming in the ocean!

The water was extremely salty and stung my eyes, however it made me feel light as a feather. I reached the rock in no time, pulling my self up onto it, I could feel the slime as I tried to stay on.

A small crab sat with me as I let the sun warm my skin.

"Hello Mr.Crab." I smiled as I watched it move away from me. The crab had a dark orange color to it that I didn't expect to see. Laying down on my stomach I decided to look into the water to see what other creatures I could find.

The water was clear and hid no secrets as I watched a few crabs and small fish swim about. The waves had almost completely gone by now. It was amazing how fast the weather changed here. I looked up towards the shore for a brief moment, then back down only to see a shark.

I quickly sat on the highest point on the rock and felt my heart pounding in almost every part of my body. The shark didn't look like a great white but it did have what appeared to be dots or stipes.

The shark didn't seem interested in me and left as quick as he had appeared. I felt tears running down my face and my shaky hand wiped them away, I longed to be on the beach again. I was a fool to think I would be safe in the ocean.

A few hours went by as I sat on the rock, I watched as the sun went down worried about what to do now, I was too frighten to swim the short distance to shore. My legs and arms were stiff from the position I sat on the rock.

The sun had disappeared now, leaving behind a few purples and pinks before the moon took its place in the sky. The air grew cold, as the wind danced around my skin. The wind suddenly pick up harsher than before threatening to knock me off the rock. I held on as I braced myself against the waves. Fog had rolled in on the little beach, taking it out of my sight.

Shivering I forced myself into the water hoping that I could somehow make it back to the shore. The water in the night had turned black, and the fog has made it impossible to see. I felt the waves push and pull me and soon I was lost.

Diving under the water I couldn't see a thing, the current had picked up, or maybe I had just been carried farther out. I wasn't sure, but swimming became difficult. My stiff legs kicked fiercely as I swam towards the surface.

Gasping for air the waves knocked me back under, "Was this drowning?" I thought to my self as I tried to force myself back up for air, only to receive a mouthful of salty water. My lungs screamed out in shock as I was forced to cough up the water, only to be replaced with more. I was drowning.

Shock over took as I tried to swim up to the surface again. This time reaching it coughing I managed to get one more mouth full of air, only to be pulled back under by the waves. They had grown significantly now, impossible for me to brace myself against them.

Somehow I found a rock that I held onto with all I could. My body had become very weak at this point, I wasn't sure how much more I could go on. With each passing wave I slipped farther and farther off the rock, I knew this would be it. Coughing up as much water as I could my lungs stung as air found it's way back. My throat was hoarse as I tried to yell out, perhaps someone could hear me?

The wind howled and nipped at me, making it just as hard to stay on the rock. I felt my hands slip and I braced myself as I went under again. I tried to swim back up but it was no use, my legs were so tired and my arms wouldn't work anymore. I slowly sank deeper and deeper. My vision began to darken as I felt my lungs fill with water once more. Choking I felt a softness on my lips and something slimy around my waste, than nothing.