Prelude to Destruction

Told from the first-person narritive, this story chronicles the life of 22 year old Rosalie Lily, girlfriend of M. Shadows (Matt Sanders), frontman of the popular rock band Avenged Sevenfold.
This story simply documents the pair's growing relationship, but also delves into themes such as one of Rosalie's big secrets **to be revealed**, general destructive behavior, whether love can ever truely be everlasting and fate.
  1. Prologue / Chapter 1
    This is the first chapter of many. This is the opener to the story. It introduces characters, setting, and plot if you read between the lines.
  2. Chapter 2
    Rosalie remembers the first day she laid eyes on Matt, noting her awkward stumbles through adolescence.
  3. Chapter 3
    This chapter introduces two new and master characters in the story. Also, there is a brief foreshadowing of one of Rosalie's secrets...
  4. Chapter 4
    A longer chapter, where Johnny's and Matt's personalities begin to form in the story.
  5. Chapter 5
    "Now what?" This one is cute.
  6. Chapter 6
    Confrontations emerge.
  7. Chapter 7
    An...interesting...first date.
  8. Chapter 8
    Rosalie discovers the true meaning of 'Beach Day.'
  9. Chapter 9
    Johnny makes Rosalie promise to stop letting Matt manipulate her; Matt suggests a 'real' beach day.
    I am not continuing with this story, or this account. As for why, read on.