Prelude to Destruction

Chapter 6

“So,” Johnny began in the most deadpan voice I’d ever heard, “You and Shads, huh?”

Johnny and I were alone in Matt’s garage where the band rehearsed. The other four guys were busy in the kitchen raiding Matt’s fridge and nuking some nachos or making popcorn or something. I didn’t really care. I asked Matt to just bring me something with caffeine, but I wasn’t hungry, thanksverymuch.

This was the second time I’d been to their practice, and while their music wasn’t something I normally listened to, I really liked the two guitars –played by Zacky and Brian (Vengeance and Synyster Gates, apparently), that were always harmonizing. I didn’t really like screaming that much, but when Matt actually sang, I was really impressed.

I looked up from the Seventeen magazine I’d been paging through and smiled up at Johnny. “Uhm, I guess so. I think he likes me –or my lips at least,” I ammended, recollecting his infatuation with kissing me. “But he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend or anything. He wants to take me out this weekend, but I don’t know where.”

“Do you like him then?”

“Yeah, I guess I do. He’s really sweet. I find him attractive,” I said honestly. “But I don’t even know him all that well. I want to, though.”

Johnny sighed and began strumming his –now unplugged, bass guitar lightly. “Rosie, don’t you think that maybe he’s a little old for you?”

“What are you trying to ask, Johnny?” I demanded. I was a little put off by his sudden onset of Twenty Questions; I was a little unnerved because I think I knew exactly why he was asking them; I was a little angry that he was going to put me through it anyways.
I saw him roll his eyes when he thought I couldn’t see. He turned around so he his back was to me and mumbled something.

“Sorry? Can you repeat that?” I said. I promise that it was sincerely because I couldn’t hear him.

“I said that if you like Shads so much, then why were you flirting with me?” he said sharply, aggravated.

My jaw dropped for a minute. When had I flirted with him?

He must have read my mind, because he answered my silent question. “When I kissed your hand, I saw you blush. You let me do it again. You’re tutoring me for free. You sat next to me in Tech class. You seemed really excited when I offered to take you to band practice. You laughed at all my lame jokes.” He stared at the ground. “I thought it was because you liked me.”

Oh, no.

“Johnny, I do like you; I think you’re funny and nice, and I’m sorry if I sent you the wrong message, but I never intended to act like I was flirting with you. I think you’re a really awesome kid, and that we could be really good friends, if you like.”

He bared his teeth in what I think was supposed to be a smile, but I wasn’t quite sure. “Yeah, well, maybe we could–” he began, but he was cut off when Brian, Zacky, Jimmy, and Matt in that order came bursting loudly back into the garage.

Matt handed me a Mountain Dew Vault soda and sank into the couch next to me. “What is Brooke Shields trying to sell you now?”

I giggled and unscrewed the Vault. “Her new Barbie doll is coming out soon, apparently. As if I still play with Barbies,” I snorted, even though I secretly had several collectable editions back at my house.

“Yeah, well…”

I saw Johnny set down his bass. I don’t think he thought I could hear him, but I heard him say, “I still think he’s too old.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Johnny.

I PROMISE YOU that Johnny is not going to try to undermine Matt and Rosalie's new relationship with each other. I get so tired of the stalker character in fanfiction.

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