You're a cut above all the rest.

[ Brendon Urie ] You're a cut above all the rest.

"Stupid planes" I slowly down the steps of the private plane. We just landed in Sweden. 16 hours can you believe it? Luckily for me there's such thing invented as a laptop. THANK YOU BILL GATES. Actually I don't know who invented the laptop but bless that guy. I spend my time with writing blogs and going on random fan sites.

Also , I wrote a new song for our second album. I can't wait to record. Of course first the Europian tour and then we can head up to the studios.

I didn't have my iPod though, it was in my suitcase somewhere. Of course, David and Shaun whined to whole way to cut the loud music. It's not my fault Cradle of Filth is amazing.

"You just still have a hangover" David shot me a friendly smile as he stepped on the ground of Sweden.
"It was my 18th birthday, I was allowed to be drunk. Now cut the crap." I chuckled to myself also getting of the stairs, being followed by Shaun. "I wasn't drunk on my 18th birthday" David glanced back casually.
"That's because you're boring. You need to find the spirit in life." I shot back dramatic , holding a fist to my heart.
"I already found mine." Shaun came off the plane. "What's that?" I laughed at his wiggling eyebrows. In a second, he farted right behind me , "That."
"Oh my fucking god. That is gross." I brought my thumb and wisefinger to my nose, clenching them. "Dude, what the hell did you eat?" David commented. Also doing the same as I.
"Borito, the spirit in life." Shaun laughed hystaricly.
"Oh god, come on let's go. Panic and FOB are waiting for us inside. Behave." David advised to both of us. Me and Shaun just nodded, I shrugging. The band walked towards the airport itself.

I had no excuse to be social. I just had an 16 hour planeride. I'm still hangover and my iPod somewhere in one of my 5 suitcases, all the size of a big couch.

I opened the door , stepping inside. The warmth made me smile. It kinda felt like home again. Well expect for the homeless people laying on uncomfortable chairs in the middle of the whole scene.

I immediately noticed a group of people standing on the side. Guess this is it ?
For one last time David turned towards me and said in a warning tone ;"Don't screw this up." I just snapped back "I won't." and walked towards them.
As soon as they saw us they all turned around , most of them smiling. Even though a couple gave me uncomfortable looks.
Shaun's eyes lit up as he said a hello.
Every single of them replied with a hi, hello or hey.
I think there must've been 11 people.
"Hello" David smiled back at them as he nudged his ellebow in my side. "Hey" I mumbled silently, not really meaning it.
One guy gave me a harsh look as I shot an unfriendly glance back.

"So who's who?" David said, breaking the silence. A guy with a hoodie replied to his question; "I'm Pete. And that's Joe , Andy and Patrick". They seemed nice dudes. "Nice to meet you." David and Shaun all shaked their hands and looked at me pleading. I sighed and went to the group. I extended my hand towards the guy with the hobo hair as he took it and gave me a kiss on the cheeck. I was shocked first but recovered soon and the rest of Fall Out Boy shook my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheeck. Note to self ; Buy Andy a razorblade to shave for Christmas.

"The blonde guy , the kinda chubby one and one with the big beard are our bus drivers" We nodded and said hello. "Who's ours?" I asked, talking for the first time. Big shock ; I have a voice. Patrick smiled and replied "The blonde one." I nodded taking my glance off Patrick and to the blonde guy. I have to admit he was pretty attractive. Waving at the man , he smiled and said "You must be Sam?" "Yep, what's your name?" "I'm Jake" He reminded me of a rock version of Leonardo Dicaprio , not bad eh?

There were 4 other dudes left standing next to Fall Out Boy. I turned towards them and said with a friendly glance [the best I could] "Nice to meet you". A cute guy, who reminded me of Oliver Twist smiled and replied "My name's Ryan". "I'm Sam." the air was getting akward "Look urm. I think I own you guys a big ass sorry." They just stood there listening to me. I mean , the last thing they could do is nod! "I don't know what overtook me. I really hope we can just forget about it." I saw Shaun and David smiling proudly at my actions in the corner of my eye. Finally one of them spoke, "It's okay. We all have our moments." A weight fell off my shoulders as I relieved. "My name's Spencer by the way." "I'm Sam" I smiled There were only 2 people left I haven't interedused myself to. I glanced at both of them. The one who stood at the left smiled. But the other one, was looking at me with a despise face. "I'm Sam" "I'm Jon" I shook his hand. "Nice meeting you." "Same here."Then I turned towards the guy, who looked like he wasn't a lot older than me. His glance was unfriendly. Hell, if he isn't going to be nice, screw it. I was about to turn around when David gave me a warning glance. I closed my eyes and sighed for a moment before turning around. I made up my best fake smile as I spoke "Sam"


I already had little overviews and nicknames to all the people I just met in my head.

Pete ; Big teeth guy.
Positive ; Seems really nice to talk to.
Negative ; Looks like he thinks high of himself.

Patrick ; The big teddybear.
Positive ; Seems a good cuddle guy.
Negative ; Ends up being in the shadow of Pete.

Andy ; Pure rock + drummer = awesome guy.
Postive ; Has cool tattoos.

Negative : Needs a shave.

Joe ; Seems a good person to talk to when you're in trouble.
Positive ; Talkative.
Negative ; Hair looks like a hobo.

Spencer ; Cute, sweet boy.
Positive ; Seems really social and a good explainer.
Negative ; He doesn't seem like the guy who gets drunk a lot.

Ryan ; Oliver Twist boy.
Positive ; Really sweet. I want to take him home and feed him.
Negative ; Quiet.

Jon ; Tall one.
Positive ; Doesn't judge on first look.
Negative ; Wants to fit in too much.

Brendon ; Asshole.
Positive ; Nothing.
Negative ; Thinks he's everything , isn't that pretty , has a big mouth , doesn't seem like a lovable person , isn't my type at all , looks like he's mean , judges by first look , wants to be everything , pretty selfish , I don't like his clothes , too emo for his own good , weird face , his face looks like it's ran over by a bus.