You're a cut above all the rest.

[ Brendon Urie ] You're a cut above all the rest.

I heard the crowd cheer as David walked out of the backstage room to the studio itself. Me and Shaun soon followed smiling widly and waving at our fans. With some of them I saw actually escape a few tears from their eyes. Most of them were just grinning and cheering. Damien , the MTV vj was standing in the middle of the studio. We all walked up to him. I was standing next to Damien on the right , David on the left and Shaun was standing next to me on the other side , often winking at some girls in the crowd.

"Wow! I can't believe The Show is Cancelled is in my studio!" Damien laughed at his own comment , causing the people in the studio to cheer even more. I waved at them again and looked back at Damien. "How are you guys doing?" He smiled at every one of us. David immediately brought the microphone to his mouth and spoke "We're doing great actually!" as he smiled. "I heard you guys are leaving to go on tour soon, when and where will that be?" Damien asked looking at Shaun. "Yes , I believe we leave on tour in 9 days. We're going to Europe. I'm really excited , never been there before. I'm hoping for the best" Shaun smiled , crossing his fingers. "That's really soon I hear" "Indeed, we were planning on going sooner actually" David answered "Really? Why's that?" "Well if it wasn't for Sam's birthday we would've already sitten on a bus right now" Shaun laughed "That's right! Next Saturday's your birthday!" Damien commented towards me. The crowd went wild as animals. I laughed and replied "Yes it is". "Everyone let's give Sam an early birthday present! Let's sing happy birthday!" The crowd immediately sang Happy Birthday as I blushed and laughed. Finally they stopped singing. "Haha, thanks everyone" I grinned. "So How old ?" Damien asked. "I'll turn 18" "Ah , the big 18. Any plans?" "Well , I'm not sure yet. I think I'm just gonna celebrate it with a few friends at home and have a Jackass marathon or something." I laughed. "Sounds awesome. Anyway I found out this little game." Damien said to the whole band as he walked towards a big round wheel. "On every part of the wheel there's a question for you guys , just spin the wheel and let's see shall we?" We nodded and smiled. "Who's going to spin first?" "Ladies first" David and Shaun said pushing me towards the wheel. "Finefinefine" I laughed and put my hand on the wheel , pushing it as it started spinning around. Finally it stopped and Damien took out the paper , he read it outloud. "Which rockstar is the most good looking?" The crowd cheered again as I laughed "Do I really have to answer that?" Damien grinned and nodded. I thought about it for a while and answered honestly. "I guess. . . Or Kurt Cobain or Ville Valo." The crowd cheered and Damien said "Good answer. Okay David it's your turn." David spinned the wheel and Damien picked up the paper , reading it. "What's the most annoying thing about your bandmates?" Me and Shaun started laughing as David put on a shocked face. "Well urm..." "You have to answer" "I guess the fact that Sam can never get up in the mornings and that sometimes Shaun likes to taunt everyone very often" "Fair enough" You laughed in the microphone. "And as last , Shaun spin the wheel" Shaun stepped forward to the spinning wheel and pushed the side causing the wheel to spin.Finally it managed to stop. Damien picked up the note and read it outloud. "Have you ever had sex with one of your bandmates?" The crowd cheered and Shaun laughed. "Yes , me and David have sex all the time" He said faking seriously. The people in the studio laughed as Shaun turned serious.
"No , I never had sex with any of them" "Okay" Damien nodded and turned towards the camera. "We'll take a little break for a clip. Here's the new clip of The Show is Cancelled , A Lock to Your Heart." The band waved at the camera , everyone smiling as we heard our song.

[Note from author: Okay , I wrote this song. It's very personal. Don't steal it.

The look in your face
Makes me see
Your eyes are running all over me
Scared to lose
Terrified for lost

Making a new smile
I don't know your name
But I could write a book about your life
This is how it goes

I want you to see
If it's really worth it
Do you deserve this broken heart?
Do you deserve this broken smile?

Making a new smile
I don't know your name
But I could write a book about your life
This is how it goes

Tend to dream
Tend to live
Oh how hard it seems
Time passes by
Our lives fall apart
Consider it as a lock to your heart

Do you deserve this broken heart?
Do you deserve this broken smile?
Do you deserve me?

A lock to your heart ( to your heart )
A lock to your heart ( to your heart )
A lock to your heart ( to your heart )
To your heart

"That was the new clip of The Show is Cancelled, who are in the studio with me if you haven't noticed" Damien said towards the camera , putting his arm around my shoulder. He continued "I heard rumors that you're going on tour with Panic! At The Disco , is that true?" "That's actually the first thing I heard about that." David said looking awfully strange.

Did he knew we were going to tour with them? He'll be dead if so. He knows how much I dislike them.

"Well , on Panic's Myspace there's announced that they would be touring with you guys." "Myspace? How the hell did I not see that , I'm on that site all the time" You chuckled , trying to hide your anger. "If the rumors were true , are you guys excited?" Damien wondered "Yeah , we are." David answered. He didn't have a problem with Panic!. Neither did Shaun. Only I did. Selfish? stubborn? I don't care. "I bet you are Sam" Damien patted me on the shoulder teasingly. "Panic! At The Disco is a band full of hot guys about your age." Shaun looked a little scared for my reaction. Pleading me to not do something stupid.
"If you like them so much , why don't you fuck them? I bet they're all gay anyway."

That's right , I said fuck. And I just bashed the band I would be touring with. All on live TV.

Oh joy.