You're a cut above all the rest.

[ Brendon Urie ] You're a cut above all the rest.

"Okay before we start celebrating , Sam has to go and put on her dress" Shaun yelled at everyone. They all nodded "Yay!" I screamed , a little too loud. He took my hand and carefully we made our way to my bedroom. Unfortunately we had to pass by my parents, at least I thought they were my parents. I couldn't seem to find the difference between a flower and a rock at this time. "Happy birthday sweetie! Give us a hug!" My dad told me as he was about to get up from his chair, before he even could my mom cut him off by saying "Don’t get up Jack! The safety pins are about to blow". "But hunny , I can -" Before I could hear their discussion , Shaun was leading me to the bedroom to get dressed just incase I did something stupid. I saw our manager leaning on the fireplace in the livingroom and yelled his name
"Mike." Shaun corrected me.
Mike heard someone calling his name and looked in our direction. He waved at us and was about the come our way but Shaun dragged me towards the bedroom even before Mike would start a conversation. "Now, there is a dress laid out on your bed." He informed me trying to help me upstairs. I stumble on the steps but luckily Shaun catches me. "Okay. You're doing great. You're doing fine. Just great." In the corner of my eye I saw my sister , Aureelie coming up the stairs and approaching us as I almost got into my bedroom. "Hey , what's going on?" She looked at both of us. Aureelie was 16 years old and had brown hair just as mine , only was it longer and more curlier. "Sam's a little drunk..." Shaun said still holding me up. "Yay! I love drunk Sam! She's way more fun than regular Sam!" "Aawwww." I giggled and slapped her friendly on the arm. "When have you seen Sam drunk?" Shaun looked weirdly at Aureelie. "Oh, she once came home after a party and I had to pee so I made my way to the bathroom when I saw her coming in." "Go change!" He said to me while opening the door to my room. Shaun turned to my sister again and said; "She doesn't want her parents to know that she's drunk." "Ohh! All right! All right. Here’s what we’ll do, I’ll get twice as drunk as my sister and then no one will even notice her." Aureelie her eyes were widening at her own bright idea. "Wow you have the best ideas ever." Shaun replied in a monotone. "It's better than nothing." Aureelie shrugged. Nicolas , my older brother and David came walking up to Shaun and Aureelie. "What's going on?" David asked looking at the closed door of my bedroom. "Sam's wasted" Shaun replied "Maybe that will liven up this party." Nicolas said, casually. "Will you just go help her change please!" David looked at Aureelie. "I don't think she'd manage to get on the dress by herself if she's drunk."
"Okay, but taking care of a drunk, naked woman seems like a job for Shaun." She nodded towards him. "Yep." Shaun was about to open the door when Nicolas stopped him. "Don't even think about it buddy. Aureelie go help her."

30 minutes later.
I finally managed to get in the dress , luckily with the help of my sister.


Aureelie was already downstairs when I got out of the bedroom & I saw Nicolas and Shaun standing there talking, probably waiting for me to get out and help me walk normally , like a non-wasted person. They immediately looked at me and each one of them walked towards me. Shaun got a hold of my waist as my brother took his arm around my shoulder. "Okay we're going downstairs , act normal." Nicolas said. I nodded my head in agreement and I just went allong with them , carefully taking one step at the time. "I’m telling you it’s like watching Bambi learn how to walk." Shaun laughed when we met the bottom floor.
My sister was standing near the stairs and sang ; "You’re drunk! Mom and dad are gonna be maaaaadd!... Maybe I’m a little drunk." She shaked her head and laughed. "How are you feeling?" David asked , coming towards me. "You are so handsome! I wanna make love to you right here, right now!" I growled at him , trying to pull him in a kiss. "I really wish that you wouldn’t" Nicolas glared at me. David broke the tension and said "Now all you have to do is just get through a little bit more, okay? Then we can put you in bed, okay? Just smile and don’t talk to anyone." "Speech! Speech! Let’s hear from the birthday girl! Huh?" Aureelie yelled 'causing the whole room to stare at me. "Aur!" Shaun whispered harshly. "Don’t you see? Everyone’s looking at me! The plan’s working! I didn’t even have to take off my top yet!" She laughed. "Speech! Come on Samantha!" My dad yelled. "Yeah! Come on!" My sister agreed. Before I knew it the whole chamber was screaming 'Come on! Speech!' and I just had to give one , I couldn't get out of it even if I wanted to. I walked from my spot towards the middle of the room and looked at everyone. I was wobbling slightly as David stood up and catched me. My dad was holding a videocamera and smiled "Hey Shaun, you can’t keep your hands off her for one second!" My mom went all romantic , thinking me and Shaun had a relationship and replied "I think it's cute". "I think it’s necessary." Shaun said, backing away anyhow.
"I-I-I wanna thank you all for coming. My family and my friends…" I started speaking, not trying to slur and concentrading on my words carefully. My sister cut my sentence off with a 'WOOHOO!'. Obviously she was drunk too. She couldn't even drink legal , she was only 16.
But yeah ,who am I to talk , right? "I really like to say that I’m-um… " I took a deep breath and closed my eyes , opening them again to see people stare at me. "Y’know what I’d really like to say?" I heard David mumble ' oh dear lord' as I continued. "I want to say I'M DRUNK!"
My dad immediately lowered down his camera. "That’s right mom and dad your little Samantha-pie is hammered!" My bro took the camera out off my dad's hands. "And guess what! I’ve been drunk before! And I’ve smoked a cigarette! And I got a box of Ding-Dongs hidden in my underwear drawer! It’s all okay. It’s okay because I turned 18 today. And, and I can do anything I want! Because I am a grown up. " That was the last thing I said before I fell down sideways , passing out. My brother was filming the fall. Oh lord, what a nice homevideo. My sister in other words was yelling at Shaun "Okay quick, help me get this off!" motioning to her top.

What a lovely evening. What a lovely birthday. What a lovely life.

I got inspired for this scene by the episode of Friends; 'The One Where They All Turn 30' ; you should watch it if you haven't yet.