Status: I will continue to write on this story, just give me time. My married life and my son are both demanding ^.^



It only took about half to day to get to where I had left off on my original journey. The air became humid again as we passed over the hot spring and memories of the battle that took place flooded my mind.

Kilala and I continued for another hour before my stomach started to demand food. I wasn't sure if I was hungry or if I was nauseous again.

"Kilala, land by that river over there." I pointed towards a large river in the hopes of catching something to eat.

We landed and I plopped my bag onto the ground before hipping off of Kilala's back. I dug my scythes and their sheaths out of my bag and secured them around my waist. Kilala seemed to know why we stopped since she began to make her way to the water. I followed her to the water and kicked my flip flops off before stepping into the coolness.

It wasn't extremely hot but it was warm enough to work up a sweat and the cooled waters instantly made me sigh.

Kilala moved down the shallow river a ways and began hitting the water with her giant paws. She must have caught something because she dove her face in the water. When she rose back up, she was holding a fish in her jaws. She walked over to the shore, moved far enough inland that the fish wouldn't jump back in the water, then dropped the fish on the ground.

I tried multiple times to catch a fish with my hands but my attempts were always unsuccessful. I groaned in anger. 'Why can't I catch a simple fish?!'

I looked at Kilala as she walked back to land. There were three fish flopping around on the ground. I moved to the edge of the river, stepped out, and put my flip flops back on.

"I'm sorry I'm a useless fisher." I rubbed Kilala’s side. "Let’s get some firewood."

We didn't have to go far to get the wood and by the time we came back, the fish were dead. After Kilala dropped the firewood from her mouth she turned into a little kitty again and I went to my bag and got a lighter from one of the pockets. I then arranged the wood and started the fire. I prepared the fish then began cooking them on a long thin stick.

Kilala and I split the fish, and I enjoyed the quiet as the sun began to set.

"I guess we should camp here for the night." I said as the sky turned into beautiful shades of red and orange.

Kilala, who was laying happily on my lap, jumped up and turned into a large feline again. I was immediately on high alert but she laid down in a way that I could lay beside her and stay warm.

I snuggled up the large kitty, thankful that she came with me on my journey. The last thing I remember was looking full moon before I fell peacefully to sleep.

It wasn't long before I heard Kilala growl. She didn't move to get up but she obviously wasn't happy. I sleepily sat up, wondering what Kilala was up to. She growled low one more time before jumping up for her feet, facing the river.

A little creature popper out of the woods carrying a staff. I recognized him from my short stay with Rin and Sesshomaru. He waddled to the edge of the river.

"Oh thank goodness I have found you, Lady Akumi! Mi'Lord wishes your presence." His voice was squeaky and slightly annoying.

"And why does your "Lord" want to see me?" I asked, annoyed that this little toad woke me up.

He was instantly angry. "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION LORD SESSHOMARU!" He was yelling and flailing his arms.

I ignored the little imp and kicked dirt on what remained of the fire. I grabbed my bag. "Come on, Kilala."

"Wait!" Jaken yelled at me, grabbing my attention. "If I don't bring you back, Mi'Lord will surly kill me!"

"Well, he didn't seem to want my presence when he left me in that field after Naraku's death!" I climbed onto Kilala's back.

"He was angry." I barely caught that because the imp spoke so quietly.

I turned my head to look at the imp. "Angry?"

His eyes got even bigger if that were possible. He was shocked that I had heard him. Kilala moved under me, inpatient.

"Please, Mi'Lady. Do as Lord Sesshomaru asks and meet with him." The imp was actually pleading with me.

I thought for a long moment while the imp visibly sweated, awaiting my response.

"Fine." I hopped off of Kilala.

Jaken seemed surprised by my answer, "Yo-You'll come?"

I didn't say anything but merely nodded.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" The imp seemed truly happy and he waded through the shallow river.

I grabbed the imp by the collar of his kimono, hoisted him up onto Kilala, and then climbed back on. As we took off, Jaken gave directions on where we could find Sesshomaru. After about a twenty minute flight, the air got humid and heated. We landed and Jaken and I climbed off of Kilala. Looking around, I saw Rin sleeping against A-Un.

I left my bag beside Kilala and looked at Jaken. "So where is he?"

"Lord Sesshomaru is through there a ways." He pointed into the woods with his staff.

Sighing I started walking into the woods. I stopped when I noticed that the little guy wasn’t following me and I turned around. He had already leaned against a rocks and closed his eyes. Kilala watched me closely but didn't follow.

I turned back around, going in the direction that the imp pointed me in. After about a ten minute walk, I came across a very large hot spring. There were trees with beautiful red flowers growing beside the spring, some of the branches reaching over the heated waters. There was a large cliff face to the back of the spring that rose about fifteen feet high with water streaming down its middle to form a waterfall. At the south end of the hot spring, a small creek allowed water to escape.

The steam was so thick that I barely could make out the man that was bathing under the waterfall. When I realized who it was, I blushed and quickly averted my eyes. They fell on a white kimono that was laid out smooth on a large rock with a sword lying beside it.

Sesshomaru walked towards me, the water teasing with his nipples. My eyes took in every visible inch of this sexy man. There were no scars, no scratches, only smooth sexy skin. I swallowed and quickly looked away again.

"You came." His voice was a monotone. I couldn't tell if he was happy or surprised by my presence.

I didn't say anything, knowing that my face was beet red, and he didn't say anything to me.

"Come closer." Sesshomaru's voice was a whisper, a soft caress that sent a tingle down my spine.

Without looking at him, I stepped to the water’s edge, my arms crossed over my breasts. I kept my eyes averted, looking at anything and everything but him.

He was silent as a mouse as he walked closer. I closed my eyes, sure that soon he would be standing in front of me naked and glorious. Instead, I felt his hand grip my arm and tug. I fell face first into the hot water, yelping in surprise. I found my way to the surface and my bare feet touched down on smooth stone, the water covering my whole body, making only my head visible. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. My shoes were floating towards the opening of the creek. I didn't see Sesshomaru at all.

I quickly swam to my shoes, grabbed them, and began swimming to the shore. The water was deep all the way to the rocky shoreline. 'No wonder I didn't hear him get out of the water.' I dumped my shoes on the land and started to climb out when Sesshomaru grabbed me and turned me around.

"Your scent has changed." His voice was husky and oh so sexy.

I stood frozen, completely mesmerized. "Wh-what do you mean?"

His hand trailed lazily across my collar bone, down between my breasts, then rested on my stomach. "You are with child." His tone didn't change. 'Strange.'

I merely nodded, a question fighting its way to the surface in my sluggish brain. "H-how do I feel like I k-know you?"

My question caught him off guard. He removed his hand and took several steps back. "You feel the familiarity too?"

"It's like I know you," I paused, unsure. "The whole you."

"Only one woman has known the "whole" me." He swam back to the waterfall, disappearing behind it.

I followed him. I felt the need to. The pull that I had been following stopped when I was with Sesshomaru, and I wanted to know why. I swam to the waterfall, placing my hands in front of me as I inched forward. When I broke through the falls, I opened my eyes. Sesshomaru set on a rock in a large cave, his boa wrapped around his middle, covering up his nakedness.

Being in this cave felt greatly familiar too, just like being near Sesshomaru. I saw drawing on the wall and walked over to them, curious.

"About one hundred years ago, I met a woman in my travels. She bore the same marking on her forehead as you and same spiritual energy, however, she did not have the markings or demonic presence that you do. I fell in love with her, and she with me.

"We came across a cavern, filled with demons. We were greatly outnumbered so she chose not to battle. When we turned to leave, the hoard attacked us. I tried to save her, but failed. The hoard swallowed her up. In my rage, I ended up killing every last demon in the hopes of finding her body.

"When I did, her spirit was already gone."

I didn't know what to say as I ran my fingers across the wall. The language there was ancient, something that I never learned in school, but my spirit knew what they meant.

"True love echoes through time, only being shared with two souls."

I turned to look at Sesshomaru. "Are you saying that that woman was my spirit trying to reincarnate itself?"

Sesshomaru didn't say anything and he didn't have to. I was utterly confused. 'Is what I feel around this man really my feelings?' I looked to the smooth stone floor then stepped down to the entrance of the cave. I ran my fingers through the water before stepping through and into the hot spring once more.