Status: I will continue to write on this story, just give me time. My married life and my son are both demanding ^.^



Kagome and I sat on the beach, our toes in the sand, the ocean water lapping at our feet. We had been searching for the whereabouts of my son for nearly a week with no trace of him, no one who know who the woman was, and no one who had any information whatsoever. I took in a deep breath of the warm ocean air and watched the dark clouds off in the horizon. A storm was moving in and it pushed the waves further and further up the banks of sand.

Standing, I looked behind me and watched Rin and Shippo run along the sand, picking up seashells and giggling. I thought back to when Kagome and I had landed back in the Feudal Era.

Inuyasha had been pacing in front of the well so long that the grass had worn away and the dirt had an indention in it. He wasn't a happy camper that Kagome had spent so much time in her own era and you could tell that by his tone when he talked to her.

"Where the hell have you been, Kagome?" He acted as if she had been gone for months instead of three weeks.

Sighing, I walked into the woods, moving towards the sacred tree, ignoring their argument. I wasn't in the mood for petty arguments, all I wanted was to find my son and kill the bitch that took him away from me. I wanted her pretty little head on a pike in my front yard, telling all the world not to mess with Angel Baxter.

I sat down at the base of the tree and picked up a handful of clovers. I began to pick at their leaves as I thought about the things I needed to handle, to deal with, and to accomplish. First, I needed to find Sesshomaru. I needed my weapons and my armor. Second, I needed to track down the woman who took my son. Third, I needed to beat the hell out of Inuyasha for talking to Kagome like he owned her. They weren't married and even if they were, he still needed to show her respect.

Before my mind could wander any further, Kagome came out from between the trees, Inuyasha quickly on her heels.

"What the hell do you mean I'm not coming?"

I rolled my eyes, sighed, and leaned my head back against the tree.

"If you had been listening, I said that we needed to find Sesshomaru. If Angel traveled with him instead of us then it would probably be best for you not to be there." Kagome was irritated, I could tell in her tone.

"That's why she will travel with us!"

Kagome groaned and yelled, "ANGEL'S DECISIONS ARE HER OWN!" She took a deep breath. "If she chooses to travel with Sesshomaru then that is her decision. He obviously has feelings for her."

My eyes shot open and I looked at her with shock.

"What do you mean he likes her? All he did was drop her off to me!"

"From what Sango has told me, he was very upset. You chose to ignore it and badgered him anyways."

I glared at Inuyasha and quickly asked, "What else did Sango say, Kagome?"

Inuyasha glared back and Kagome clinched her fists. "I swear, Inuyasha, you act like a child!" She took a calming breath. "Sango said that Sesshomaru made it to their camp that night. They were staying on the outskirts of Kaede's village. She said that your blood had stained his hair and kimono and that he was very worried and seemed upset, although, he hid it well. Inuyasha," She glared at him. "Being who he is, was a pompous asshole and asked Sesshomaru if he had tried to kill you. Sango said that Sesshomaru held his calm but his eyes turned red. She said that he recounted the story that he was told through gritted teeth and handed Inuyasha your limp body to bring to me for medical treatment. When Inuyasha left, Sango asked Sesshomaru if he knew anything about your attacker. He simply told her that the woman would die a horrible death at his hands. Then he vanished."

Kagome took a deep breath as I stood. 'So Sesshomaru does care.' That brought a small smile to my face. "Well, I suppose we need to find Sesshomaru. If he has any idea where that woman is, then we need to stick close." I looked at Inuyasha. "Oh, and if you don't quit treating Kagome like crap I will make you rue the day you were born, understand?" I felt my blood boil and saw Kagome take a step back. I knew I was floating off the ground again and that my eyes glowed a beautiful blue.

Inuyasha crossed his arms and looked away, refusing to speak. I took a deep, calming breath and linked arms with Kagome. "Shall we?"

She nodded and the three of us went in search of Sango, Shippo, Miroku, and Kilala.

"Angel, do you think we will find Katsuro?" Kagome's voice was distant as I snapped back to the present.

I sank back down into the sand and sighed. "I hope so. It kills me knowing that someone else is raising him, teaching him evil things. All I want is my boy back in my arms."

Kagome wrapped her arm around my shoulder and before our conversation could continue, Kilala landed and Miroku and Sango got off of her. I stood again, facing the two new comers.

"Still no trace of the woman." Sango's voice was quiet. "How could she simply disappear? Its like we've looked all over Japan."

I thought for a long moment. "Sango, where was Naraku the most before the final battle?"

Miroku answered for her. "Mt. Hakurei, why?"

"It was shielded before by Naraku. What if it’s shielded again?"

"We broke through last time" Sango was curious about my train of thought now.

"One of my ancestor’s powers was to shield people and objects, to keep them from view of their enemies. What if Katsuro has that ability and the woman has tapped into it?"

"That's a possibility. How would we be able to detect it then?" Miroku tapped his fingers on his chin, thinking.

"My powers should cancel out his or, at least, allow me to gain access."

Kagome stood, brushing sand off her legs. "Let’s hope-" She cut off, her attention farther down the beach.

I turned and Jaken was running hell bent at full speed, trying to out run Inuyasha. For a little Imp, he sure could run fast. Jaken had tears running down his face and flying through the air as he ran. Inuyasha leaped into the air and brought his fist down on Jaken's head, ending the chase. He snatched the staff from Jaken's grip and proceeded to beat him over the head with it.

I hurriedly walked over to the pair, snatched the staff from Inuyasha, and smacked him with it. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Jaken ran and hid behind my legs, saying 'thank you' and crying.

"He tried to set me in fire!" Inuyasha yelled.

"That doesn't mean that you have the right to beat him senseless!"

Inuyasha pulled out his sword, it didn't transform, but I knew the threat. I immediately pulled out my scythes. I was prepared for battle, my armor was strong and all I needed was for him to make the first move.

"Bring it, Dog Boy."

Inuyasha growled and ran towards me.

"SIT BOY!" Inuyasha fell fast first into the sand at Kagome's command.

"Enjoy your meal." I turned, sheathing my scythes, and watched Sesshomaru land not too far from me. He had been distant since we all started traveling together.

He looked at his half-brother with hate in his eyes. "I heard from a nearby village that a smoke demon has been terrorizing them."

"It’s the only lead we've had in days! Thank you Sesshomaru." I smiled at him. He was still distant, but I would catch him watching me every once in a while. I turned to Kagome, Sango, and Miroku. "You guys stay here. I want to see if this sighting holds any weight at all."

I walked through the sand to the stone trail that wound its way from the beach to a village about five miles away. I entered the woods and felt Sesshomaru's presence behind me. We walked in silence for a while as we passed small clearing and wells. After a while, smoke began to fill the air and the crackle of flames could be heard.

I glanced at Sesshomaru before taking off, running as fast as I could towards the only clue that I had to finding my son. The air started to get hotter the closer I came to the village but I didn’t allow that to slow me down. When I finally reached the clearing with the village in it, I stopped. Black smoke billowed from the roof tops as flames licked the wooden building.

I made my way closer, slowly, my scythes drawn. The closer I got, the more the air reeked of death and soon, I could see why. In the center of the village, in a large pile, was the dismembered bodies of the villagers. Man, woman, and child. All bloodied, all carelessly thrown into the pile.

My heart instantly ached. All of these people, all of these children, were slaughtered. I stepped back, away from the monstrosity before me. I began to look around the village for clues and for survivors. I became frantic in my search, wishing I could find something. When I realized that the entire village was dead and that all the clues to my son’s location died with it, I collapsed to my knees.

My heart broke as the realization sunk in that all these people probably died because of me, because I was unable to protect my son in the first place, because I allowed him to be taken from me.

It barely registered in my brain when Sesshomaru came and kneeled in front of me. He lifted me into his arms and took off, flying away from the village and away from the beach.

He sat me down in a field full of wild flower blooms. I was still crying, still highly upset. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out, but I knew he wouldn’t let me. Sesshomaru placed one finger under my chin and lifted my head, making me look into his eyes.

“There is no need for tears, Angel.” His voice was soft

Before I could say anything, his soft lips met mine in a tender kiss that took my breath away. He wrapped one hand around the back of my neck, the other still holding my chin up, as he deepened the kiss. He ran his tongue over my lips before snaking into my mouth to play with my tongue.

He pulled away, breaking the kiss, his eyes glowing an intense gold.
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Enjoy :)