Status: I will continue to write on this story, just give me time. My married life and my son are both demanding ^.^



I stood in a clearing with a river in it that had cut its way through the rocks to form a canyon. Across from me stood Inuyasha, four humans, a fox demon, and a cat demon.

Inuyasha was ready to attack me. He had his sword drawn, ready to unleash what would be a powerful attack. He swung his blade over his head, and at the height of his arc, one of the female humans yelled.


The half demon went crashing face first into the dirt. I began to laugh at him. It was seriously funny. The fact that it was his winch that defied him made it even funnier. He demanded explanation as he shook with anger, only causing another bubble of laughter to come from me.

"Because." She paused. "That is Angel."

'Huh?' I tilted my head at the name. 'Angel?' It seemed familiar and it began to nag at me. I shook it off. "Inuyasha! Control your woman and fight me like a man!" I bellowed across the canyon.

"Don't kill her, please!" The winch begged and the mutt put his blade away.

The wind drifted to me, bringing with it the scent of the people across the canyon from me. The winch was crying, the fox was frightened, and the half demon was pissed.

The girl continued. "Get the shards from her back and I can purify them! Once they are gone, she should become normal again!"

I wasn't going to wait for them to attack me, instead, I attacked them. I unsheathed my scythes and lifted my left hand high in the air. The demon wasp swarm above me moved. I flung my arm forward, arching it towards the group. Half of the swarm flew at them while the rest stayed with me.

"IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!" Inuyasha attacked the swarm with his claws. Most of the swarm avoided him and dove for the wench.

"HIRAIKOTSU!" The woman in the black and pink armor threw her weapon at the swarm.

Finally the monk joined in. "WIND TUNNEL!" A powerful whirlwind burst from his hand sucking in most of the swarm.

'Now that I know their powers, for the most part, this should be easy.' I watched the feline pounce on some of the wasps and tear them apart.

I jumped in the air and unleashed an attack. Bright blue fire full of blades erupted from my attack and went straight for Inuyahsa. As the attack moved across the land at lightning speed, it left a deep gouge in the earth and little fires from the grass and twigs along the edges.

Inuyasha grabbed the girl and dodged, the others getting on Kilala and racing out of the way. I did my attack again. Inuyasha flung the woman away from him as my attack made contact.

"Inuyasha!" The woman yelled.

When the blast faded, Inuyasha began to reappear. He had deep cuts all over his body, but no burns. I unleashed another attack at him. He pulled out his blade and blocked the attack, but was sent to his knees.

I saw the woman pull an arrow out of the quiver on her back and put it in her bow. She aimed at me, and I laughed. She fired the arrow that glowed a bright pink. The swarm of insects flew in front of me and the arrow hit them. Three fell to the ground. The others buzzed in anger.

I unleashed another attack at Inuyasha. As my attack hit him, something hit me and I flew backwards, landing on my back on the ground. An arrow stuck out of my shoulder. I used one of my blades to cut the stick, an inch from my flesh.

I heard Naraku's voice in my head. "Finish them!"

I stood, but something inside of me was changing. I began to slowly remember. I took a step forward.

"Ka....Kagome?" My world spun as I fell forward.

*Kagome's Point of View*

I fired my arrow, hoping beyond hope that my idea would work. If my purified arrow could just hit her it would purify the shards she carried. I aimed for her shoulder and loosed my arrow. It hit its mark, sending her backwards.

I rushed to Inuyasha who was bleeding heavily. He was kneeling on the ground, his sword the only thing holding him up.

"Kagome!" Miroku yelled at me. I turned towards Angel. She was standing. She took a step forward then fell forward.

I watched in horror as the remaining swarm picked her up and began to carry her off.

"We will get her Kagome!" Sango yelled at me as her and Miroku began to fly off after her.

After what seemed like forever, Sango and Miroku returned.

"I'm sorry, Kagome. We lost her." Sango seemed sad. It didn't help that I had started crying again.

*Angel's Point of View*

I woke up in a field, the wasp swarm that had carried me from the battle lay dead around me. I sat up, the pain from the arrow making my right arm completely useless. I picked up one of my scythes with my left hand and sheathed it on my left hip. The other scythe I kept in my left hand, just incase. My super senses were gone as well as the feeling of darkness that had been coursing through my skin.

"Aruki." I heard Naraku's voice behind me and quickly spun around. I gasped in pain from the sudden jolt to my arm. "How dare you purify my shards." His voice was angry and he lashed out at me with five tentacles. I swung my left hand, cutting one of the tentacles off, for it to only be replaced with another one.

Naraku had my arms and legs bound, each with one tentacle. He pulled me to him and turned me around so I couldn't look at him.

I was crying. Every time I moved the arrow shifted. I was confused, hurt, and in pain. I felt the fifth tentacle move up my inner thigh.

"Oh how I enjoyed you." Naraku sighed. The tentacle made its way to my neck where he had slashed it earlier. He pulled my hair out of the way. I felt his claws dig into me and I screamed. "I will have my shards back." I felt a tugging on my skin as Naraku dug out four objects from the back of my neck.

Naraku threw me on the ground and I cried out in pain. He tisked at me as he walked around me.

"Aruki..." He paused to look me up and down. "You have failed me. You failed to kill Inuyasha and Kagome and you purified my shards."

'Kagome?! Oh no!' My thoughts were swimming, running around in circles to try to remember if I had hurt anyone. 'He used me...' This realization really hurt. He had saved me from those monsters, locked me in a dark room, raped me, threw me in a larger room to be a prisoner, then put Shikon jewel shards in my body to make me do whatever he wanted. This angered me deeply.

"Aruki, it seems like such a waste, but if I cannot control you and cannot have you as mine, then no one will." A thick mist began to form around him and breathing for me became very hard. "You will die here Aruki. Alone." Naraku flew off in his little bubble of protection while I was left coughing and gasping for air.

Then something strange happened. My body pulsed and a light blue light enveloped me. The poison mist that was around me turned a stark white and drifted into the sky. I could finally breathe. My body, however, felt sluggish and cold. I couldn't move. I laid there, staring off into the sky, as I slowly felt my body dying. Blackness began to creep up around my vision until it was like looking through a tunnel.

I knew I was dying. I felt it to the core of my being. Tears rolled out of my eyes as I began to think of my mother. She was alone now that my father was on base. He rarely came home. I was her company and she was my comfort.

The blackness slowly engulfed me and I began to drift into a sea of nothingness.
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I lied.... the next chapter will be out Monday XD I had to write this one while it was fresh on my brain.