Status: I will update whenever I can. Also feel free to suggest new ways of improvement thanks:)

Take Me to Church

I'll take another breath for you

So I was sitting in English and I was bored out of my mind. My head happened to be wandering around the room when my eyes caught on to something. It was two people at the front right in the left corner of the class room on a single table making out. To be honest first thing on a Monday I did not want to be seeing such view.

I just looked away and sighed, but I didn't realize I did because Tony asked if I was okay.

"Dude are you okay?" He asked concerned about me. No I wasn't fine at all. No one knew I was gay not even Mike. Mike had a funny thing about gays and I felt like if I told him I'd loose not only my brother but my best friend.

"Yeah I am fine dude don't worry." I sharply replied as quick as I could because the longer I got caught in my own thought the quicker he would know something was up.

I mean being gay in a very strict religious family, that only happened to the one and only me. That's what I didn't like.

Once the bell had gone I rushed to music class, why? Because it was my favorite. I walked in and to my surprise I was late? How did that happen?

"Mr Fuentes why are you late?" The teacher spat with a hard stare. I felt like he was tying to rip out my soul right now.

"I don't know sir" I said coldly.

"I do not appreciate your attitude Mr Fuentes!" He roared in front of the class.

It was time to snap back. I wasn't in a good mood because its a Monday and right now I didn't need his shit.

"Sir I don't need your shit right now, so can you stop fucking having a go!" I shouted bluntly, getting "oo's" and "awhhs" From the class.

"Get out now!"

"Whatever man" And then I walked out not having a are in the world.

As I was walking down the hall way I bumped into someone. I ended up knocking all their stuff out of their hands and onto the floor.

"OMG I am so sorry" I cried. Not literally.

"No worries dude" The guy replied. But he had a girly voice. When he looked up I noticed it was Kellin. I stood there in shock. Well done Vic.

"A-are you sure..." I had gotten so nervous, I could feel myself sweat.

"Yeah of course don't worry, I'm Kellin by the way" Kellin said with his luscious lips. Oh I could kiss them.

"H-hey.. I am V-vic" Damn it why do I have to be such a wreck?

"Well it was nice to meet you Vic, I would love to stay and chat but I am already late for Music" He chuckled and walked away.

I'm a mess. Why did I have to stutter and go all girly girl? I didn't even recognize that Vic, I was like a whole new person then.

I sat outside and just sat there like a plonker doing absolutely nothing. I started to go into deep thought again and think about my situation. How everyone thought I was a straight religious guy from a well bought up home with fairly strict parents. But no. I was gay, got off to gay porn, loved cock and wanted it up the ass. Why? Is god punishing me? Oh how lord will I pay for my sins. BULLSHIT. What fucking sins? This whole thing stresses me out. I soon was shaken and I look up to see mike towering over me like a giant.

"Dude you were zoned out for like half and hour, whats up?" He asked worried but laughed to cover it up.

"Nothing, I need to go Mike. I'll see you later" I replied quickly getting up and running towards my car. I hopped in and started the engine and drove off before Mike could catch up. I needed time to think about myself for once. I needed to get away and that was exactly what I was going to do.

I decided to go to my favorite place on the out side of town, Mike, Jaime nor Tony knew about this place. It was my place to cool off from everything. To relieve my stress and anger. To get rid of everything I am feeling. This place was like a second home and I loved it hear. Even though it was an outside place...So it couldn't be a home. But you get the idea right?
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2ND update guys.

What do you think Vic's place is?

I hope you like this? Comment please, and recommend.

Thanks to the people who have commented it means a lot, thank you.
