The Nightingale Three

Chapter One.

Chapter One

I walked up this cliff overlooking a town I believed to be Midgar and stopped in my tracks at the flowers that was close to the edge. I stopped Lyna before she stepped on the flowers, causing her to jump back and let out a sigh.

“That was close.” She said, putting her bright pink hair that fell mid back up into a ponytail and sat down in front of the flowers.

“Looks like a grave, so close to civilization and yet so far away.” Mylene said, taking her double edged spear she named Briar, which was really ironic because it felt like a thorn even when you were pricked by it.

I sat next to them, handing them a container of water which we were running out of. And by the looks of it Midgar looked like a ghost town. I looked down at the ground below and something caught my eye. A guy with spiky blond hair was speeding on a motorcycle, coming our way. We readied our weapons, Lyna with her double ended scythe named Morana, Mylene with her spear and myself with my revolver and dagger.

He pulled up and stopped in front of us, pushing his goggles up on his spiky hair and I swear I heard us all swoon. He was not a bad looking guy for the slums that Midgar looked like, so here is for hoping he is that nice too.

“No need for violence, just taking a ride when I saw you three up here. Are you lost?” He asked holding his hand up and I signaled for them to put their weapons down.

“We are looking for Midgar, for a man called Rufus Shinra…perhaps you have heard of him?” I watched as his eyes widened and I sighed, of course hired by the bad guy.

“Where exactly did he say in Midgar?” he asked, looking over at the town in the distance.
“A bar called 7th Heaven…heard of it?” Mylene asked, twirling her dark blue braid in her fingers. Sweat was dripping from her forehead and I could tell she was burning up in her armor in this blazing heat.

“Yeah, I run it with my…girlfriend Tifa. I’m assuming you ladies will need a room to stay in?” Cloud asked, grabbing his cellphone and started dialing once we all nodded our heads to his question. “Hey Tifa, I know I have been gone, look is Rufus there? Well tell him I’m bringing his guests to the bar…oh we need three rooms…Alright, love you.”

“So, follow you?” Lyna asked, fiddling with her scythe.

“Yeah, I will drive slowly just so I don’t lose you guys, plus this part has a tendency to be under attack by Ghost Hounds.”

“Thank you, but you really don’t have to be worried about us, we are used to fighting.” I smiled at him sincerely and he looked at me skeptically, before getting on his bike. “Before you go, can you possibly tell me who died here?”

“How…how can you tell it’s a grave?”

“The Lifestream wouldn’t grow flowers in the middle of the desert for just anyone.” I state looking at the yellow flowers and kneeling in front of it. I touched my hand to it and images came flooding into my head of a man around the age of Cloud, with spiky black hair.

“His name was Zack Fair, he was a member of SOLDIER and he was my best friend, we were trying to make it to Midgar…but he died right here.”

I said a silent prayer and looked at him, “Thank you for telling me, I’m ready to go now.” I stated and he nodded, looking at me strangely before starting up his bike and taking off.

“Let’s get going, it’s getting dark and let’s face it, the things in the dark are afraid of us.” Mylene stated, “Plus, it’s hotter than balls out here and I want to find a decent air supply that will cool me down.”

I watched as her eyes flashed a bright blue from their hazel color and a pair of wings sprouted from her back. Lyna followed suit as her eyes flashed pink and wings coming from her back as well. I knew the same thing was happening to me when I felt a tingling sensation flowing through my body and I lifted off the ground.

Such was a happening of a NightinGale.
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Hey everyone,

Do enjoy this once again, I got inspiration to work on it and figured I should re post it here for you all to read.

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