The Nightingale Three

Chapter Two.

Chapter Two.

It only took an hour to fly from the cliff to Cloud’s location, his bike coming to a stop in the upper part of Midgar that was built above the remains of the old. We landed next to his bike, allowing our wings to go back in our bodies and Lyna opened the door. Cloud greeted us, looking at us completely shocked to how we had made it that far in such a short amount of time. I took a gander around the room, which was a quaint little bar and my eyes fell to the girl behind the counter. The girl had to be no older than nine years of age was standing behind the counter, she had beautiful brown eyes and hair that was done back in a braid with a pink bow.

“Marlene, will you run upstairs and grab Tifa and Denzel, I’m sure our guests are hungry.” Cloud said, smiling at the girl who smiled at him before taking off upstairs.

“She’s a little young to be dealing in alcohol don’t you think?” Mylene asks, raising an eyebrow at him, finding it hard to believe a girl that young would be entrusted with such responsibility.

“Nah, she has been trusted behind that counter she was four, we watch her for a good friend who works a lot. She doesn’t serve alcohol and the locals know not to ask when she is back there, so there is not much to worry about with her.” He smiled, leading us over to a table, “The man you are looking for stepped out for a moment and will be back within the hour.”

“While you are waiting, we can get you a bite to eat and something to drink.” A beautiful woman with long black hair in a white t-shirt and some shorts stated, smiling down at us. “The name is Tifa, Tifa Lockhart and what would your names be?”

“Jezzine Pythe and that is Mylene Treka and Lyna Nymira at your service.” I said smiling at her and pointing to the girls as I introduced them one by one. We shook their hands and she handed us a menu of drinks and food. We ordered what sounded best and she took our menus, Cloud coming back with our drinks and I took a sip of mine, feeling a burning sensation in my mouth.

“Holy shit, are you ok?” Lyna asked, seeing my expression before I finally choked down the drink.

“Yeah, just was not expecting it to be that strong was all.” I smiled into the liquid that was a deep red. There were swirls of black in it that were fascinating me, but the aftertaste of the drink was becoming really sweet. “It’s getting better now.”

“Avalanche is very much a strong drink with a sweet aftertaste, I could get you something different if you would like?” Cloud asked, a small teasing tone to his voice and I shook my head no just as the door opened to the bar and three men walked into the room.

The first one was a spikey red headed guy with a long ponytail almost to his lower back with these red marks on his face, he was wearing a blue blazer that wasn’t buttoned and his white shirt had the top four buttons undone. This guy spelled trouble maker just by the look of him, yet he and I could probably be the best of friends. The next was a darker guy that had a bald head and sunglasses nighttime…in a bar…anyways, let’s move past the point that that was slightly irritating. He wore a silver earring in his left ear at the top and was definitely more serious than the red headed guy, his suit all done up and fancy.

And the last guy was the leader of the three, sporting a white suit over a black shirt and held himself with a sort of persona that meant business. He had parted blond hair that framed his face nicely and piercing blue eyes that stared into the very depths of one’s soul. This had to be our guy, Rufus Shinra.

I stood up, the girls following my lead as he came closer, which was a custom for NightinGale’s to stand at the presence of a client and he held up a hand.

“Ladies, please stay seated.” He said as he and his lackeys pulled up chairs and sat at our table. “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rufus Shinra and these are my assistants Reno and Rude of the Turks.” He said pointing to the red haired guy and then the bald guy.

“And a Turk would be what exactly?” Lyna asked, crossing her arms over her chest, giving them a good once over.

“Really? You don’t know?” The one known as Reno asked her, which she looked at him seriously.

“That would be like me asking you if you could explain what the NightinGale association was.” She responded, never being one for dealing with the smart alecks. Of course, she normally had a thing for them as well, but that is way beside the point.

“Turk is the name that we call it, but what it actually is, is the Department of Administrative Research for the Shinra Electric Power Company. Or what was the Shinra Electric Power Company…we do all the dirty work and clean ups when it is needed.” Rude explained and I nodded, silencing any further questions.

“Let us get to the matter at hand, it’s getting late and I would like to get this over with quick as possible.” I stated, never being one for staying in one place for a long period of time.

“Right, a woman that likes to get straight to the point, now let us look at what we have here.” Rufus pulled out a manila envelope and brought out several pictures of this man that was wearing a scientist coat and dark hair, a sinister look was in his eyes, covered by glasses and he looked like he was scheming something terrible. “This man here is Professor Hojo; he was the main mind behind The Jenova Project and SOLDIER. His greatest experiment was his only son Sephiroth, who became a great member of SOLDIER, but was corrupted by the ways of the world. He murdered a great many people, while his father mutated people to a point they were barely even human anymore. Cloud ended up killing Sephiroth, who went to the Lifestream and infected it causing what is known as Geostigma. It affected the children more than anyone else, which made them a main source for the Remnants of Sephiroth to make them followers of their plan to bring them to the reunion of their mother a.k.a Jenova’s head. They get Jenova’s head and Sephiroth comes forth and is slain once again by Cloud who almost died in the process. A few years later, Professor Hojo possessed the leader of the Underground, Weiss the Immaculate who is killed by our ally Vincent Valentine.”

“Alright, now who is the target exactly?” Mylene asked; who must have gotten bored by the background information on this mission. The downside of our group was that patience was not our strong point and we liked doing our job as fast.

“Basically, Professor Hojo is back and is a split persona with Sephiroth; we believe they are planning on killing off the Lifestream in a way that it kills the world as we know it. We aren’t really sure when the attack will be, because he was spotted once and never again after that. We believe that he may be in the slum of Midgar, we aren’t particularly sure on that bit of information.” He explained, showing a picture or Professor Hojo and Sephiroth separately, before showing a picture of a tall man with long black hair as long as Sephiroth’s and piercing blue green eyes covered by glasses.

“Alright, we'll get right on this.” I said, standing up and looking down at my completed drink, when had I finished that? I swayed a little and an arm rested on my hand, only for me to look over and see the little girl, Marlene.

“You need to lay down, you’re in no condition to fight tonight.” She said and I smiled down at her, putting my hand on her head.

“You’re probably right, here you go Tifa.” I said, going up to her and handing her five hundred gil. “I know it’s over, but I figure that will pay for our time here, food and drink and all that.”

“Thank you so much, most people would just make the hassle of keep paying after each thing so this takes some stress off of thinking again and again for everything.” She smiled and looked at the boy, Denzel. “Take them up to the rooms that we cleaned up and make sure they are comfortable.”

“Ok Tifa, no problem.” He smiled at her and led us up the stairs, opening the door to the rooms that came complete with a bed, nightstand and dresser. As soon as he got to my room, I thanked him and passed out flat on the bed, having the first good night’s sleep in a long time.

I love that drink.
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