Status: Do not read if you are under 18. This is an experimental story for me, as I have never written within this genre before.

Demon in My Mind

Chapter 2

The next time I saw Joanna, she was practically glowing. I was in the rafters once more, and she was making her way down to breakfast. Her braid was sloppy, pieces coming out of it and yet she didn't seem to mind. The smile upon her face was radiant and she seemed to be bouncing. I could only assume it was because of the "dream" she had, or the feelings I had given her as she slept. I had caressed every inch of her body, coating it in my slime. I could still see droplets of blue upon her skin. However, to the mortal eye the traces would be too small. I, however, am not mortal.

I remained above her, however, I wanted to hear what she was saying. I moved my ears to listen keenly to her words.

"Rochelle, I have to tell you about this dream I had last night!"

The smile that graced my face upon her words was full on glee. Her voice was excited. She had LIKED the dream. She wasn't afraid of it as some of the girls were. I knew that she would be easy to mold now. If she liked the dream, that meant that she would be captivated when I actually approached her. That made me happy.

"Well then tell me already, come on Joanna! Don't make me wait!"

I watched Joanna's friend. Rochelle. That was a pretty name. However, the girl herself was pretty average and her scent was nowhere near as delicious as Joanna's. If I needed a quick meal, I could turn to the friend. But otherwise, she was here merely to help me determine how Joanna was feeling about this "dream" and to help me gather information.

"Okay, okay! I dreamed about a boy...a man actually and a beautiful one at that! He was....was..." She stuttered, closing her eyes, a smile lighting her face.

"Out with it already, Joanna, what was he doing?"

"He was....well...he was touching me...and I...I've never been touched. I swear that I...I swear, I woke up sweating and wet...wet like it actually happened."

Rochelle, Joanna's friend, just laughed at her. "You had your first wet dream, Joanna! Wait until you actually get a boyfriend to touch you like that!"

"I WANT a boyfriend to touch me like was so amazing. I can't even explain it. The best part was he...he had this voice, it was beautiful and was almost like he was singing a lullaby when he was speaking. It calmed me in my dream and just made me want to do whatever he asked." Joanna sighed when she finished speaking and the smile on her face told me that I had done everything right.

Now it should be easy to woo her. Now, it should be like a piece of cake to seduce her and get her to come with me. Who knew that all it took was taking her away for one night while she slept and teasing her body while her mind slept. She saw it as a normal girl would. She didn't see that I was a demon, so of course in her dreams she imagined that the feelings my touch gave her were from a human being.

"Joanna, you sound crazy! It was a DREAM. I betcha the real thing will be nowhere near like that."

"I bet it will be, if I find the right guy!"

"Alright...I bet you $10!"

"I bet you $20!"


They shook hands and I couldn't help but laugh. I knew that Joanna was going to win this bet. I knew because I had a plan now. Tonight would be my night and her dream would be becoming a reality much sooner than she knew. The money would no longer be important to her, however, as soon I would be her whole world. She would be mine and I was going to consume her body, mind and soul. Maybe, just maybe, I would even get her heart out of this. However, as demons we didn't care about love and the heart. We just wanted everything else that human beings were made of.

* * * * *
That evening, I once again watched Joanna at swim practice. However, before it was over, I moved to the landing, waiting just outside the locker room for when she came out after showering. I knew that her scent would be freshest then. There would be no more chlorine mixed in with the sweet, syrupy scent that wafted into my nostrils whenever I was around her. I wanted her and I wanted to show her that her "dream" could easily become a reality if she wanted it to. She simply had to be willing. Once she was willing, she was mine, all mine.

I heard the final whistle signaling practices end and I waited. I waited as Joanna's teammates passed me by on their way to the locker room. They were laughing and joking. They were oblivious to my presence and I was perfectly fine with that. Joanna was the only one I needed. She was the only one who I desired to notice me.

When Joanna approached with a friend, I began to hum softly.I could not wait until she was finished showering. I hoped that she would recognize my voice from her "dream" and stop. I hoped that this would end with her and I alone. So, I hummed and I waited for her to be within earshot, the friend beside her looking exhausted from the practice. I wasn't watching her though. I was watching Joanne's lithe form as she approached. I saw her body freeze when she was within earshot, reacting to my hummed song before her mind could process it. I was calling out to her, only to her. I wanted nothing to do with her friend. I simply wanted my Joanna.

"I...I'll meet up with you later, Rochelle." Joanna muttered, her voice soft and her eyes becoming a bit dazed. Maybe, just maybe, I would not have to wait until she showered. Yes, she might still smell of chlorine, but her taste would remain the same.

"Where are you going?" Rochelle asked, here eyebrows raised in confusion as Joanna moved away from the locker room door, and closer to where I had hidden myself in it's shadow.

"I...I think someone is waiting for me. I'll see you later." She told her friend, sounding confused as the words left her mouth naturally, without her even thinking about the excuse.

" alright, Jo?"

"Fine...i'll see you back in our dorm...okay?"


I watched as Rochelle continued into the locker room. My humming continued and with it so did Joanna's slow approach. Her eyes were becoming more distant and dazed, the whites around her pupils growing milky and spreading to leave a filmy, transparent white over the beautiful green pupils I loved so much. Joanna moved toward me slowly, as if sleepwalking. I smirked. This was going well. She would be more agreeable as I sang, however, her mind would remain in tact, it would still be her choice to come to me. I simply gave her a bit of an incentive.

"Joanna..." I spoke, when the girl arrived before me.

I reached out to gently touch her soft, blushing cheek and smiled as I felt the dry, chemical ridden skin beneath my fingers. The roughness of the skin was surprising, though had I taken the time to learn the impacts of chlorine I probably wouldn't be quite so surprised. That, however, didn't matter. What mattered to me was that Joanna was standing before me, her milky and dazed green eyes staring up at me. Her mouth formed the shape of an o as she looked at me, surprised. She was closer than she had ever been, the distance within her eyes simply due to my entrancement, not disinterest.

"It' my...dream." Joanna muttered. She seemed to be struggling to form words.

"Yes. I have come for you, Joanna." I told her, smiling. I began to gently stroke her cheek, my fingers featherlight against her reddening cheek. I had surprised her. There was no getting around that fact. I doubted she expected the phantasm from her dream to show up in real life. However, if she only knew the truth I was certain that she would probably be trying to run away. I didn't want that though. I wanted her here and aroused.

"" Joanna's face showed a hint of confusion but as I continued to stroke her cheek, I could see her breath quickening and the blush intensifying. Despite the traces of free will remaining, her body was reacting to me.

"What did you see in this dream?" I asked, knowing perfectly well what she had experienced, as it was no dream and I had been calling all of the shots.

" made me...feel...." I heard a moan escape Joanna's lips and watched as her back arched, an orgasm escaping from her lush, pink lips. She could recall the dream vividly just as I wanted her to and as I stroked her cheek, I allowed my other hand to slide up to her bare right thigh, gently caressing it as she spoke and bringing back the warm tingling I knew she had felt in her dream.

"Like this?" I questioned, sliding the hand down from her cheek to her neck, tilting it so that I could suck on the other side. Another moan escaped her lips and I smiled against her neck, sucking harder and allowing my teeth to graze it.

"" The words were slow and drawn out, almost a moan in and of themselves. I knew that I needed to get her moving. We could not stay here, where others would exit the locker room and find us. I needed to find a more private place.

"Yes, I was...and I will be again. First, however, we need to get out of here. We need to go somewhere...private." I told the girl, looking around and trying to remember everything I knew about the school and Joanna, everything I had studied.

"Shower....private...shower for....residence assistance....third floor..." Joanna's words were slow as she looked into my eyes but I couldn't help but smile. She remembered somewhere in her subconscious that she had been pleasured within the water.

I quickly moved into motion, taking one of Joanna's hands and leading my dazed and confused companion away from the locker room and out into the hallway. Once in the hallway, panic struck me. There were tons of students milling about, preparing for the next meal or a class they had to get to. I wanted to remain discreet and to blend in, yet Joanna was in her bathing suit alone, without a bag or towel. She held my hand, her body limp and relaxed otherwise. She did not look herself, at least she wouldn't if we ran into a friend of classmate. I frowned, looking at the girl and closing my eyes for a moment.

I tried my best to come up with a plan, but I knew we needed to hide until I could figure something out. So, I pushed Joanna back through the door and sat her down upon the bleachers over looking the pool. She sat obediently, staring expectantly at me as if she awaited a command. Her will was weak and I knew that I had easily entranced her simply by humming and singing a few words. It would be hard to reverse that. Her green eyes remained milky and dazed as she looked upon me and that is when the idea struck. Her will was mine. She was mine. I could order her to act normal. I could command her to pretend I was her new boyfriend if we ran into anyone.

"Joanna, my dear, I need you to help me." I told her, my voice gentle. I squatted before her so that my face was level with hers and I allowed my eyes to meet hers once more.

"Anything..." Joanna's distant voice responded, her jaw remaining slack and open when she finished speaking, ready for another command.

"I need you to act normal. I need you to pretend that I am your boyfriend and to behave as you normally would walking the halls after a swim practice or meet. Can you do that?"

"Yes...but what is your name?" She responded, moaning slightly as I cupped her cheek in my hands gently, allowing one slimy finger to stroke it. I was pleased with how easy she had been to manipulate and I could only hope that this plan worked.

"Damien. You may call me Damien."

"Yes...Damien." She stated, her voice flat and emotionless. I frowned. She needed to act normal, speaking in that tone was far from normal.

"Joanna, you need to begin acting normal now." I commanded, my voice firm and a slight melodic tone to it.

"Oh...okay, Damien!" She told me, a smile coming to her face and a giddy and cheerful tone coming into her voice now. "You're my new boyfriend and I can't wait to tell my friends about you."

"Good, very good.'re only to tell your friends IF we run into them, do you understand? Otherwise, you will simply lead me to this private bathroom."

"Yes, Damien. I understand." Her voice remained upbeat and she smiled at me, her eyes still milky but no longer holding such a dazed and confused look.

"Very the way."

With that we were off. Joanna slipped her hand into mine and tugged me toward the door. Her body was no longer the relaxed and limp figure it had been moments before but that of the familiar, bubbly red-head that I had somehow decided I needed to make mine. A strange feeling entered into the pit of my stomach, as she turned her head to smile up at me. It was a tingling and sort of anxiousness that I had never once felt before. I ignored it, for now, simply following her with a smile on my own face. So far, the plan was working.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it and have decided to continue this story thanks to all of you. I apologize if the updates are slow, as I work full time, but I promise they will come.