Status: Active

Aquatic Ties


It was raining outside and it looked depressing. I locked myself in my room all morning. So far no one has screamed to be let in. I think they understand, that I need to focus on my homework. Or maybe they are just messing with me. Today is one of those rare times of just a half of a day, because the weather is so bad. If it eases up, then off to school. If it just gets worse, I have to put up with the crazy people.

Thankfully this weekend I'm going to my dad house. If school goes as planned, then I would come back get my car and go. If school wasn't so close, I would probably drive more.

It starts to hail.outside, then there is a knock on my door. "The school.called, this storm is just going to get worse. So they aren't going to have any students driving in this weather." my mom tells me.


"Your bagged packed for your dad house?"

-Why does she even ask? She knows I have emergency bags, to go to his house, if I can't put up with everyone.- "Yeah," I go back to doing my homework, as I lesson to her feet hit the hardwood floor.


Putting my bag in my car, the rain has let up a little bit. The storm is moving off to the east. Which sucks, cause that's where I need to go. An hour and thirty minutes, in that stuff is going to suck.

"Be careful!" mom yells.

Waving at her, I get in my car. "Who turned her onto a happy loving mom?" I whisper as I leave the house and down the road.

As I come to the bottom of the long hill, out of habit now, I look out at the water. Ten seconds. That's all it took.

A horn goes off, I look up and I'm trying to get out of the way of a truck in the wrong lane. I see the driver face and I know who it is. Mark.

It's like that day of the car accident. But it was sunny then and Mark wasn't driving.

Turning the wheel, the back of my car gets clipped. Soon as my car completely, I get out and run to Mark truck. The front of his truck is hit by the tree he turned his truck into. Opening the door, Mark head bleeding. I check his heart beet and he's still alive.

I pull out my phone and call for help. "911, what is your emergency?"

"There been a car accident. I was driving and almost got hit. I'm fine, but the other driver hurt."

"Where are you at?"

"56 and Alburt,"

"Help is on the way."

Haning up, I run back to my car and get a jacket. The rain starts to pick up again.

Going back to Mark truck, a figure runs through the rain to me. "Brook!" it's Xavier. "Why in the world are you out in this storm?!" he looks at the truck and my car. He grabs my shoulders and looks me over. "Are you hurt?!" he yells over the beating rain.

"No, but my friend is!" I yell over the thunder.

"Get in your car, you'll get sick if you stay out in this much longer."

"I won't leave him till help gets here!"

He looks around and for the first time that I seen him in this storm, I notice he wears nothing, but what he wore when he showed me his hide away. "Keep a look out for help, I'll keep an eye on him!"

Shaking my head, I turn away from where help should be.coming from. I hear the sirens in the distance. Looking Xavier to let them know they are getting close, my voice is lost when I see him have a seashell no bigger the a quarter, in his hand glowing a bright red.

I run over to the truck and push him out of the way. "What did you just do to him!?" I scream, making sure Mark still alive.

Looking back at Xavier, he crushes the shell. "Saving his life. Without my help, he would had died. Will you hate me for saving his life?" the sirens get closer and without another word he runs off into the rain disappearing.

The ambulance gets to us and it all goes so fast. The next thing I know I'm at the hospital, waiting for the world to slow down. But all I can see, is Xavier face and what he did to Mark. How I first talked to him. And when I really did meat him. He had saved me from dying, when I feel in the water. -What are you?-


Looking up, I run into the man arm. "Dad," before I know it, I'm crying more then I ever had. I cry for the accident I was in and I.cry for Mark and pray he'll be fine. "Thank you for being here,"