Empty With You

Beating Hearts


One could normally ignore them but today they were getting louder. Whispers of where we would all be placed in Dauntless. Would one guard the city? Surveillance? Tattoo shop? Government?

Everyone was nervous I guess. Especially since we had a week left in Initiation. Four and I actually outranked Eric a few times which pissed him off but he still kept his distance and I hated that.

Eric on purpose found probably the ditziest girl to flirt with and everything once we were around him. It made me sick and angry.

Four and I on the other hand, hadn't kissed since that night. Have we wanted to? Yes, definitely. But Four knew I was hurt and I respected that from him.

Currently we were in an old apartment building of sorts just relaxing after given the day off. We were supposed to be thinking about what we wanted to do jobwise and which offers we'd accept. Sure no one was going to end up Factionless, but Four and I somehow weren't doing that.

Instead we found a bottle of alcohol and were just sitting in this empty building drinking and talking.

"So," Four took a sip off his glass, "How many times did you have to endure the truth serum?"

"More times than I can count" I rolled my eyes. "It's like any time I was caught just enjoying life, ny parents would send me to Jack Kang just to try and fix me."

"Were they always that bad?" Four questioned as I walked towards a ledge that overlooked the city.

"No," I looked towards the setting sun. "They were amazing parents for the longest time. It's when Jack Kang took noticed and started mingling with my parents things changed."

"Was that when you started rebelling?" Four watched me as I shook my head and faced him.

"No, no" I smirked at the thought. "They were fine with me going against the norm as a baby too. It's just, I don't know."

"So" Four tapped the rim of his glass as the liquid swirled. "You never told me how you met Eric"

"Awfully noisy, aren't you" I smirked as I joined him on the floor again and nudged him. "Candor boys just never attracted me"

"But an Erudite did?"

"At the time," I shrugged. "It was something different, challenging. "

"And then?" Four raised an eyebrow at me.

"And then I slowly but surely and honestly started to fall for this other guy," I felt a blush creep across my face.

"A guy?" Four gave me a look. "So not a boy?"

"Hardly," i whispered then cleared my throat. "Never did i think I would meet someone who would understand everything. Who could make me feel so shy at a glance. So afraid to admit anything. "

"Afraid of what?" Four questioned as I could feel him stare intently at me.

"Afraid to act on what I'm thinking will mess what I have up" I blushed. "Or afraid that he'll hear how fast and hard my heart beats just thinking about it"

Four moved his whole body to look at me and my heart couldn't slow down. My eyes caught his but turned away to hide the heat in my face. My whole body felt as if it would start shaking. I felt fingers move me to face him, the fading sun dancing against his skin.

"I- ca-"I started but his hand caught my cheek and ran a finger down it " Four-"

"Ari?" He questioned with a whisper as my heart pushed me forward and my lips reached his in a passionate exchange.

Breaking away for a second, a smile tugged at both our lips and he rested his forehead against mine

"What makes you sure I was talking about you?" I smirked.

"Just a guess," he smirked running his finger along my jawline before our lips connected again.

Four pulled me on top of him slowly, as the kiss didn't break. It only broke as his fingers felt the scare under my shirt and slowly ran along it.

"I don't think people realize how strong you are," he smirked at me.

"Same could be said about you," i shrugged with a smirk "Abnegation"

"Really?" He rolled his eyes as I laughed. "We should be getting back to the compound"

"Or we could stay here?" I shrugged as he slowly got up.

"You know we can't " he watched me move to let him stand and offered his hand. "Even though I'd love nothing more to do exactly that, Max would look for us."

"Yeah," I sighed as I took his hand and he pulled me into him to meet his lips.

"If we weren't initiates, I would stay right here, right now" Four held me close to him as I listened to his heart.

The moment was broke by voices from the street below.

"Come on," Four took my hand "Let's go"