Encounters Like Hand Grenades

Teenage Mediocrity and One Hell Of A Powertrip

A/N: Hiiiiii guuuuuys! I've missed all of you! How are all of my peeps doing? This is a story I wrote for my Creative Writing class. The theme was "Transformation", which gave me a lot of cool ideas. Somedays, I'm gonna become a best-selling author and be a savior to the broken, the beaten and the damned everywhere. I'll write novels about unrequited love, the macabre, and all of the dark secrets that lurk within the heart of man. My parents think my idea is stupid, but I'll show em' And my teacher may have marked me down for swearing too much, but it adds character to the main character. Abby co-wrote parts of this story since she is such a sweetheart, and knows a lot about the shitty punk scene. I hope this inspires punks everywhere to stop being themselves and JUST BE EMO, MOUTHERFUCKerS! Love ya all, stay fucking (arm)strong!

Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes, we fall through space like leaves dropping down from a psycho tree. These transgressions are necessary to open up new, wondrous pathways. Living with no regrets is the only way to go, even when we have everything to regret.

Hi, my name is Skylar Winters and I'm a muthafuckin' punk rawker! I'm your not-so-average city grrl with a badd!! attitude and a variety of social diseases. Nobody likes me because that would be stupid. My idols are Dustin Sane from Anti-flag, Sid Vivacious, and the dude from the Offspring. Although, I also think Davey Havok from AFI is good to. Punx is my life, and I"m not ashamed at all. If you don't like it, stfu. I have bleached blonde hair that goes to my chin and is cut haphazardly. It also has green and black streaks in it. I usually wear a plaid flannel jacket with patches on it, scraped up gray skinny jeans, dirty converse and lots piercings. School sucks balls, so I just sit there and sleep or listen to my mp3 player. In my humble opinion, the school system needs to die and all of the teachers should be hanged by their scrawny ankles and beat to death with giant textbooks.

Today, I woke up and instantly wanted to take a shit on the world, for, I was in a very bad mood. Lazily, I threw on some pants and shoes, grabbed my safety-pin convered bag and stomped out the door. As I walked, I almost tripped over a skateboard hurling at me at 50mph with my friend Stinky on it. Stinky was my best friend and fellow punk. He was a degenerate like me, and also wanted to fuck the system. With his mile high neon greeen spiky hair and nose piercing, I was thought I was in love. Too bad he only saw me as a sister at best, and at worst, a partner in grime. "Yo, what's up Stinks?" I shouted. He stopped flipping around on his skateboard and looked deep into my green eyes. Ugh, I wish I wasn't such a grrl so I wouldn't have to deal with crushes. My heart was making random beats in my chest, kind of like the songs on the radio.

"Fuck" Is all Stinky said. Then he sighed with a very sad expression on his face. I put my arm around his shoulder as we walked to school. "My goddamn parental units grounded me for vandalizing the middle school again. This fucking sucks so much, cuz' we can't go see Smoking Ratz tomorrow night. Well, you can, but you shouldn't." He huffed angrily.

"Why not?" I asked curiously. hoping he would cite his undying affection for me as a reason.

"Cuz' if you did, you would be a mega bitch." Stinky snapped. Then he road off on his skateboard without me. God, I didn't understand fine specimen like him, but maybe I wasn't meant to. He was probably going to go home and write a kickin' song about me, so it's okay. The school was looming over me as I walked closer to the hellish pit. Truthfully, I hated almost everyone there. Preps who worshiped One Direction were on my hit list, especially if they liked glitter. Cholos sucked simply because they were cholos. Rastafarians smelled like utter green shit and spaghetti, so I couldn't talk to them. And then, there were the emo kids... Emo kids and I have a dark history, but if I pray for their genocide, then it is entirely their fault for existing on the same plain as me. Their mascara tears, haunting music and X-ed out hearts simply pissed me the fuck off. The music was too whiny and romantic for my tastes. Worst of all, people had the audacity to call me emo! In my opinion, that was the worst war crime you could commit, and this school was a battlefield.

Unfortunately, the very first person I had to bump into was emo, and a nauseatingly pretty one at that. Her name was Devyn Harrington, and the school absolutely loooved her. She wasn't very pretty, but she had a thing for Green Day and it showed on her bracelets, shirts, even on her notebooks. It was kinda sad. I bet all of the assholes wanted to make out with her and steal her rare Green Day bootlegs. She waved at me cheerily as I trudged past on her, so I spit on her. A look of hurt flashed in her eyes for a moment, but was replaced by a strange look of unbreakable strength. She was radiating a beautiful sadness even I couldn't smash into a thousand pieces. So, I grabbed a safety pin and stabbed her. She flinched.

"Hey, stupid bitch, Green Day sucks ass!" I snarled. The look in her eyes wavered, as tears filled them. Snickers rattled around my evil lil' brain. I had found her weak spot. "Yeah, Green Day really, really, really sucks. I bet their a bunch of pervy old men who just wanna rape this country even more. They are American idiots!" I continued triumphantly, and then I punched her. Devyn fell to the cold concrete, her mascara tears staining the pavement black. Her backpack burst open with papers flying all over, and CDs littering the ground. I picked up her copy of American Idiot and dangled it over her face. She just cried. I was going to break the CD, but decided against it. Instead, I was going to hold it for ransom.

"You have to be my bitch for a month, and then maybe, just maybe I'll give you back your precious trash." I hissed her ears. She nodded. Then, I went inside.

My frist class of the day was Science, which meant I got to play with chemicals and explosives! Stinky was in that class as well, and he had fun snorting various solutions up his nose. It was quite the riot until the teacher kicked us both out into the hallway. That fucking sucked. We were stuck out there with some other douchebag that we occasionally around with. He went by Death The Kid since he was so gothic and full of creepy crawly things. Black, greasy hair hung down to his shoulders, staining his velvelt overcoat. He wore thick glasses, and a top-hat. I hated having him as a friend. If Stinky didn't have some obscene attraction to him, I would've sliced his pale throat by now.

"I wanted to die this weekend." Death whispered to Stinky in a monotonous voice. Stinky looked enthralled. They talked in great detail about what they would do to dead bodies if they had the money. Ew. "I want to die sometimes too, so I can see what it's like to jerk off while dead. That, and maybe I can see my sister naked without her screaming for once." Stinky said. I rolled my eyes. Death noticed and I thought he was going to sic an army of skeletal ravens on me.

"What would you do if you died?" Death asked me. Hmm, that was a good question. There were so many people I could haunt, like George Bush or all of my teachers. I could eat as much as I wanted and not get fat. I wouldn't have to do homework. So many possibilities!

"I would come back from the grave and eat Green Day's brains!" I laughed. Death nodded his approval. Stinky just looked bored. Did he even like me? Sometimes I wondered.

"Are you a stupid cunt or something, Skye?" He drawled momentarily. "Fuck that, I would party with Sid Vicious and snort cocaine off of Nancy's tits." Stinky continued, and looked inspired by that idea. But I wanted him to snort drugs off of me, not some hooker! My heart sank into my chest. Luckily, the bell rang so I could run off and sulk by myself. No, that was too emo, I had to hold it together.

Finally, after what seemed like weeks, school ended. I, however, was not very excited. Stinky had plans to go off and buy drugs without me. I didn't understand, was I not good enough? I'm better than any drug! Oh well, I guess. A dudes gotta get high if he wants to smash society!

Later that night, the phone rang incessantly. I was busy (not) dong homework, so I had every reason to ignore it. Fuck the world, I thought, as I cranked up "The Police Suck" by Anti-Flag and got lost in my thoughts. But, the phone kept ringing an started a riot in my head, so I finally answered it. It was Stinky, and his voice melted me. "Dude, you gotta come round' to the graveyard tonight!" He whispered softly. Slightly aroused, I asked him to continue. I've had a crush on Stinky since fifth grade when he introduced me to The Clash and Rise Against. We were like two peas in a plaid pod, us two, just listening to our punk rock and skateboards in the parking lot like rock stars. It was the best city romance I've ever known, and I was determined to make it happen someday even if I had to drug him.

"Skye, listen, we're killing Death The Kid tonight, and I neeeed your help!" He said in the most nonchalant way possible. Wait, what? Stinky must have noticed my absolute shock because he quickly explained the situation. You see, Death The Kid wanted to know what it was like to die, so we were going to kill him and then resurrect him three days later using the Necronomicon. He was paying us $50 to do it and was also giving us his collection of Misfit records. For some weird goth kid, he sure knew the kind of stuff we liked! So, I told Stinky, that yes, we would help Death on his way into the next world. I grabbed a butcher knife, so duct tape, superglue, saftey pins and my mp3 player, stuffed them into my bag an headed out the door.

Stinky met me down the street and we snuck down to the graveyard sneakily. There was a full moon tonight, which provided a really eerie atmosphere to this whole situation. There was a large black, velvet-lined coffin in the middle of the cemetery with candles surrounding it and some droning music playing. Death was laying in the coffin, with his hands clasping a black rose to his chest. He was dressed in his best, a fitted waist-coat which tried it's best to hide his fat rolls, stompy boots, and you could see the outline of fake vampire teeth in his mouth. Since he looked so fine for a vamp dork, I felt kinda bad that he had to die so young. When he saw us, his eyes popped open and he yawned. "God you guys took, like, forever getting here. I was getting bored daydreaming about death." He snapped. Then, he got up and flipped through his Necronomiicon. Slowly, he chanted something in broken latin in a demonic voice. Stinky yawned and looked like he was trying not to fall asleep. My flickered as well. It looked like Death was rising up the ground into the clouds, but I knew it was a trick of the light..

"It is time..." Death whispered