Status: Complete!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!


Unhinged Chapter 38

A/N: I posted the last chapter and Epilogue together, that's why it took a bit, enjoy!

Ginny's lungs were on fire and her head was in a whirlwind; not knowing if she was falling, rolling, flipping or standing up with how much her body was constantly moving. All she was trying to do was stay alive and every time she tried to find steady ground, she was being knocked down by a Death Eater or pulled back up by one of her brothers. She fell to the ground with a Death Eater on top of her and a blade pressed against her throat and then he fell limp as a deadly curse hit him from the back. She pulled herself from under his body and saw McGonagall give her a quick nod before getting lost in another duel.

Ginny stopped for a moment and finally caught a glimpse of her Father a few feet ahead of her and made her way over. She grabbed a wand off of a body on the ground and sent a Reducto spell out at one of the Death Eaters her Father had been dueling. She felt a hand collide with her face and she stumbled to the ground and tasted blood in her mouth and turned to see the foot of a man coming towards her face when she grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the ground. She punched him as hard as she could in the head and then placed her hand over his mouth and released a ball of fire inside of it. She jumped off the man to watch him burn alive from the inside out and turn into nothing more than a pile of ashes that blew about all around her.

She suddenly thought she heard her name faintly in the distance and went to turn to find where it came from. As she looked out across the field she saw Draco on the ground and she went to make a sprint towards him when she felt a spell hit her in the back and bring her to her knees. She felt the familiar stinging from the disabling charm she had gotten used to from how many times it was used on her and she quickly turned and saw Lucius standing a few feet away from her; his wand pointed at her. She quickly got up and went to make a run for it when he threw a binding charm around her that brought her to her knees again and her hands tightly to her side.

" fast." he said with a smile of victory on his face.

Ginny felt a shudder run through her at the way he eyed her up and down, as if he had finally found some long lost treasure. She watched him walk closer to her; his wand still drawn and she quickly looked around her to see if there was any help in sight, but there wasn't. She saw her Father trying to make it to her, screaming her name out, but he was outnumbered by Death Eaters. She saw McGonagall helping Luna up from the ground and Charlie slumped against a nearby tree. She didn't know where anyone else was, all she knew was she was trembling with fear.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you, especially after all the trouble you've caused me.......finally I can put an end to your disgusting Muggle loving family." he drawled with such hatred.

Ginny lifted her head to see him lift his wand higher and saw it come down towards her and she prepared for the deadly blow to hit her.

Across the field Draco pulled himself up from the ground and started off at a fast walk in Ginny's direction until his feet and legs were finally allowed him to break out into a run. He tried with everything in him to fight off the disabling charm his Father placed on him, but it was no use, all he saw was Ginny fall to the ground and be bound and his heart sank. He barreled across the field as fast as he could and he saw his Father raise his wand to finish her off. Draco knew he wasn't going to make it in time, there was just no way........ he was too far still, but he kept running anyway. His lungs burned with how hard he pushed his body and every time his foot hit the earth he pushed off of it with such force to propel himself as far as he could.

Ginny's eyes were squeezed shut as she waited for death to take her, but just as she heard the spell leave Lucius' wand, she felt someone jump in front of her. She opened her eyes to see Narcissa standing in front of her with her protection charm around them. She couldn't help but let out a slight laugh of relief at how close she came to dying and watched Narcissa continue to hold up the charm as her fiery hair blew wildly around her.

The look on Lucius' face turned from pleasure to a bit of surprise at seeing his own wife against him.


"I'M PROTECTING THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT" she shouted at him; her eyes fiercely squinted at him and her lips tight with anger.

"YOU......YOU-" he whipped his wand fast through the air at her and then an evil smile spread across his face.

All Ginny could see was Lucius' spell break through the protection charm and hit Narcissa and then she watched Narcissa drop to her knees. Her eyes grew wide when she saw Narcissa's hands that were covering her stomach and chest covered in blood.

Ginny just started to slowly shake her head. "No........NO!" she cried out.

Draco watched in horror as his Mother fell to her knees and he was running again as fast as he could, he wouldn't let this happen...... he just couldn't. He kept screaming NO for some reason, even though he knew his Father would never acknowledge or listen to anything he was saying.

Ginny was fighting with everything in her against the tight binds around her, but she was in such shock about what had just happened that she could barely focus. She watched Lucius walk up to his wounded wife and looked down at her with a smirk.

"Oh Narcissa......... to think you could have been at my side through all of this, the winning side........ pity."

Narcissa looked up at him; a trickle of blood dripping from her mouth. "I AM on the winning side." she said through clenched teeth.

Lucius smiled wickedly at her as he brought his wand up again and slashed it once more through the air. Ginny watched Lucius' curse cut through Narcissa and she turned her face away quickly as drops of blood splattered on her. Her breath caught in her throat and she let out a disbelieving gasp as her body shook with shock. The entire battle seemed to come to a complete stop and a deadly silence filled the air.

As Draco was running and saw his Mother's body finally fall completely to the ground, it was like his legs completely stopped working and he crumbled to his knees letting out a heartbreaking scream. He had his hand placed over his heart as if he himself had felt the deadly blow he watched his Mother endure. His body became stiff with emotion and he shook with rage at what his Father had done.

Ginny turned back to look at Narcissa; her face was pale and her eyes fought to stay open. Ginny couldn't hear a thing around her, it was like the whole scene played out in slow motion and the whole world became muffled as she studied the fallen blonde beside her......... this wasn't happening..... it just couldn't be. She watched Lucius approach her, saying something she didn't care to make out, all she knew was that she felt herself slipping into a place she had been trying to stay away from all these months. She suddenly felt the hairs on her body start to stand up and a few strands frizzing up and she then saw Lucius shoot a spell at her that sparked right in front of her face as it hit some sort of static barrier. She followed the source of the barrier over to Harry, who was a few feet away; his eyes a bright gold and then........ she felt it. A shock ran through her body that pushed her mind over the edge, allowing it to become completely undone........ completely unhinged.

She broke free of the binding charm and then let out a frustrated growl as she pushed the electrical barrier forward into Lucius making him stumble backwards. The look on his face was priceless as he was taken aback by the sudden attack and he was on his feet in a moment. A furious look was on his face as he ran at Ginny with his wand gliding through the air in an attempt to bring an end to the redhead before him. As his hand came down, he was met with a mass of flames that erupted before him and then they were gone, along with Ginny.

Draco jumped to his feet as he watched his Father advance on Ginny and then he saw an eruption of fire and watched the dancing flame that he knew to be Ginny fly across the field. He watched her glide around and leave a trail of fire wherever she went, causing a raging ring of flames to form around Lucius. It was one of the most powerful waves of magic he had seen Ginny release....... and then he saw her heading right for him. He didn't move though, he wasn't sure if it was because he didn't care or he trusted Ginny enough to not hurt him regardless of her uncontrollable powers. He suddenly felt her collide with his body, but there wasn't any impact, instead he felt her pass through him; this raging ball of flames just gliding right through him. He felt a hot sensation abruptly fill his body and then it was gone except for a warm area in his chest that he didn't think anything of. He turned around to see Ginny behind him on her knees; her eyes black and her hair a radiant shade of red and orange. Her veins turned into a gold like color and were shining through her now pale gray skin.

Draco looked at her for a moment as her chest rapidly moved up and down from pure rage that filled her. He turned back to his Father who watched with a very different look on his face...... one that Draco swore was uncertainty. He looked at his Mother's trembling body on the ground and his anger grew even more. He jumped to his feet and locked eyes with Harry for a moment, giving him the smallest of nods and soon he felt a bolt of lightning run through his body straight to his brain and that was all he needed. His eyes iced over and the ground beneath him started to shake as large shards of razor sharp pieces of ice broke through the cracking ground. The wind picked up and became violent gusts that howled through the battlefield as Draco got ready to make his move towards Lucius.


Draco ran right at his Father; his fists covered in rock hard ice and he slid forward and threw a punch right at Lucius' face, making him fall to the ground. Draco smirked at him with a vicious sneer on his face as he watched blood drip from his Father's mouth.

"Well, well...... he bleeds." Draco said in a casual tone, taking his stance to perform his next strike.

"Those powers will only get you so far boy" Lucius snarled jumping up and throwing spells and curses left and right at Draco, who was blocking almost everyone of them.

Draco wasn't sure what happened next, all he knew was he felt himself fly backwards and hit the side of the house....... hard. It took him a moment to see straight again and by that time his Father was throwing his next spell. The blast hit Draco and sent him through the wall of the house and into the living room and he tried to push all pain aside and get to his feet. Where was that anger he just felt a moment ago? Was he intimidated by his Father after all? After always thinking he wasn't? Or was it that he just witnessed his Mother's blood be spilled before his very eyes and he was in shock?

Draco's mind suddenly went back to a conversation he had with Ginny in her room a while ago about their powers.

("Do you think our powers are weaker when we are apart?")

Those words kept ringing in his ears and he remembered every time he and Ginny were together their powers were the strongest he had ever experienced. He then placed his hand over his chest where he felt a burning sensation from when Ginny had somehow passed through him. He looked up at his Father who made his way closer to him and he turned to look at Ginny and Harry, who were trying to hold him back to give Draco a chance to stand up and find his footing.

He watched his Father fill with overwhelming rage as he let out some kind of Dark magic spell that caused these black slimy vines of some sort to emerge from the ground and wrap itself around each one of theirs hands and feet. Draco felt one slide around his neck and become tighter and tighter all while dragging him closer to Lucius.


Draco snapped his head over to Ginny, whose screams were covered by one of these rope like things covering her mouth. He was soon on the ground at his Father's feet and a grim realization came over him....... he failed. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak and all he could feel was that burning sensation still in his chest...... and then he felt it more. He glanced across the way at Ginny, who looked at him with those black eyes that somehow still looked so loving in every way. He then thought about his two beautiful children......Scorpius and Ember, god how he missed them. He kept thinking about Ember......... and Ben....... Malini, Seamus, Dean...... his Mother.... so many killed because his Father....... the suffering he put them all through and the life he made Draco follow. Making him believe things that never were true...... to do things he will forever regret....... he couldn't handle it anymore, he wanted him to pay for it.

Draco's once icy gray eyes turned to a deep black and he felt that tiny flame in his chest growing and growing until he felt an adrenaline rush like nothing he ever had before. The thick substance around him suddenly froze to thick ice and the ground quickly covered in jagged pieces of what what almost seemed like glass. Draco saw the thick rope around Ginny turn to ice as well and then she was out in a flash as she became ablaze in flames. She didn't waste any time directing her raging fire towards Lucius and let it whip around his entire body and tightly binding him.

Lucius let out a growl of anger and tried apparating out of the fiery hold, but before he could attempt it Draco was making the flailing flames around his Father turn to ice and start to freeze each flame into a sharp piercing hold that continued to crush him. Draco walked up to his Father and looked at him, letting his powers fully take over and cover Lucius almost completely until it reached his face.

"Dr......Draco...... don't be a fool." Lucius gasped out, knowing it was his last chance to try and save himself.

Draco just stared at him for a moment. "Sorry, Father, but I have a promise to keep." and with that he spun around and formed a long shard of ice that sliced through the frozen form that was now his Father.

He watched him about to yell out, but he was completely frozen from head to toe and then cracks started to form throughout his body. Draco took a step back as he watched the final moments of his Father's death and looked at Harry and gave him a look that Harry knew meant to finish him off. Harry soon had a handful of electricity that he threw at the icy form of Lucius Malfoy and watched it explode into a million pieces all across the field.

After the last remnants of Lucius disintegrated, the remaining Death Eaters that were left took off in every direction. Bill and Ron tried running after a few of them, but Arthur told them to stay put and everything became silent.

Draco quickly ran to his Mother's side and grabbed her shaking cold hand in his own; her face looking so soft at the moment.


"Oh, Dr.....Draco." she barely whispered as her body shook from the pain and a coldness that filled her.

Ginny knelt down on the other side of Narcissa and everyone watched from a few feet away.

Draco looked up at McGonagall. "Is there anyway-" he stopped talking when he saw McGonagall shaking her head no.

"I'm sorry Draco." she said softly, knowing that Draco was about to ask if there was anything that could be done to save his Mother.

Draco became angry, this wasn't fair...... it wasn't right. "Why, Mother? Why did you-"

"Shh..... it's ok...... I w.....want you to be happy, you deserve be happy........and she makes you h......happy." Narcissa said, barely loud enough to hear.

Draco glanced up at Ginny, who was just staring down at his Mother; tears running down her face.

"I love you Dra..... co...." she said with her last breath; her trembling body becoming still and her tightly grasped fingers falling loose around Draco's hand.

"M..... Mother?" Draco whispered, giving her hand a light shake.

He heard Ginny's cries pick up and soon he heard everyone else's emotions start to surface and it was all too much for him to take. He was angry....... and he had to get away from all of this right now and so he quickly stood up and just started walking away. He heard Arthur call out to him, but he just ended up breaking out into a run and just kept going. Ginny didn't dare run after him right now, she didn't even know how to feel herself as she studied the battlefield.

She saw Charlie and Madame Pomfrey were unconscious from a bad head wound they endured and then saw Hermione just getting to her feet with the help of Ron, who was pretty roughed up. Luna looked to have a broken arm or wrist, she couldn't tell from where she was and she watched Harry wrap her up in his arms. Kingsley had a large gash on his leg and was limping about trying to help the others to their feet and her Father was embracing Bill and George in a tight hug after realizing they had both made it out alive. Ginny couldn't bare to take in any more of the scene and got up and ran towards the house.

She entered through a huge hole in the side of it and hadn't realized there was more damage than she thought done to the house. She also hadn't realized she had been limping and looked down at her ripped jeans and saw her knee was all bruised and bleeding. She ignored the pain that ran through her and continued to follow the light of the now rising sun through the house. She just stood in the middle of what was once the living room and stared up at the ceiling where there was a giant hole where her and Draco's rooms once were. She let out a shaky breath and then something caught her eye as the sunlight radiated off of an object on the floor. She moved a few pieces of broken wood aside to finally find what it was and she picked up the cracked picture frame in her hands. The frame itself had a pretty silver trim around it and inside it held the rabbit picture that Ember had drawn for Draco.

Ginny threw the frame aside in anger and ran to the downstairs bathroom that was missing a door. She growled in frustration as she looked at the debris filled bathroom and turned to look in the mirror. She let out an emotional gasp when she saw blood on her face and she tried to turn on the water to wash it off. The water was barely dripping out and she cupped whatever she could and threw it on her face; scrubbing it violently to get it off, knowing it was Narcissa's blood that stained her face. After rubbing as hard she could and not getting enough water to completely get it off she ran her hands through her hair and grabbed it in frustration; falling to her knees. She just started sobbing uncontrollably, she felt so guilty for being the one Narcissa gave her life for and she knew Draco would probably be bitter towards her for it.


She heard her Father call out her name and slowly make his way through the rumble to get to her. When he got to her he knelt down in front of her and pulled her to him as she sobbed.

"Everything is going to be ok Ginny....... your ok." he whispered to her.

"But I'm not Dad........ everything isn't ok, it's not fair...... and Draco is going to blame me and.... and.... " she took a moment to regain her breath and wiped her face in frustration of these damn stupid tears that seemed to always be running down her cheeks. "Draco didn't deserve that........ Narcissa didn't deserve that........ they...... she....... just......" she trailed off and just buried her face further into her Father's chest and cried.

"Draco is not going to blame you....... just give him some space to take everything in."

She just sobbed for a few more minutes as her Father held her in his arms.

"I want to see my babies." she whispered after a while.

"Soon, Ginny........ soon."


The morning sunlight was shining through the few strands of hair hanging in his eyes, causing him to further squint a bit. He didn't know how much time had passed since he had been sitting in the grassy field that he ran across as far and as fast as his feet would carry him. He didn't care about the pain he was in physically..... the only pain he could focus on was the emotional and mental pain of seeing his Mother die before his very eyes. Seeing both of his parents die right in front of him was a haunting image and a traumatic experience he didn't think he would ever get over. He wasn't even sure how to feel..... he was just numb right now. He wanted the tears to come but they didn't, he just remained kneeling in the grass and staring out into the open land. He heard footsteps behind him and didn't care enough to look up to see who it was.

"Beautiful day it turned out to be......... ironically." came Harry's voice.

Draco gave a light scoff. "Yeah," he barely whispered.

He watched Harry walk in front of him and stand there; blocking the sunlight from hitting his face.

"We won." Harry said casually; taking a seat in front of the blonde.

"Yeah....... if that's how you want to look at it." Draco said, ripping a piece of grass from the earth and throwing it aside.

"The world can finally breathe again and not live in fear....... we don't have to stay in hiding anymore and-"

"I DON'T CARE!" Draco yelled suddenly. "Both of them.......dead, my Mother...... after everything." he finished in a whisper with tears now stinging his eyes and threatening to fall.

"Your Mother died to save Ginny........ to make sure you could walk away from this battle and be happy, why can't you see that?"

"I KNOW THAT OK! I GET IT!" he yelled out in frustration. "It's just....... forget it, I wouldn't expect you to understand it, Potter."

Harry let out a sigh and didn't say anything, instead he waited for Draco to realize what he had said because he knew he was just saying it out of anger.

"Sorry....... I didn't mean to s-"

"I know, forget it." Harry said, waving his hand. "I'll meet you back at the house." he said, getting ready to get up when Draco spoke up, making him stay put.

"Do I deserve this?"

Harry looked at him for a moment, he could relate to a lot of what Draco was feeling and he felt bad for for Draco.

He let out another sigh,"If you mean the fact that your finally free of your Father's evil ways or the fact that you have somebody who loves you and two beautiful children that are safe and sound and you get to go home to? Then yes you do." Harry tried to explain to him.

Draco jumped to his feet and started pacing about; running his hands wildly through his hair.

"I need to get out of here...... I need to go." he said abruptly and in a panic.

Harry got to his feet and ran in front of Draco and put his arms up to stop him. "Noooo, you need to be here Draco, don't do this."

"GET OUT OF MY WAY.... I NEED SPACE" Draco shouted at him with anger; tears now swelling in his eyes.

"YOUR PLACE IS HERE!" Harry bellowed back at him.

Draco just stopped and looked at him; noticing Harry's firm grip on his shoulders to keep him from running off. Draco let out an emotional breath and had trouble controlling the overwhelming feelings that were surfacing.

"It's not fair." Draco whispered, hanging his head and his body starting to shake from the tears that finally fell. "It's not's not fair." he sobbed.

Harry was a bit taken aback by Draco's sudden emotional breakdown right in front of him, never would he have ever thought of Draco to show himself in such a vulnerable state. Harry was even more surprised when he found himself pulling Draco to him and embraced the distraught blonde in his arms. He was waiting for some smart ass or demeaning comment to come about at their close embrace, but nothing came, instead Draco hugged him back. He could tell Draco was falling apart emotionally right now and if a good cry was what he needed, then he would gladly let him have it.


Ginny had spent the last hour trying to find a decent wand on the battlefield that she could use to help McGonagall heal some of the wounds people had. Madame Pomfrey had finally come around and went straight to work no matter how many times McGonagall told her to sit and rest for a few moments first. McGonagall made it a point to transfigure a stone coffin out of the debris from the farmhouse and lay Narcissa's body in it. She made sure she was cleaned up so that it looked like she was sleeping and then closed the top.

Ginny couldn't look at the stone case any longer and decided to go up to what used to be her bedroom and salvage anything she could before they apparated to Fleur's. She could only imagine what Draco was thinking about her right now; she knew he was going to be distant for a while towards her. She just knew how Draco was and how he could be, more so when things became emotional for him he was always pushing her away or retreating. She was trying to stay strong for him, especially for when he came back; she didn't want him to see her crying. She approached the broken staircase and let out a defeated sigh as she tried to find a sturdy enough step to pull herself up on. As soon as she pressed down, her whole leg went through it and she fell backwards and felt someone catch her before she hit the floor.

"Whoa, you ok?"

She looked up to see Draco staring down at her; his eyes red and swollen from crying, but a small smile on his face.

"Draco! Oh..... uh, yeah, I'm fine." she said quickly turning around and drying any tears that had fallen. After she made sure she got them all dried up, she turned back to him. "How are you holding up?" she said, only locking eyes with him for a quick moment.

She was surprised when he grabbed her close to him and hugged her tightly and right away she started crying.

"I'm sorry Draco, I was trying not cry because I know you probably hate me for what happened and I want to be strong for you but-"

She was cut off when he grabbed her lips with his fingers. "Stop....... I don't hate you, I know why she did what she did...... and you don't need to be strong for me, I just need you here WITH me." he said to her while wiping her tears away with his thumbs.

He placed a light kiss on her lips and then hugged her tightly again. "I..... I want to bury her back at the Manor, there was always this tree all the way in the back of the garden out on the edge of the grounds that she use to sit alone under whenever she needed time to herself. She didn't think I ever noticed it, but I did....... I think that would be a good spot to........." he trailed off and he felt Ginny hug him tighter and nod that she understood so that he didn't have to finish his sentence.

"Let's go see our babies." she whispered to him after a few moments of them crying in each others arms.


Molly had been staring out the window for hours now just waiting to see any of her family appear at the edge of the wards around the small home. She had just gotten the twins down for an early afternoon nap and and then went back to her usual spot in the kitchen to stare out the window.

"Oh, Miz Weasley, zu must not keep doing zis stuff to yourzelf. Zey are all alright, I can feel zit in ze air." Fleur said softly, rubbing Mrs. Weasley lightly on the back.

"I hope you're right, dear."

It was at that exact moment that Molly jumped up from her seat and ran over to the window and saw a group of familiar ginger haired people appear outside the ward walls and she quickly ran out the front door with Fleur close behind.

"THEIR BACK! TAKE THE WARD DOWN!" Molly yelled frantically and made a sprint towards them, trying to take a head count of everyone to make sure all her babies made it home to her.

Ginny watched the walls of the ward start to drop, she was in tears at the sight of her Mother running towards them and the look of relief that was etched on her face. As soon as the last of the wards dropped, Ginny was off into a sprint towards her Mother and before she knew it, she collided with the loving embrace of her Mother's arms.

Draco watched with a small smile as Mrs. Weasley hugged all her children close to her tightly and spilled tears of joy and relief that her family made it home safe. He watched Fleur jump into Bill's arms and cover him in kisses as she told him how happy she was that he was ok. He then saw Mrs. Weasley look around at all of them and her eyes fell on Draco; he knew she could sense something was wrong....... she was a Mother after all. She looked at McGonagall and then Kingsley to confirm and her face fell and she placed a hand over her heart. Narcissa had become a good friend to Molly these past few months and she understood how much Narcissa had started meaning to Draco....... her heart just ached for him.

Draco tried not to look at her, there was always something about Mrs. Weasley that made him want to confide in her because she was always so understanding and well........ motherly. He knew he would probably lose it if she even said a word to him and he didn't much feel like having another emotional break down in front of everyone. She walked up to him and grabbed his face in her hands and pushed his hair out of his eyes. She gently stroked his cheek and gave him a loving smile.

"Oh, Draco..." she said softly, watching his lips tremble with emotion. Without another word she pulled him tightly to her and hugged his head against her chest.

He felt Mrs. Weasley nod her head for the others to make their way inside as she felt Draco's emotions start to come out. He watched Ginny stay behind as well as Mr. Weasley and she pulled back and looked at Draco's now tear stained face....... God, he felt like such a baby right now.

"Your Mother was an extraordinary woman Draco Malfoy...... even before all of this........ never forget that." she said to him with a smile.

He nodded.

"We love you Draco, and we are all here for you." she said to him as she pulled him into another tight embrace.

He felt Mr. Weasley pat his back and watched Ginny give him a tearful smile.

"Come on you two, let's go see those babies of yours." Mrs. Weasley said.

Ginny wrapped one arm around Draco's waist and walked to the small house with him. Every time her arms were around him everything just felt alright, she knew things were going to be ok. They soon walked into the house and Ginny couldn't help the sprint she did straight to the cribs in the living room where a sleeping Scorpius and Ember were sleeping peacefully.

"Oh my gosh, they seem to have grown so much since the last time I saw them and it's only been what? A week?" she cried, gently stroking both of their heads.

Before Draco walked over to join her he had to get something off his mind that had been bothering him.

"During the battle....... did you somehow...... give me some of your...... powers?" he asked suddenly; knowing how crazy it probably sounded.

She looked at him with a wide grin. "I know that was crazy huh?"

"How....... how did you know it would intensify mine?"

"Well, I just figured that our powers were always the strongest whenever we were close, so I just thought how much stronger they would be if they were combined." she said turning back to the cribs.

"Hmm" was all he could manage to get out.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna came walking over and took a peak down at the twins sleeping soundly. They all stood there quietly, not sure of what to say to each other.

"Wow, you know who I'm surprised lived through all of this......... Neville." Ron said suddenly, gesturing to a passed out Neville in an armchair across the room.

They all looked over at Ron and Ginny have him a deadly glare.

"What?" He asked innocently. "I really am genuinely surprised," he explained in a small voice.

"That's two wars now for Longbottom, someone give that guy a Firewhisky." Draco added.

Ginny let out a small giggle and then the rest of them joined in. There was something about hearing themselves laugh that seemed to ease them all in some way. The laughter soon died down and Draco couldn't help but just stop and stare at the group of people around him and he just shook his head.

"You ok Draco?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, it's just.......... I never thought that the Weasel, the Weaslette, Scarhead, Looney Lovegood and the Mudblood bookworm........ would turn out to be...... my best friends........ my family."

"We are quite a dysfunctional bunch aren't we?" Luna said, causing another round of laughter.

"Aw shucks, you guys, this calls for a group hug." came George's voice as he threw his arms dramatically around Draco and Ginny.

Draco felt his body slam against Ginny's as the rest of them threw their arms over everyone and formed a very exaggerated, annoyingly bone crushing hug. Draco just looked at Ginny and smiled and then winced.

"Alright......... you can all get off of me now.......... guys....... seriously."

"Come on you lot, I'll fix you something to eat." said Mrs. Weasley in a soft voice.

Ron practically knocked Harry to the ground as he pushed past them all and ran to the kitchen. Hermione shook her head and followed the rest of them into the kitchen, leaving Ginny and Draco in the living room. Draco watched Ginny bend down again and stroke Scorpius' little fuzzy head and smile to herself.

He joined her by the cribs and looked down at his sleeping son and daughter. Standing there and watching Ginny's smile grow wider as she placed her pointer finger inside Scorpius' grip gave him exactly what he needed. This was it..... this was his life and he was happy to be in it, happy to have been through everything to get to this point. Falling in love with Ginny, having children of his own, meeting new friends and practically gaining two more parents who welcomed him with open arms were things he never imagined he would have or deserved. He literally felt like he had the world right now and knowing that he was happy and that his Mother's last wish was to see him happy was exactly what he needed to move forward.

He hugged Ginny from behind and kissed her cheek. "I love you Ginny Weasley."

She smiled and turned around in his arms; sliding her hands around his neck. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy."
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