The Arch

Chapter Two: Michelle

I wrenched my eyes open with a start, and blinked at my surroundings bleary eyed. I was in a large medow, and the wildflowers grew all around me, in all kinds of colours. I sat up and glanced around. The trees grew large and oaky in a complete, perfect circle, and there were fireflys fliting about in the sun. I blinked again in surprise as a slight, but tall, strong figure emerged soundlessly from the trees. His hair was black and silky, and his eyes were a honey gold. He smiled, teeth flashing pure white, which contrasted strangely with his white pasty skin. It dazzled me all the same. But the smile, I realized soon after, was not friendly. It hid hatred, and cunning, and most importantly intelligence beyond compare. Then, his beautiful voice echoed in my ears as I leaned away in sudden fear.
" I have been waiting for you, Michelle. It's been a long time."


I awoke with a jerk to realize that the sun was filtering in through the window, and that was what must have woken me up. Christie's eyes were already open, staring intently out the window in extrem nervousness. Why was she so nervous? She was a freak, and would stay one. There was no point in being worried about a new school. Or a new house for that matter. The place would probably be crappy. If dad had gotten it cheap in this fancy neighborhood, most likely it was crap. Suddenly we stopped. I looked out the window that Christie was gazing excitedly out of. The thing I first saw, was the house.
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ok, this chapter is meant to be short, the story is mostly told in Christie's view.