The Arch

Chapter Three: Christie

The House was giant in an odd, smallish way, every stick and stone of it. It sort of gave the impression of big, even though it was quite small.
It was made out of gray stones and the front door was mahogany.
It was beautiful. It was simple yet intracate at the same time.
I got out of the car, Michelle close behind, her jaw hanging open.
My dad got our key out of the car and happily walked down the gray stone steps leading straight to the front door, that had a sort of gray brick court yard that lead up one step and to the front door. Surrounding the tiny courtyard was small green bushes, spread in a sort of hedge, then opened out to the path.
"Wow..." I breathed, my eyebrows dissappearing underneath my straight brown bangs.
Michelle's eyes were wide too. The three windows in the front of the house on the second story were big and shaped in a sort of snow drop shape, but large. The middle window was the biggest, and it jutted out slightly, giving the impression of a window seat. The window lining was wooden and painted white.
It houuse was gorgeous. Then I turned to look at the garden beneath the two front white lined windows. Blueberry bushes lined the bottem of the windows, and daffodiles grew in front of those.
A tree grew on the left side, tall,and neatly trimmed.
Instead of a tree on the right side, there grew a big, red rose bush.
We ran after dad, excitement filling us. This was going to be SO cool.
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I know this is short, but dinner's ready and I'm REALLY hungry.
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