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Life as We Knew It


The survivors had been driving for days now, only stopping to collect gas, rest, and stock up on supplies. It was a foggy and restless night, only the sounds of crickets heard and occasionally the moans of roamers. Rebecca was bored out of her mind in Liam's jeep, even resorting to playing iSpy with Jack. "iSpy..." Rebecca whispered, her eyelids drooping in exhaustion, "something-holy shit!" Rebecca suddenly cried out as the car crashed into several walkers that came out of nowhere. The car swerved off the road, the passengers screaming as it made a loud screech and finally flipped on its side.


Rebecca woke up to roamers snarling on the car's passenger window and a searing pain in her head. She heard familiar voices outside of the car and fast footsteps. Suddenly, a sharp knife blade was in the roamer's head, splattering the car window in dark red blood. Then all the rest of the roamers were taken out. The car door was ripped open, revealing Sam, Pasiley, and Liam. "Is everyone okay?" Amber cried in a panicky voice. "I-I think so," Rebecca said, wearily rubbing her head. A look of concern crossed Amber's face as she inspected Rebecca's head, coated in sickly fresh blood. "Oh my god!" a sob suddenly came from the front seat, from Lily, Sam's wife, as her eyes laid on her son. Rebecca gasped when she looked to her right. Jack was pale-a small blade was stuck in his leg, and he was faintly breathing. Bailey ripped open the cabinets in the front seat, franticaly looking for anything for Jack and the other hurt passengers. The only thing she could find was bandages. Jack's parents were immediately at his side, applying pressure to his wound, causing his eyelids to flutter open. "My leg hurts a lot..." Jack grimaced, looking at his surroundings. "I know baby," his mother said, smiling at him, then looking back to his leg. We have to take the knife out," his mother whispered once his leg was wrapped in bandages, soon soaked in blood. Jack's eyes darted nervously around the group. Bailey went over to hold him down, looking emphatheticlly at him because of the pain he was about to experience. "One..." Sam counted down, his hand sweatily on the blade, "Two.....Three!" Sam yelled as he tugged the blade out, causing his son to scream in agony.


Days later, Amber re-wrapped her sister's head in bandages, listening to the birds chirp on the warm Summer day. The sky was a bright blue. Even though the world had changed, the sky was still beautiful, giving the survivors a sense of hope. This would have been the kind of day Amber would've spent at the beach- before the world went to shit. The group was badly in need of medicine. The nearest pharmacy was an hour away, and the group was extremely low on gasoline. They wouldn't make it. Jack was barely on his feet, and he developed a fever as a result of his wound. If they didn't figure out something soon, Jack would die. Amber ran her hand through her hair and took a deep breath. Just a week ago, she had been worrying about her upcoming college exam. Now, the life she once had seemed like it happened ages ago, though it couldn't have been more than several weeks. "Stay there," she told Rebecca as she wandered towards the RV and slipped the long-distance walkie-talkie Sam had given to her. A thought crossed her mind. Could there be more survivors then just them? There had to be. There needed to be. She couldn't stand the thought of them being the only ones. Without thinking, she talked into the walkie-talkie. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" she said. A staticky sound came on. She continued to repeat the same words and lost more and more hope as the same sound was heard. Just as she was about to give up, a faint voice came from the walkie-talkie. "Hello?" it said, "Who is this?"
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Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Comments and subscribes would be greatly appreciated! :)