The Vintage Scenester

Jesse's Love

Jesse's POV

I walked through the doors of school, staring at my surroundings. Brodie and Emily-Jay were at my side.

“What do you guys have first?” I asked. The guys looked down at their schedules and grimaced. Must be something bad... Oh, wait, they grimace at every subject. Never mind.

“History.” They both said at the same time, monotonously. I swear those two could be twins if they tried. I looked down at my schedule, Algebra, great... Not. I showed them both my schedule and they grimaced. Soon the bell rang.

“Sorry guys, I gotta go. Mr. Eagar said he’d give me a detention if I’m late again.” I told them heading down the hall.

I headed to Algebra and SURPRISE; I was the last one there. I practically slept through Algebra and before you know it, it’s over.

I got out of my desk and left the classroom, pissed at the amount of homework Eagar gave me. Soon I heard a scream, a very familiar scream if I might add.

“Emily-Jay.” I mumbled. I ran down the hall to where I saw Veronica, the head cheerleader and well known slut, about to step on Emily-Jay with her sharp stiletto heels.

“Oh no you don’t.” I yelled, ramming into Veronica, sending her flying, before she stepped on my beloved Emily-Jay.

“Emily are you alright?” I asked. She gave a small nod and I stood up, facing Veronica.

“Why the hell did you do that?” I screamed. She smirked.

“Why are you both going to run home to your mommys? Oh wait, you don’t have one.” She said laughing, walking down the hall with her ‘sidekicks’ Ashleigh and Tina.

I gave a low growl but then went back to Emily-Jay. I looked at her.

“Come on, let’s skip.” I told her. “We’ll come back for Brodie later.” She nodded.

“Carry me?” She asked with a cocky smile plastered to her face. Oh how I wished I could touch those lips with my own. I quickly shook my head and gave a loud chuckle while picking her up.

“Sorry, I’m so heavy.” She told me. I shook my head.

“No, you’re as light as a feather.” I told her. If only she would be my feather.

Yes you heard right. I, Jesse, am in love with Emily-Jay.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter by moi.

- Blue Moon