Status: Under construction

Blood Sacrifice


Someone was trying to wake Lara up. She was aware that it was probably Meritt, whose fingers were bony and cold. They pressed into Lara’s shoulder, her quiet voice begging her to get up. They had an etiquette session that morning, in which Lenore discussed and tested the three girls on their knowledge of how they were to behave and carry themselves.

Except, Lara was having a hard time reversing her sleep schedule.

Opening her eyes, she glared at Merit, whose brown eyes were alert and gentle. The girl’s blonde hair was held back with a headband and her shoulders were bony and narrow in the white dress that was barely lighter than her skin. “Lara, you have got to get up.”

“She’s not very good at this whole night thing.” That was Carmen’s voice somewhere behind Lara. She didn’t roll over to look. She was tired and she was having restless dreams about vampires lurking in corners as she grabbed supplies to escape. “levántate- get up. No amount of beauty sleep will make that hair better.”

As tired as she was, Lara smiled. Her hair was always a mess, that was true. Sometimes in the morning, Carmen would braid her hair into a crown, the dark strands looking elegant on Lara’s head. Other days she pulled it out of her face into a pony tail with pieces sticking out in different places. Nikolai didn’t care about her hair, at least she hoped not.

A boy a little bit older than Lara walked by. He was shirtless with white, linen pants on, barefoot. All the men and boys were in the same attire, their tattoos gleaming on the backs of their shoulders. Everyone in this room bore Nikolai’s or Karina’s symbol, because though Karina was not specifically a queen- for reason’s Lara was unaware of- she was a monarch of sorts, and her human blood-bags stayed with Nikolai’s. Lara was sure that it was for space.

Tilting her head to the side, Lara focused on the mandala on his shoulder. She knew Nikolai’s patteren and she certainly new Karina’s. Lara tried to avoid Karina’s humans; they tended to be on the gaunt and quiet side, a creepy sort. As the boy left the room, Lara was struck by how messy his hair was and how he had kissed one of the girls on the cheek while leaving.

“What pattern was that?” Lara asked absently, getting up from the bed and pulling heir hair out of her face. There was water in a stone basin for her to wash her face; she could take a shower later. She also took her pills that were required every morning: one for iron, one for calcium, and a few vitamins. “I haven’t seen that one.”

“The princess,” Merit answered, taking the last of her vitamins. She licked her lips as Carmen sat on the end of Lara’s bed. The three had grown comfortable with one another, friends, even. Lara didn’t have friends in the Tombstones. Only enemies who wanted to kill her for stealing food. “Ariadne. Have you seen her two bloodships walking around? They’re rather liked.”

“Liked how?” Carmen scrunched her nose. “There are such things as favorites here?”

“Haven’t you seen how all the girls and boys in other rooms fawn all over them? I think the boys name is Mason. He’s always smiling and laughing. Lenore seems fond of him.”


Lara frowned, looking at Carmen and swallowing down water. “What is that language you always speak? You use it with us sometimes and I’ve never heard of it.”

“Doesn’t have a name. It just a language most of us use out in the north side of Ward Two. If you don’t know the language, you definitely wouldn’t survive there.”

“I’ve never been to Ward Two in the north, just the south.”

“Consider yourself lucky.” Carmen stood. “Lots of overpopulation. It’s the closest spot to that stadium building that still stands.” Lara nodded but didn’t reply. She knew about the stadium. It was one of the biggest concentration of human population in the Tombstones. “Come on. Lenore said she’ll meet us in the library.”

Everything was dark in the halls. A lot of the vampires had head out into the city at the start of the night. Lana had discovered that the house seemed most full towards dawn or right after midnight. But early in the night, right when the sunset, it was often like wandering in an empty palace with only footsteps to chase you.

Merit led the way. Lara always let Merit lead, since she seemed the most intent on memorizing where things were. Lara only memorized certain things. She knew where all the exits to the gardens were, she knew where the kitchen staffed by humans was placed, and she knew where the armory was located. That was all Lara was worried about.

Lara’s plan was still the same. She was going to wait until it was midday when she had collected enough supplies- they were allowed to keep their original possessions- and she was going to make a run for it. Rarely was there a vampire awake in the building during the daylight hours, save for a few Stats on guard duties. Humans ruled the day in the palace, all soldiers and bred for secure purposes.

“Ah,” a voice said, causing the three girls to turn. They were walking up the marble staircase, passing a hall that lead to one of the Stat halls. It was the same boy who had been in the room just before them, leaning against the wall and cocking his head to the side. His hair was a goldish-brown and unruly. He was a little bit older tan Lara, a narrow frame but toned with muscle. He was handsome in a wild way. “Unmarked. Who are you making your run with?”

Carmen frowned. “Our run with?”

“You know,” he said, grinning. Lara noted he had a way of speaking that sounded peculiar. An accent, as she had learned there were. “Which one of the kind Misses or Misters are you lot here for? Potential bloodships, if you will.”

“The king.” Lara glanced at Merit. There was a ring of pleasure and pride in her voice. Lara reminded herself that all of the girls in the living quarters spoke very proudly about the vampire half of their bloodship. “Though nothing is for certain, of course.”

“Good old Mr. Dimitrikova.” The boy held out a hand to shake Merit’s. Lara and Carmen did not extend theirs. “I’m Mason. We’re almost like family here, I should expect.” He turned so that his bare shoulder was facing them, black ink glistening. “If you know what I mean.”

“The princess isn’t actually blood related to Mr. Dimitrikova though, isn’t that right?”

“Not at all. Her and the broody one are blood related, of course.”

Lara’s interest was piqued. “The moody one?”

Mason glanced at her, giving her a once over. She didn’t feel that he was looking at her because she was attracted to her, but she did get the sense that he was some how interested in the way she looked. Lara learned that you could tell a lot about how a person looked when she came to the Towers. Now she could place where someone was from by how they wore their hair or how they cast their eyes.

“Yeah, the moody one. His royal sourness, the prince. Sucks the life right out of a party.” Lara felt the need to frown but she held her face still. She still remembered clearly talking to Jonathan when she was lost. “He’s extremely serious about his duties.”

All together, they began walking again. Mason seemed intent on accompanying them to the library. Lara studied him from behind, unsure about him. He was extremely casual and his movements were large and jerky, filled with energy.

“Isn’t he supposed to be serious about his duties?” Merit asked. “I mean, he’s a monarch. He has to make important decisions for the coven.”

“Serious about decisions, sure. That’s a great thing, if you’re into that. You all clearly haven’t seen him in his natural habitat. Likes to sit in corners reading all the time, this permanent expression of calm on his face. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile in all my time here.”

“Maybe he doesn’t have a reason to.” Everyone turned to face her as they took the left to the library. Lara shrugged, feeling heat in her cheeks. “Just a thought. Most people don’t smile a lot if they’re not happy.”

Mason considered this before grinning wide. “I suppose you’re right. You’re smart.”

“Nothing smart about it, it’s just obvious. People smile when they’re happy, they don’t when they’re not.” Lara stared at the back of his head as he opened the door for them. “You smile a lot, Mason.”

The library was a massive room with dark wood and a fireplace taller than Lara herself. The fire inside was roaring the heat from it felt all the way across the room to where the girls entered. Lenore was standing on the second story, her back to the girls and browsing the bookshelves.

“Perhaps, Lara,” Mason said she whisked by him. “It’s because I’m quite happy. I’ve got a nice roof over my head, I’m treated well, and I happen to be in a bloodship with one of the happiest vampires here.” Lara thought of Ari on the stairs that first night and didn’t think Ari was as happy as she was demonic. “But alas, I’ll leave you to it. You have my love, Lenore.”

“As always, Mason,” Lenore called down, still not turning. “Leave my girls alone for the time being. They have customs to learn, still.”

The library was Lara’s favorite place to be. Though she only ever went there to learn about history and to practice her etiquette, like how to speak to a vampire and how to perform basic tasks like dressing someone else. Humans weren’t just for drinking, apparently. They could be used as secretaries, messengers, handmaidens and maids in general. The possibilites were endless.

Lara sat down on one of the red, velvet couches as Lenore went over what was expected of them within the next week. Nikolai had informed her he wanted a one on one discussion with them, when it was to their best availability- generous, Lara thought- to further explore personality and terms. The one on one session could end in his first feeding on one of them and marking them a few days later, or it could end it extending the grace period. Worst-case scenario was it was decided upon that it wasn’t working out and the human would be sent home.

An entire ritual of sorts followed being marked. Lara listened intently and with slight interest. Being marked happened only after being fed from the first time. It would follow after a few days where the human subject would come to the washroom where it all first began and would bathe completely alone for the first and last time. After washing, the human would go to the marking room- no where Lara knew- and wait.

In the marking room, at least three Stats and monarch had to be present. The two parties would be read terms of the bloodship, recite certain phrases that were particular to the vampires family, like history or mottos, and the vampire would swear protection over the human. In turn, the human would swear subjugation to the vampire. The vampire and human’s hands would then be bound together, symbolizing the bond between them. (Lenore was extremely particular about the bond, spending time to emphasize the symbolism.)

When everything is done, the human would be marked. It was a simple tattoo process, done with a machine with a needle and ink. Lara had seen tattoos in the Tombstones. Some of them were done in the Cage and looked clean while others were done haphazardly and looked like scratches.

“Pop quiz,” Lenore said, clapping her hands together. Lara felt her lip curl in distaste. Sometimes Lenore gave what she called a ‘pop quiz’, a term she used to describe questions at random to make sure that the girls were learning. “Merit, what is the most distinguishing factor that exists in all of the Dimitrikova’s mandalas?”

“The repetition of triangles within the central patterns.”

“Excellent. Carmen, why must a monarch be present during a bloodship agreement?”

“A monarch must approve of the relationship and give their blessing to both the human and the vampire in order to assure it is a healthy and blooming companionship.”

“Precisely. Lara, are humans subject to punishment for not following correct behaviors?”

Lara licked her lips. “All behaviors are expected to be followed by custom with all vampires but with ones bloodship, behaviors are by terms agreed between human and vampire. Punishment may or may not ensure, depending on selected behaviors.”

Lenore smiled and nodded. “You can have a few hours off. Lunch is at midnight in the east garden. The king will be joining us with his son, tonight.”

“What about the sister?” Merit asked.

Automatically Lara answered, “She’s in Ward Four.” Everyone, including Lenore looked surprised at Lara’s answer. She realized that it may have not been public knowledge. Then again, if it wasn’t, Jonathan certainly wouldn’t have told her. “Jonathan- the prince, I mean- told me that she was in Ward Four. I got lost one day and he offered to help me find my way.”

Lenore was silent for a moment. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere before she smiled and nodded. “His highness is a kind soul and often helps in any way that he can. It is not uncommon for him to do so. You all may leave, if you wish.”

Feeling awkward, Lara picked herself up and head for the doors of the library. To make it worse, Carmen and Merit both casted strange glances at her, not saying a word. A prince walking a random human to the room when she got lost? It seemed that it was just as generous as Lara originally thought. Everyone else seemed rather impressed as she felt.

With her free time, Lara wandered the side of the Towers with the armory. She started near the door and began counting steps, putting her feet one in front of the other. She needed to count how many steps it took her to get to the west garden. In the west garden, there was a gazebo with a lose floorboard she could hide supplies under. She could steal something from the armory, exit into the west garden and grab supplies from the floorboards.

From the gazebo, it was a straight shot down several rows of roses until she ran into trees. Following the trees she would get to the wrought iron gates that cut off the entire west side form civilization. Lara had learned to climb flat surfaces and the bars would be nothing for her. They were meant to keep people out, not keep them in.

Lara got to the turn in the home leading to the west exit when she was suddenly aware that someone was standing near her. She lifted her head, not knowing what to expect. Jonathan was leaning against the wall, watching her with his head tilted. Lara instantly felt panic inside of her, heart fluttering.

“Why are you always doing the strangest things when you cross my path?” he asked.

Jonathan pushed off the wall. He wasn’t in dress close like he had been the first few times she saw him. His pants were black and linen, the drawstring tied. His t-shirt was loose and soft, obviously made to be comfortable. She would have thought the outfit was something near clothes to sleep in, but she noticed the leather strap across his chest, holding a sword in place across his back.

“Perhaps,” Lara said slowly, “It’s because I am strange, sir.”

He raised his brows at her. “I guess that could be a reason, though you seem pretty normal to me.” He gestured to the door. “Are you going for a stroll in the garden?”

Lara nodded. His brown eyes watched her every move. She was pretty sure there was not a movement, a breath or the bat of an eyelash that he missed. “We have a few hours until a dinner...” Lara trailed off and remembered what Lenore said. “That you’re actually going to be at as well.”

“So it would seem. Mind if I join you on your walk? I’ve just finished a training session and it always helps to walk after, a sort of peaceful movement.” Lara’s mind wandered to the times that Logan and she used to walk together. He would take her around the very outskirts of the Tombstones, to where the trees mixed with nothingness and where roads led out into the world unknown. “Or not, if you would prefer it that way.”

Lara realized she was staring at him without answering. She quickly shook her head, fumbling for words. “Of course you can join me. You can do whatever you want, being a prince and all.”
“Are you saying yes because you feel obligated?”

“No- maybe. I don’t know.” Lara felt awkward. He was looking at her with clear bemusement and it made her flustered. So instead of continuing to fumble for words, she opened the door, walking out first into the night air.

It was a cloudless night. The stars were invisible in the Cage, which irritated Lara. Often in the Tombstones she could fall asleep after watching the stars for a while. They had also helped her navigate when memory failed her. But in the middle of the city, they were gone. The lights in the Cage were far too bright, the nightlife drowning out anything in the sky.

The moon was close to being full. Lara could tell that in a few days it would be at it’s fullest, the entire face lit with a silver pallor. Jonathan was silent next to her, walking soundlessly and letting her gaze up at the sky without asking her any questions. Had she been with Logan, he would have already asked her what she was thinking, why she was looking up at the moon and how she was feeling. That was a large different between Jonathan and Logan- not that she knew Jonathan well enough to draw comparisons and differences.

Lara realized half way through the garden that she had stopped counting her steps and lost her place. She couldn’t try to count with Jonathan next to her. Not without him noticing, anyways. She was already worried that he was going to figure out that she didn’t want to be there. First he found her lurking the halls, though she was lost. Second he found her counting steps and completely passing him by without noticing him.

When Jonathan still didn’t say anything to her, Lara cleared her throat and asked, “Is that a sword?” He looked surprised that she spoke and Lara instantly froze, stopping. She realized that she had spoken first, which she wasn’t supposed to do. She bowed her head slightly, chewing on her lip.

“It is.” He adjusted the belt across his chest. Lara didn’t look at him, but she could see his figure out of the corner of her eye. “Some of us train with them. We have guns and automatic weapons, of course. But swordplay is considered an art among most royal families.”
“I see. Though I don’t think a sword would do well against a gun.”

“If you’re good enough, it doesn’t matter.”


Lara snapped her mouth shut. Once again, her lips moved before she could stop them, blurting out exactly what she was thinking. She was pretty sure that any other vampire would have ripped her throat out already, but Jonathan seemed patient. “What brought you here, if you don’t mind me asking?

Lara glanced at him. He was studying her and her cheeks filled with warmth. “I do mind you asking, no offense. Personal reasons.”

He smiled, despite her answer. “Made some enemies and decided the walls of the Towers would suit you better?” He chuckled at her surprised. “You aren’t the only human to ever come out of the Tombstone because you’re trying to get away from enemies. It’s the most common thing.”

“You must find us amusing.” Lara couldn’t keep the bitterness from entering her voice. Her nose scrunched up and she dug her bare foot into the ground. Already the soles of her feet were becoming tougher and stronger. The gravel of the pathway didn’t pain her like it had two weeks ago. “Poor humans having a hard time surviving as it is and we’re out there killing each other when we can come here and let people do it for us.”

Jonathan moved so quickly that Lara didn’t have time to register it. He was in front of her, grabbing her by the arms and jerking her so that she looked up at him. Lara knew it was coming, the death sentence. She spoke too openly and rudely, and hadn’t even addressed him like she was supposed to. Lara trembled, waiting for him to snap her neck, her eyes squeezed shut as Jonathan’s grip on her arms tightened slightly. Where his fingers pressed into her skin felt warm, though she was sure that she was going to have bruises.

“Look at me, please.”

Having no choice, Lara opened her eyes. Jonathan was holding her closely, though his hands on her arms were the only contact she had with him. His brown eyes were serious and sparkled like a star burning in the sky, determined to outshine the others. His jaw was clenched, vein flexing with the force. He inhaled deeply and continued to hold her attention.

“You can’t say those things,” he started slowly, as though she were a child. “I am not strict on manners particularly and I enjoy the way in which you speak, but you go careless when you say things in such a tone. I don’t know if you often use that, but you can’t. Any other person of my status would kill you and wash their feet with your blood for saying things like that.”

Lara didn’t say anything. She was too afraid to speak, the words caught in the back of her throat. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she was stunned by how close she was standing to him. He smelled pleasant, though Lara couldn’t possibly place why or what it smelled like. She expected him to smell like death and decay and found that it was quite the opposite.

“I need to you verbally tell me you understand what I am telling you, Lara.”

“I understand.”

He didn’t let go. “No,” he muttered softly. He let go of her and stepped away from her. “I’m afraid you don’t get it. Your… fiery personality is admirable, it really is. But it’s going to get you killed. You can’t talk like that, not with other people, and not so freely when someone could hear you.”

“No, I do understand. I have a place.” She looked at the ground. Her feet were dirty, caked with mud and dust from the rocks she walked over. Dirt was shoved underneath her toenails, making them look like black, crescent moons. “I need to know my place. I apologize and it won’t happen again, your highness.”

Jonathan made a sound in the back of his throat. “I told you I don’t like being called that.”

“Just as well, your highness. I should be going, I must wash up before dinner, as it is important. Thank you for the generosity of walking with me, as well as your words of wisdom. I will take them and remember them, your highness.”

Grabbing the sides of her dress, Lara curtsied. She did not look up at him. She kept her feet on his shoes before she turned around and began walking back to the building, feeling dumber than ever. Her heart was still beating and Lara’s fingers trembled as she wrapped them in the soft material of her dress. Lara hadn’t realized how afraid she was until she closed the door behind her, letting out a soft breath.

Jonathan hadn’t sounded angry, but the solidarity in his voice slammed into Lara like a brick wall. She crossed a line, letting her personality and views on vampires get the best of her. While it was true she was not disgusted with them on the same level as she once had been, she still loathed them in a different manner than before. Now it wasn’t so much viewing them as demonic creatures who drank the sinew from bones. It was an understanding that they were arrogant creatures who cared little for the human race save for a food source.

Lara didn’t know which kind of distaste was worse.

Shaken and nervous, Lara found her way to the community showers that humans shared. They were extremely clean and well lit, stone walls separating individual shower cubicles. They were open, no privacy curtains and no where to hide. Hooks lined the wall to hang articles of clothing. Presently there was no one else in the showers. Lara didn’t care either way, pulling off her dress and hanging it up. She shivered, naked body covered in goosebumps as she rushed to shower.

After her shower and with her damp hair twisted into a bun, Lara left the showers to return to the bedroom. She found Merit sitting on her bed, a book in her lap and curled into the corner. Carmen was no where to be found, so Lara sat down on the edge of Merit’s bed, the blonde girl looking up and smiling at her. She closed her book and set it to the side, though Lara held up her hand and said, “No you don’t have to stop reading. I just want to sit with someone I am comfortable with.”

“You’re comfortable with me?”

“More than anyone else here presently.”

Merit smiled genuinely.
♠ ♠ ♠

Oh Lara. Dangerous waters, my friend.
