The Disappearance of Emily Blake

Chapter Three

As Emily walked farther away from her home it started to drizzle. Luckily, Emily had her jacket so it did not bother her too much. Listening to Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" she continued to walk until she reached the bridge heading out of the town she once loved so much. Emily loved it here when her father was alive. She frowned at the thought of her father. Why couldn't he be here? She wondered. That's all she ever wanted was father to be there with her. If he was, she would not be out late at night running away. She brought herself back to reality. She knew she had to do this. Maybe then her mother could see that she does love her and that maybe there is a reason to live even after your husband passes away. But what if her mother doesn't come looking for her? Emily knew that it could happen. What would she do then? Emily thought about this until she reached the bridge. She examined the bridge. It looked creepy at night. Just hanging over the river down below. Emily always hated bridges. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and started walking forward. Emily tried to keep herself calm. She turned up her volume on her phone. "Okay, you can do this." she encouraged herself. Step after step she started to feel a bit more comfortable. Coming closer to the end, she walked a little faster. Emily smiled at herself. "See, you can do it" She giggled and started following the road. Now, raining a bit faster and harder, Emily knew she had to take shelter. She looked around to see if any cars were coming. As soon as she saw none she headed to the forest on her right. Maybe she could hide under a tree or find that abandon old house that has stood in these woods for the past eighty years. She knew it could not be far. The driveway running to it was just a mile down that road. She just had to head that way. Turning in the direction, she heard a twig snap. Emily stopped. Looking around her to see if she could spot anything and when she couldn't she continued to head the direction she was going. Walking over twigs and climbing over fallen tree limbs, she reaches a clearing in the forest. Emily spots the old farm house and smiles. She checks her phone. Ten O'clock and the rain does not look like it is going to let up. Zipping up her hoodie a bit higher, she heads in the direction of the house. Crossing the field, Emily starts to feel like someone is watching her. Emily's footsteps fastened. Reaching the door to the old farm house, she quickly hurried inside and shut the door. Breathing hard against the door frame, she tried to calm herself down. Maybe it was just her imagination, Emily thought. It would not hurt to stay her for the night though. She'd just have to keep an eye out. Hopefully, nothing would happen.