Goodbye Love

Chapter 1

I turned around to see him out the back window. His cheeks were stained with tears and eyeliner. I managed to fight back my own tears. I'd leave that til later. Until we got to our new house. In Chicago of all places.
I would probably never see my Frankie again. That was the whole point of us moving after all. I've got homophobes for parents.
I've been with Frank for over a year now, and then all of a sudden one day it's "We're moving to chicago, it's for your own good."
No matter how much I pleaded or argued, they wouldn't listen.
Telling Frank, was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I told him, we'd keep in touch, try the long distance thing.
It didn't go down to well with him, at all.

I watched as his body got smaller and smaller as we got further away from him.
When he was barley visable, I blew him a kiss, hoping that he would see.
To this day, I still don't know if he ever saw that last gesture of my everlasting love for him.
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