Status: Updated every other day!

I Want You in the Most Unromantic Way

Don't Tell Me That I'm Ordinary

(Kellin's POV)
We got into Vic's car, and after about five minutes of awkward silence, I realized I hadn't given Vic any instructions.
"So, uh, exactly where do you live?"
I sheepishly looked in his direction and told him how to get to my house.
At first, the drive was pretty silent, the only sounds being the breeze coming through the windows, the sound of the car rolling, and the faint sound of Always by Blink-182 in the background.
"So, um, did you have today? Sorry bout my family, they can be a bit overwhelming..." he asked, somewhat awkwardly.
"I actually had an incredible amount of fun. Your family's great, don't sweat it."I assured. And I meant it. Vic's family made me feel at home, and I wished for an environment like it with my own family.
We approached my house, parking on the curb. Vic got out and walked around, opening the car door for me. We walked to my front door, staring awkwardly at the ground. It seems like for the past few hours, there's been a lot of awkwardness between us.
"I, uh, had a lot of fun tonight Kellin. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning for school?"
"Uh, sure, thanks Vic." I said, while trying to suppress a goofy grin.
I wanted kiss him, I really did. But considering that I had met this beautiful sweetheart a matter of hours ago, I didn't think it was very prudent. Vic leaned in for an unexpected hug, catching me completely off guard. I hugged him back almost immediately, pressing our warm bodies together. My head laid on his shoulder, fitting perfectly. His toned, tan arms were securely wrapped around my waist, my arms wrapped around his shoulders.
"Thanks for not being a dick earlier and for being my first friend...I appreciate it a lot." I whispered.
"No problem." he whispered back.
(Vic's POV)
The hug with Kellin was... interesting. I felt something that resembled butterflies, but I wasn't completely sure. The only time I'd ever felt like that was the first time Dani and I kissed, back in freshman year. These feelings were confusing.
I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind, turning away to wave goodbye to Kellin as I got inside my car. The drive home was roughly fifteen minutes. I got home, opening the door, and closing it as soon as I got inside. I saw the clock, seeing that it was 9:45. Thankfully, I didn't get homework. I walked straight upstairs, and threw myself on the bed, completely clothed.
For the rest of the night, I dreamed of Kellin.
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Srry for the lack of updates!