Status: Updated every other day!

I Want You in the Most Unromantic Way

Don't Make Me Feel Low

(Vic's POV)
We got to my house in a few minutes, Kellin skateboarding behind us the entire time. I parked the car and watched as Tony, Dani, Mike, and Jaime got out. I met Kells at the front door.
"Hey Kells, there's no need to look so nervous." I chuckled.
He definitely looked nervous. He was paler than usual, and was fidgeting a lot.
"I-I'm not nervous at all."
"Mhm. Okay."
I took out my house keys and unlocked the door.
"Mama! Papa! Llegue a la casa y traje unos amigos!"
Kellin looked at me curiously- I forgot he was the only one who didn't speak Spanish.
"It means 'I'm home and I've brought friends'".
He nodded his head, seemingly understanding.
My mom walked in and went around giving everyone hugs. When she reached Kellin, she gave him a hug and asked who he was.
"I-I um, I'm Kellin. I'm uh Vic's new friend... from school...I think."
He blushed put his head down. It was kind of adorable.
"Yea Mama, Kellin's a friend from school. We're all just gonna chill in the basement alright?"
"Si mijo, dinners in an hour... are you staying Kellin?"
"Uh yea. Sure." He smiled nervously.
I couldn't help but chuckle.
(Kellin's POV)
I was extremely freaking nervous! I was at Vic's house... and I met his mom... and he smiled at me. Hoping my blush wasn't too prominent, I followed him and the group to the basement. When I arrived, I was shocked.
The basement was a huge space, with a huge television, record player, tons of vinyl, gaming systems, and even a pool table! There were posters on the wall, from various bands. A mini fridge was in the corner, and lamps were placed on tables in corners. It was paradise.
I guess I must have been standing there looking like I was somewhere else because next thing I know, Mike is dumping a bottle of water on my head.
"What the hell dude!" I yelled.
Everyone just about died of laughter. I glanced at Vic, attempting a scowl. He gave me a sympathetic look and kept laughing, showing off his perfect teeth. I couldn't stay mad- he was just too adorable.
"What can I say man- you're officially initiated! Welcome to our group of Mexicans!" laughed Mike
"I'm not Mexican!" exclaimed Dani.
"Yea, but if you and Vic continue getting all coupley your kids will be!"
Everyone laughed and Vic and Dani subconsciously got closer to one another as they simultaneously blushed.
I faked a laugh... inside, I broke into a million pieces. I'd never have Vic.
♠ ♠ ♠
(: yes, I know that Vivian is not Mexican. I am aware that she is Irish, but since this is FICTION, I made her hispanic. Thanks for reading!