The Tick Tock of the Clock

I'm good like that.

“Pete…” I groaned as Hayley pulled at my hair and Crystal, despite her weak wrists and hands, held me in her lap with a vice like grip.

“Shut up.” Crystal and Hayley barked as I wiggled around.

“Pete!” I yelled hoping he’d hear me up stairs in his loft as he tried to get ready himself.

“I can’t hear you.” Rang down the stairs from him. Frowning I glared at the ceiling.


“Maybe!” He called back, laughter ringing out after it. “And might I say Jack looks awesome in a suit!”

“I’ll agree to this if Jack stay’s with a babysitter.” I huffed. Hayley stopped, setting the brush down as she stared at me. “He’s already being corrupted by Gabe and Pete enough as is. I don’t need him having others doing it too.” I stated lightly.

“He’s not being corrupted.” Crystal scoffed. Hayley agreed crossing her arms over her chest tightly to prove and stand her ground.

The door burst open and Gabe stepped in the room, his arms thrown out as he showed off his purple suit, yellow tie and massive gold chain and bright red shoes. A large smile spread over his face.

“I know I’m hot, but look at this little dude.” He gasped pulling Jack in. Jack stood in a bright green suit, a black tie, yellow shoes and a massive gold chain around his neck that hung near his knees.

Turning I looked at Crystal and Hayley.

“Fine you win.” Hayley gasped as Pete scooped Jack up.

“He’s not wearing this. How the hell did you change him so quickly?” Pete asked as Gabe smiled.

“I’m good like that.” He shrugged.

“Okay, Okay. Jack get’s stay with grandma.” Hayley stated pulling Jack from Pete.

“No, cuz grandma’s going to be at the ball.” Pete countered.

“Your mother will be, but mine won’t.” I shot as Crystal let me go to battle this out. Pete crossed his arms over his bare chest as he stood in his pants and nothing more. I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him.

“As far as you know.” Gabe snorted. Pete slowly smiled as my mouth dropped open.

“You invited my mother?!” I yelled he nodded slowly. “Pete my mom can’t go to one of your parties.” I gasped, his brows narrowed confused. “She’s…” Grabbing his arm I left the room, dragging off. “She can’t be around alcohol.” I whispered up to him. “It’s bad enough she’s a pill popper.”

“So… wait let me get this right.” Pete mumbled, placing a hand over his mouth. “You don’t want your mom there, fine. I get that, but,” He licked his lips as he pointed at me. “You’re willing to leave Jack with her?” I frowned lightly.

“My second mother would take care of him.” Pete’s brows narrowed. “Long story short the family next door worked with my dad and when he died they basically took me and my sister in.” I hushed at him. “That’s the short side and that’s all you need to know.” Pete nodded slowly.

“He’s still going, but not in that ugly thing Gabe put him in.” Pete stated rushing back to the room Hayley and the others were in and snagging Jack.

“Peter!” I yelled as Hayley rushed out grabbing me. “Peter! Leave him alone!” I yelled as Hayley and Gabe carried me back to the room to violate me with a brush and a massive make-up kit