Heroes Exist (I'm Just Not One of Them)


All right, final draft of the letter is as follows.

Dear Cassidy Reede,
Thank you for your kind words.
I appreciate you taking the time to write me a letter. Reading it made my day, and very few things do so lately. However, you have nothing to apologize for, Cassidy. Humanity is as humanity is.
You, however, are a remarkable young lady and a wonderful human being. It is a comfort to hear that you have no plans of letting a silly thing like a terrorist attack stop you. I can only imagine what it would take to truly hinder you. Forgive me if I’m being too forward, but what are your hopes and dreams, if even a bomb couldn’t shake them?
You obviously do not have to answer that.
Thank you again, Ms. Cassidy. Your letter means a great deal to me, as I, in fact, remember you rather well. Glad to hear you’re doing better; you were in quite the state last I saw you. It’s real good to hear you’re alive and kicking. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
If you would rather not respond, don’t feel obligated to.
Sidney Delacroix

And to top it off, it doesn’t even seem that horrible.

Before I can chicken out, I send it off.

To distract myself from the issue, I slink into the living room, where Benni and Heather sit watching— Ha.

“Are you serious?” I deadpan. Benni startles and hastens to shut off Jersey Shore, but Heather barely spares me a glance as she ensures the remote stays out of vir hands.

Benni’s turned a rather vibrant shade of red. I sidle up next to vim and wrap my arms around vir shoulders. Ve leans into the contact, melting against my frame.

“Hey there,” ve whispers. Vir voice is husky and sultry and vir breath is warm on my neck.

“Don’t tempt me, foxy,” I warn with a smirk.

Ve presses a soft kiss to my lips, vir own smile twisting vir lips.

Heather gags. “Oh, get a room.”

Benni waggles vir eyebrows suggestively. “We’re open to a threesome.”

To that, she only stares, turns off the television, and walks out of the living-room, grumbling under her breath about ‘some people’ and their uncouth, immature humor.

I plant another kiss on vir laughing mouth.



Today was a good day.