Épousez-moi, Restez la Même Chose

Alicia turns into an overprotective mother

There were three trashbags full of things that Gerard had to lug out to his car without help because his brother was a scumbag who'd rather watch Gerard lift heavy things than help. Alicia was busy...raping, or whatever she was doing with wiL, so Gerard was left to the demeaning task alone. And, half the shit that was in the bags were clothes that Alicia bought for wiL. That Gerard really wanted to borrow. He noticed a few awesome jackets and scarves mixed up in the flurry of other things.

With one last grunt of displeasure, Gerard chucked the very last bag into the back of his car and slammed the trunk shut, hoping that he didn't break anything. "Michael, you suck and I hope Alicia leaves you," Gerard told his brother conversationally as he pushed past him to get into the building. Mikey fell into step behind him as they both ascended the steps.

"Well, if you don't take wiL away soon it could very well happen!" Gerard laughed because...well that would be really funny. He almost wanted it to happen just so Mikey gets a nice taste of revenge.

"Wouldn't it be poetic justice that the wife you ordered for me without my permission steals your wife away?" Gerard smiled at the indignant poke to the back he got and quickened his pace up the stairs. He actually was a little worried that Alicia would be doing naughty things to the poor kid, and he didn't want to live with wiL if he constantly wakes up with nightmares about girls in too much eyeliner trying to get his pants off.

He poked his head into Mikey's apartment and called out warily, "Alicia? You're not raping anything, are you?"

"No!...Well, not your boyfriend, at least!"

Gerard scowled at the answer, wiL was not his boyfriend. Just his...hell, he didn't even know what to call him. He didn't know if they were actually married--ugh, wouldn't that be awful? And it is just like Mikey to go get him married legally without him knowing. That meant that if he got divorced, that he would be divorced, and he wasn't ready to have that hanging over his head. And did this mean that he wasn't allowed to date ever again? What if his true love was out there somewhere and he couldn't go look because he was married already? Oh, and did he have to get rings too? Because then his fans would sent mail about whatever girl they think he's married to and how they aren't good enough for him.

Mikey poked his head into the doorway over Gerard's shoulder. It amazed him how his little brother was taller than him.

"Hey, you're only supposed to be raping me!" he whimpered.

Alicia came into the living room pulling wiL in her wake. He was in an over-size gray sweater with cats all over it that made him look really small. "Doesn't he look absolutely adorable, Mikey? Can we adopt him, please? Gerard, fuck you, you can't have him, I love him too much, and you'll probably let him starve to death, and I swear to god that if you don't bring him to visit more than once a week I'll chop your dick off." She was brandishing scissors, and Gerard completely believed her. And he didn't know why he allowed sharp objects in Mikey and Alicia's apartment. It was a recipie for disaster.

Gerard raised his finger in the air, the sign that he could get just as bitchy. "No, you can not adopt him, because he is close to your age, he's mine, and I will bring him around as much as I want, and why the hell do you have scissors? And don't tell me you cut a lock of his hair."

Alicia pouted and held up a baby book. "I needed it. And I need his fingerprints too. So...fuck off."

Gerard looked over at wiL who was looking despondant leaning up against the wall, picking at the ends of his sleeves that almost entirely hid his fingers. Dark hair fell across his eyes and he was biting his lip, and damn if he didn't look cute. A little prickling sensation bothered Gerard's heart region. WiL looked up, flicking hair out of his eyes, and blushed.

"Licia?" he asked quietly.

Alicia turned around, visibly melting. "Yeah, sweetie?" Her voice was so sugary Gerard felt a caffiene rush.

"Je dois mettre dessus mon maquillage," he told her, pointing to his eyes.

"Hm? Something wrong with your eyes?"

He shook his head and made his hand into like he was holding a pencil, then held it to his eyes. Alicia frowned, but Gerard huffed and stepped forward to grab wiL's hand. He led wiL to the bathroom and dug out Mikey's eyeliner because wiL's was already packed into the car.

"Here ya go," he said, handing it over to wiL. He noticed in the mirror that he didn't have any makeup on either, but he it wasn't a big deal. He was just driving home. WiL's face lit up and he leaned up to peck Gerard's cheek.

"Merci tellement, Gerard! Vous êtes merveilleux."

Gerard didn't fully understand what he said--he heard thank you--but he knew it was good because wiL was looking up at him with a smile wider than he'd ever seen on his pretty face. "You're welcome, I guess," he muttered, a little flustered at the kiss, but he knew it was the European thing to do. He'd probably kiss someone who just gave him eyeliner as well.

He stood back against the wall as wiL leaned into the mirror and put the eyeliner on, smiled at the way he cursed in French when he jerked and messed up. He turned around and put his hand on his hip, shooting Gerard a pout. Gerard pouted back and got a smile.

"Je suis pardon," Gerard said, suddenly proud that he was a nerd who looked up ways to apologize in other languages. WiL didn't reply, just turned back around to the mirror and finished. When he was done, he turned to Gerard, eyeliner stick still perched between his fingers.

"Peux je faire votre maquillage?" wiL asked, pointing to Gerard's eyes. Gerard faked a sigh, and nodded.

"Yeah, go ahead."

He leaned back as wiL went to work on his own eyes. He kept waiting to be poked in the eye but it never happened. WiL was really careful not to poke him or crush him between the wall or anything like that. When wiL pulled back so he could see into the mirror, he smiled at his reflection. It wasn't half bad.

"Thanks, wiL."

"You're welcome, Gerard," wiL replied in his broken English.
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I really, really enjoy writing this, because I can be dumb with it.
Thanks for reading, as always.
Tell me if I have fucked up the French again, cause we all know I'm not good with it.